
guāng biàn qū xiàn
  • light curve
光变曲线[guāng biàn qū xiàn]
  1. FRED脉冲型GRB光变曲线FWHM与光子流量关系的研究

    An investigation on the relationship between FWHM and fluence of FRED pulse light curve of GRB

  2. 研究了海尔-波普彗星1996年9月的光变曲线,发现其在9月10日至11日发生了一次爆发,爆发时核V星等增亮2.1mag。

    In the light curve of comet Hale-Bopp in 1996 September , we found that a burst took place on Sept. 10 ~ 11 , when the nuclear magnitude increased by 2.1 mag.

  3. 激变食变星PG0027+260的CCD光变曲线

    A CCD Light Curve of the Eclipsing Cataclysmic Variable PG0027 + 260

  4. 我们得到了活动星系核在B、V波段合理的光变曲线以及光谱斜率和光度之间的正相关性。

    We get reasonable light curves in B and V bands and find a positive correlation between variability and spectral slope .

  5. Gamma射线暴的光变曲线和谱硬度比

    The Light Curves and the Spectral Harness Ratios of Gamma - Ray Bursts

  6. PG激变星候选天体的光变曲线

    The Light Curves for PG CV Candidates

  7. 该系统X射线和TeV伽玛射线能段的光变曲线的轮廓是类似的,均在近星点两侧呈双峰分布。

    The X-ray and TeV light curves of this system are similar and display two-peak profiles .

  8. γ射线暴是天空中突然的硬X射线/γ射线爆发现象,有着非常复杂的光变曲线。

    The gamma-ray bursts ( GRB ) are the sudden flashes of the hard X / γ - rays in the sky with very complicated light curves .

  9. 食双星船底ST(STCar)和印第安RY(RYInd)的光变曲线Roche模型分析

    Roche Model Analysis for the Light Curves of the Eclipsing Binaries ST Car and RY Ind

  10. 食变星狮子座XY的双色光电光变曲线和周期变化

    Photoelectric light curves of double colours and period changes of eclipsing binary XY Leo

  11. 根据这颗超新星的光变曲线、在星系中的位置及爆发期间辐射的总能量等主要特征,我们认为SN1979c是某些性质比较特殊的II型超新星。

    , we consider SN 1979c should be classified to type II supernova with some special characteristics .

  12. 主要工作是:具体研究火球所抛出壳层的相对论流体动力学演化,应用同步加速辐射机制,通过由共动坐标系到实验室坐标系的相对论变换,得到Gamma暴余辉的光变曲线。

    The hydrodynamic evolution of the fireball shell is comprehensively studied . Using the synchrotron mechanism and relativistic transformation from co-moving frame to lab frame , the light curves of the gamma-ray burst afterglow are obtained .

  13. 张钰哲研究小行星的光变曲线和旋转、CZ仙后座变星以及哈雷彗星轨道的变化。

    He studied the light curves of asteroids and thus their rotation , and also studied the variable star CZ Cassiopeiae , and the evolution of the orbit of Comet Halley .

  14. 这类系统一般有着从射电到TeV伽玛射线的多波段辐射,且各波段的光变曲线是随轨道周期性变化的。

    The gamma-ray pulsar binaries usually emit multi-band radiation , i.e. from radio to TeV gamma-rays , and the light curves are modulated on the orbital periods .

  15. 本文主要致力于黑X射线双星光变曲线以及周期性特征的研究。黑洞是经过恒星引力塌缩而形成的一种质量较大的致密天体,几乎所有的黑洞系统是X射线新星。

    This paper is contributed to the study of the light curve and periodicity of the black hole X-ray binary Cyg X-1.Black hole is the high-mass compact object , which is result of the gravity collapse of the star and most of the black hole system is X-ray nova .

  16. 此外,我们还发现之前在Crab星云中发现的脉冲星风中能流的各向异性效应对产生X射线和TeV伽玛射线能段光变曲线的双峰结构有着至关重要的作用。

    We also find that the anisotropy in the pulsar wind , which has been suggested in the research of Crab Nebula , plays a significant role in producing the two-peak profiles in both X-ray and TeV light curves .

  17. 观测发现该系统在2002-2004这两年内,光变曲线存在明显的变化。

    We found that the light curve of the system has changed obviously .

  18. 快速获取太阳耀斑光变曲线的高精度方法;

    A method in drawing light curves of solar flares with high accuracy ;

  19. 海尔-波普彗星球状喷出物的光变曲线

    The Light Curve of Comet Hale-Bopp in Eruption

  20. 光电测光是小行星形状和自转参数观测研究的主要手段之一,由小行星的光变曲线反演推断出的小行星的形状和自转参数正是以上三方面研究工作所必需的数据。

    The photometric observation is an important way to study the physical parameters of the asteroids .

  21. 从光变曲线得出的食甚时刻为J。

    The moment of mid-eclipse as obtained from our light curves turns out to be hel . J.

  22. 光变曲线的这种变化和该源所表现出的轨道周期变化都有可能是磁活动的结果。

    The variations of the light curves and orbital period may both arise from magnetic activities . 5 .

  23. 我们证明,这一模型可以产生变化较大的光变曲线,它具备快慢两种成分。

    We show that this model can produce highly variable light curves with both fast and slow components .

  24. 脉动相的光变曲线可以用一个温度正逐渐下降的辐射区域的热轫致辐射拟合。

    The time profile in pulsating phase can be fitted by bremsstrahlung radiation of the radiative region which are cooling with time .

  25. 对于火球壳层的不同的动力学演化规律,各向同性或各向异性的壳层抛出形式,以及不同的外部介质环境,所得到的光变曲线都各不相同。

    These light curves are different for various dynamic evolution of the shell , isotropic or anisotropic cases and various environment of the media .

  26. 同时,为了进一步了解黑洞的物理过程,通过研究黑洞态以及其光变曲线的周期性变化一直以来是一种十分重要的方法。

    Moreover , it is a very important method with study black hole states and the periodicity of the light curve to study their physical process .

  27. 将此方法用于OJ287的历史光变曲线,得到其最主要的周期为11.9年,与其它结果相符合。

    We use this method to the historical light curve of OJ 287 and find that its main period is 11.9 years , which is in good agreement with the results obtained by other authors .

  28. 因此不管是在火球+激波模型还是在喷流模型中,都应该全面地研究同步自吸收效应和内部能源机制,以使理论计算更好的拟合观测到的光变曲线。

    In the end it suggest that synchrotron selfabsorption and inner engine mechanism should be comprehensively studied either in fireball + shock model or in jet model in order to make theoretical calculation fit the observed light curve completely well .

  29. 目前还不清楚喷流弯曲的原因,因此我们假定了两个观测时间与喷流视角的关系,并计算了早期余辉的光变曲线,发现有些与观测的结果相似。

    Without knowing the mechanism of the bent of jet , we assume two relations between the view line angle and the observed time , and the light curve is calculated . We find some of the resulted light curves are similar to the observed ones .

  30. 本文综述了伽玛暴及其余辉的观测和主要理论模型,并详细介绍了本人在攻读硕士学位期间所做的关于伽玛暴高低能光子的时滞效应和脉冲光变曲线的两个研究工作。

    In this thesis , the observational properties and main theoretical models on GRBs and their afterglow are reviewed , and present in detail the results of our tow research work on spectral lag between high and low photons and light curve of pulse in GRBs .