
  • 网络optical center;Optic center;optical centre
  1. 共线性是指物点、光心和像点三点共线。只要遵守针孔模型,就可以保证这点。

    Collinearity is ensured by pinhole model and it means that object point , optical center and image point are collinear and confines the counterparts on certain lines .

  2. 摄像机标定,即通过实验和计算,求得摄像机的外部参数(空间位置、方向,即旋转矩阵和平移矩阵)和内部参数(焦距、光心、象素比、畸变系数等)。

    Camera calibration is to calculate the extrinsic ( position , direction , revolving matrix , transfer matrix ) and intrinsic ( ficus , optical center , pixel ratio , collection parameter ) parameters of a camera .

  3. 对系统进行标定计算,指出标定参数等效焦距f,两摄像机光心的距离d,这些参数为系统内部参数,可以通过相对不同的世界坐标进行标定,即相对标定。

    These parameters is the internal parameters in the system , and can be calibrated through different world coordinates .

  4. 以无人机对地定位为应用背景,在GPS辅助确定机载摄像机光心位置条件下,用改进的准线性平差法从序列图象求解地面目标点的三维位置。

    In order to applied to 3 - D positioning for ground by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle , a novel positioning method from GPS - supported air image sequence using improved quasi - linear bundle adjustment is presented .

  5. 对三维激光数据相对应的BA图进行分割,并根据激光点云数据到激光扫描仪光心的距离来确定分割图像的缩放比例。

    Cut the BA image by the 3D laser data information , and determine the scaling of cut image by the distance between 3D laser data and laser scanner light .

  6. 首先计算出两坐标夹角θ和光心参数Xc和Yc;

    At first calculate out the angle θ between two plane coordinates and calculate out two parameter Xc and Yc ;

  7. 本文给出了测定SBG照相机的焦距畸变系数和光心位置的一种方法。

    In this article a method is proposed for determining the focal length , distortion coefficient and optical central position of the SBG camera .

  8. 为了获取光心位置,本使用了文献[43]提出的传统标定算法,将其获得的光心位置代入TSAI标定算法重新标定。

    In order to get the optic center position , use another traditional calibration algorithm in the reference document [ 43 ] , and use its optic center result in TSAI calibration algorithm .

  9. 旋转双曲面及其厚透镜的光心

    The optical center of the rotational hyperboloid and its thick lens

  10. 摄像机标定中光心图像坐标确定方法

    Camera calibration method for optical center Optical Bistable Digital Camera Optical dating

  11. 旋转二次曲面厚透镜光心的位置确定

    The Location Fixing of the Optical Center of the Rotational Conicoid Thick Lens

  12. 旋转二次曲面及其厚透镜的光心探讨

    Approach to the Optical Center of the Rotational Conicoid and It 's Thick Lens

  13. 对《大学物理》中有关光心的求法进行了简化。

    According to the concept of optical center , the determination method about optical center in college physics are simplified .

  14. 逐一求解其他平面数据。利用光心与像点构成的直线与基平面求交,得到空间点坐标,然后再确定其他平面,逐一求解各点坐标。

    Spatial point can be obtained by the line and the base plane junction , then obtain each plane one by one .

  15. 在计算光心参数和后继的图像匹配过程中,为了保证图像的质量,使用有较好去噪质量的小波技术。

    In order to ensure the quality of the images during both light core calculation and subsequent image matching , wavelet technology is used .

  16. 水果与摄像机透镜光心之间的距离不可能无穷远,成像后,水果图像的边缘点到形心的距离并不能真正代表水果的半径,形成半径误差;

    The distance between camera and fruit was limited and not long enough to obtain the actual radius from the image , which caused radius errors .

  17. 唐纳德普利塞斯在1995年拍摄“月光光心慌慌:黑色惊魂夜”时,死于心脏瓣膜替换术的并发症。

    Donald Pleasence was filming " Halloween : The Curse of Michael Myers " when he died in1995 from complications following a heart valve replacement surgery .

  18. 实验与仿真结果证明,由所提出的两种方法求得的光心图像坐标在进行标定与三维测量时可达到较高的精度并且优于直接用图像中心坐标进行标定与三维测量的精度。

    Experiment and simulation results show that accuracy of two improved methods in calibration and 3D measurement is higher than that obtained from using image center directly .

  19. 戴眼镜看物体与眼睛直接看物体时相比,物体究竟变小、等大还是变大,取决于眼镜与眼睛光心之距与眼睛的焦距。

    Comparing to see the objects with glasses , with seeing them directly will become bigger , equal or small all depends on focal distance between glasses and eyes .

  20. 求出两条母线与其光心所成平面的两个角平分平面,这两个平面相交就可以得到回转体目标的轴线的方向矢量。

    The rotary object axis ' direction vector is calculated by two spatial intersecting planes , which are the bisector planes of planes formed by two generatrices with the corresponding camera optical center .

  21. 利用标靶图像对摄像机的内外参数进行了标定,在此基础上对摄像机的光心坐标进行三维圆拟合,从而标定样机的结构参数和电机脉冲当量。

    By using the mark target image , the interior and exterior parameters of the camera are calibrated and the three-dimensional circle of the optic center coordinate of the camera is fitted . So the structure parameters and motor impulse equivalent of the machine are calibrated .