
guāng jié
  • bright and clean
光洁 [guāng jié]
  • [bright and clean] 光滑而洁净

  • 这磁器光洁度不错

光洁[guāng jié]
  1. 施工成形;光面、整体光洁;

    Construction forming : glazing whole bright and clean .

  2. 任何顽固油污,只需一喷一抹,立即回复光洁如新。

    Any stubborn oil pollution , just a spray Yima , immediately return bright and clean as new .

  3. 房子刚刷过白漆,显得光洁明亮。

    The house was gleaming with fresh white paint .

  4. 叶子呈灰色,平整光洁。

    The leaves are grey and silky smooth .

  5. 光洁无瑕的地板十分明亮。

    The polished floor glowed richly .

  6. 它的毛又短又密,柔软光洁。

    Its fur is short , dense and silky

  7. 她身材偏高,棕色头发,皮肤光洁。

    She is tallish , brown-haired , and clear-skinned

  8. 他的皮肤光洁平滑。

    His skin is clear and smooth

  9. 选任优质锯齿型开槽刀片,保证开槽光洁度

    Top-quality steel blades are used to guarantee smoothness grooving .

  10. 她的皮肤光洁雪白。

    Her skin was like alabaster .

  11. SEM照片显示刻蚀表面光洁,侧壁陡直。

    The SEM image shows smooth etched surface and vertical sidewall .

  12. 结果表明ZnO外延层具有高度C轴取向,表面光洁,平整,外延层与衬底之间有明显的过渡区。

    The results indicated that ZnO epilayers were highly C-axis oriented and that the surface of the ZnO was very clean and smooth .

  13. 复合抛光对CVD金刚石薄膜表面光洁度的改进研究

    Improvement Smoothness of CVD Diamond by Composite Polishing

  14. 本文主要从精矿试样的水份、光洁度和品位对X荧光分析仪测试准确度的影响进行试验探讨,从而达到利用X荧光分析仪指导原料检验的目的。

    The article mainly discussed that the cleanness , degree and water content of Zinc concentrate samples effect on the accuracy of X - spectrometric analyzer .

  15. 采用高频脉冲电源,在不锈钢板上制得镍基纳米SiC复合镀层,镀层表面光洁平整、SiC含量较高。

    The Ni / nano-SiC composite coating with smooth surface was obtained by the fast pulse plating on the stainless steel board .

  16. SEM和AFM分析结果表明,随W、Mo添加量的提高,薄膜表面光洁度增大,平整度提高。

    SEM and AFM analysis showed that the films surface roughness and flatness improve with the increasing of W or Mo content in the films .

  17. 而化学机械平面抛光(CMP)技术是借助机械磨削和化学腐蚀的共同作用而使工件表面形成光洁平坦平面。

    But CMP technology can obtain the glabrous and smooth plane in virtue of mechanical grinding and chemical eroding .

  18. 通过生产实践说明了本文研制的EPS乳液粘结剂具有溃散性好、铸件内腔光洁等优点,具有良好的应用用前景。

    The test of pouring showed that this binder had good collapsibility and a smooth casting surface , and was worthy of application .

  19. 当海鸥在寻找晚餐时,夕阳在凝灰岩地层上面投射了温暖的光辉。AlabasterandAzure光洁雪白和天蓝色

    A sunset casts a warm glow over the tufa formations as seagulls forage for dinner .

  20. 结果表明,在复合催化剂作用下,SiC晶须的含量达到30%以上,晶须表面光洁,为完整β-SiC单晶晶须。

    The results indicate that the content of the SiC whisker is over 30 % with the role of the composite catalyst . The surface of the SiC whisker is smooth .

  21. 理论分析表明,钢材中Pb含量越高,在切削过程中其进给切削力越低,已加工表面光洁度越高。

    The theoretical analysis shows that the higher the lead cont - ent in steel , the lower the feed cutting force and the higher the smooth finish of the machined surface .

  22. 产品详细信息光洁柔嫩妆容,保护肌肤免受UV射线的伤害,独特的细微色彩粒子,轻盈透明,每天使用,让妆容持久、服贴。

    Soft , smooth look that helps protect against UV radiation damage , the unique subtle color particles , lightweight transparent , and daily use , to turn up lasting , your body .

  23. 结果表明,经生物抛光酶R整理的织物,服用性能好,表面光洁,不易起毛起球,其吸湿性、悬垂性、手感都有明显改善。

    As a result , through enzyme R finishing , the fabric featured good wearability , bright and clear surface and uneasy to fuzzing and pilling . In addition , the wettability , drapability and hand of treated fabric were improved obviously .

  24. 第二枚来自塔希提岛,是一个美丽光洁的贝壳,那是在Samantha出生前几年在千里之外挑选的。

    The second was from Tahiti , another beautiful , smooth shell , chosen thousands of miles away years before Samantha was even born .

  25. 零件超精加工后,其表面粗糙度将明显降低,由Rα为0.48μm降低为Rα0.10~0.02μm(即由表面光洁度为▽8提高至▽10~▽13)。

    The surface roughness of the parts is reduced obviously , and its R_a is reduced form 0 . 48 μ m to 0.10 ~ 0.02 μ m , ( its surface finish is raised from ▽ 8 to ▽ 10 ~▽ 13 ) .

  26. 为了给自己衣橱里添置一些平滑光洁的针织衫,德妮丝&12539;安克尔(DeniseAnker)在去年秋天花了好几百美元买了两件Vince品牌的毛衣。

    Hoping to add some polished knitwear to her wardrobe , Denise Anker spent several hundred dollars last fall on two Vince brand sweaters .

  27. 下面列举的表面光洁度等级,根据“sis055900”的规定而定义。

    The following grades of surface finish are defined in accordance with sis055900 .

  28. 在自制的单晶连铸设备上,通过各工艺参数合理匹配,成功地制备出了表面光洁、直径8mm、长8~10m的铜单晶铸棒。

    Single crystal copper rod , 8 mm in diameter and 8 ~ 10 m in length with mirror smooth surface has been obtained by using a seff made equipment under rational match of technological parameters .

  29. 针对铝合金表面的电镀特点,采用化学侵锌、预镀镍等预处理方法,在铝合金表面得到了表面光洁平整,内部质量优良,与铝合金基体结合紧密的Ni-SiC复合镀层。

    Ni-SiC composites coating on the Al alloy with smooth surface , good interior quality and tight combination with substrate is obtained by the pretreatment such as chemical zinc coating and nickel pre-electroplating .

  30. 利用在真空加热炉内充入低压氩气的方法,对D2钢进行加热和淬火处理,则D2钢模具表面光洁度高,表面成分无变化,同时模具的变形量小,耐磨性有较大的提高。

    The dies made from steel D2 offers high surface smoothness , no change in surface constituent , small deformation and improved wearability if the steel is heated and quenched in a vacuum furnace in which the low-pressure argon is filled .