
  • 网络Fiber Optics
  1. 关于传像光纤元件过渡层的研究

    Some remarks on the interim layer in coherent fiber elements

  2. 用光纤元件制作全息图的研究

    Making Holograms with Optical Fiber Elements

  3. 刚性光纤元件芯皮玻璃的酸溶性

    Solubility in acid of the core glass and the clad glass for making a rigid optical fiber element

  4. 本文简要介绍一种新型光纤波导元件&光纤光栅的结构与原理,并报道我们初步研制出的光纤光栅Bragg反射器的设计、制作过程及其特性测量。

    The structures and principles of a new type of optical fiber waveguide component , fiber-grating , are briefly described . The design , fabrication and ex - perimental characterization of fiber-grating Bragg reflectors , developed in our laboratory , are reported .

  5. 环境耐用的光纤陀螺元件的研制与生产

    Environmentally Robust Fiber Optic Gyro Component Development and Production

  6. 本文介绍用电子计算机及光电-光纤测温元件进行热场多点微时差密集测温的方法。

    In this paper , a method including photocell-optical fiber and a digital computer system for multi-point measuring thermal field is suggested .

  7. 光纤传感元件较传统的传感器而言具有体积小、重量轻、抗电磁干扰、可重复使用等优点,已经成为目前应用前景最好的核心传感元件之一。

    Compared with the traditional sensors , the optical fiber sensors are credited with promising sensing alternatives for several advantages such as immunity to electromagnetic interference , light weight , small size , multiplexing capabilities , ease of installation and durability .

  8. 该系统采用了8031单片机作为系统控制和数据处理部件,控制发光二极管(LED)作为光源脉冲发光、超声波清洗器定时对光纤U型敏感元件进行清洗。

    The system uses 8031 single chip microcomputer as controlling and data disposal part which controls LED shining in an equal interval and makes ultrasonic generator clean the U-shaped detector timing .

  9. 并通过实验验证了光纤传像元件对光学系统场曲的校正作用。四、分析了线阵CCD的驱动时序要求。

    It is verified by an experiment that fiber image transmission components can correct field curvature of optic lens systems . ( 4 ) To analysis drive timing requirements of linear array CCD .

  10. 准分子激光光刻是21世纪提高超大规模集成电路(VLSI)集成度的一项关键技术,而近年来基于准分子紫外光源制作光纤布拉格光栅元件(FBG)的技术日益成为国内外的研究热点。

    Excimer laser lithography is the key technology to improve VLSI integrity scale in 21 century , and fabrication of Fiber Bragg Grating ( FBG ) based on excimer laser irradiation become the research hotspot in home and abroad .

  11. 新型光纤环敏感元件的研究及应用实例

    Study and Application of Optic-fiber Sensing Ring

  12. 一种新型光纤湿度敏感元件

    A novel fiber optic humidity sensing element

  13. 对于这一问题,若采用由光纤和光电子元件实现的真实时间延迟网络就可以解决。

    This difficulty , however , can be overcome if True-Time-Delay ( TTD ) network which is made up of fiber and photonic devices is used .

  14. 将光纤作为传感元件用于材料或结构中,便形成了目前智能结构领域的热点研究分支&光纤智能结构。

    When optical fibers are used in materials or structures as sensors , optical fiber intelligent structures , a hot research branch of intelligent structures research fields at present , are formed .

  15. 为保障电力系统可靠运行,业内人士已经研制了各种各样的温度传感器及温度监测系统,其中以光纤作为敏感元件的温度传感器已经成为电力温度监测系统的主流模式。

    To ensure safety of electrical power systems , various of temperature sensors and temperature monitor systems have been developed among which temperature sensor using optic-fiber as sensory unit is the mainstream model .

  16. 采用光纤光栅作为传感元件,不仅可使BP神经网络成功地实现对四边简支板的损伤识别,而且提高了结构损伤识别的精度。

    By using fiber Bragg grating as sensing element , damage recognition of four-side simple supporting plank can be successfully realized with BP neural network , and the precision of structural damage recognition can also be increased .

  17. 主要产品有:光纤电缆、电子元件等。

    The mian productions are : fibre optic cable 、 electronic device , etc.

  18. 本文选用光纤光栅作为敏感元件,对基于光纤光栅的汽车动态称重系统进行了研究。

    So we select fiber grating as the sense organ for the researching of the vehicle weigh-in-motion system .

  19. 通过利用光纤光栅作为敏感元件,解决了传统电流量计的本征安全问题。

    By adopting FBG as sensing head , it solves the intrinsical unsafe problem of traditional electrical flowmeter .

  20. 介绍了一种以悬臂梁为基底,单光纤光栅为传感元件,测量温度和压力的方法。

    A temperature and pressure measurement method is introduced , which is based on a cantilever with single fiber Bragg grating as the sensing element .

  21. 在传感信号的解调方面,采用了以长周期光纤光栅为解调元件的解调系统,并通过实验证明了其可行性。

    On the aspect of signal demodulation of the sensor , long-period fiber grating demodulation system was proposed , and its feasibility was proved through experiments .

  22. 本系统在利用原有的浓度检测技术前提下,应用光纤作为传输传感元件并结合荧光技术,可以实现海藻浓度高精度的在线测量。

    Basing on old consistency measuring skill , the system applies optical-fiber as transmitting device with fluorescent technique to realize high efficiency on-line measuring of alga concentration .

  23. 利用光纤光栅作为选频元件的外腔半导体激光器具有波长稳定性和可控性好等优点。

    The external cavity semiconductor laser with fiber Bragg grating ( FBG ) as its mode selector is an important source with stable and controllable lasing wavelength .

  24. 该技术利用两个(或多个)与传感光栅匹配的布喇格光纤光栅作为解调元件。

    The interrogation technique was based on the use of two ( or more ) wavelength-matched fiber Bragg gratings ( FBGs ) to receive the reflected signal from the sensing FBG .

  25. 本文从多组分玻璃光纤的传像元件的芯与包层之间过渡层形成过程-离子交换出发,推导了它的折射率剖面,近似于平方律;

    The index profile of the interim layer between the core and the cladding in coherent fiber elements made up of multi-component glass is derived , taking the viewpoint of ion exchange .

  26. 光束偏转元件将沿圆周分布的光束偏转到平行于机械旋转轴的方向,望远镜系统缩小光束口径,并且保持光束的平行,光纤准直器为接收元件。

    The optical deflecting element is applied to deflect beams perpendicular to the rotary axis of the joint . The telescope system is used to decrease the beam diameter , and maintain the beams as parallel rays .

  27. 选择表面反射式光纤传感器作为传感元件来进行液面高度的测量,研究了关键器件的选择、光电转换电路的设计等硬件系统的架构以及测量过程中可能产生的误差进行了分析。

    Make the reflective optical fiber sensor as the sensing element to measure the liquid level , investigate the hardware architecture of the system such as key device choice and photoelectric conversion circuit design etc. as well as the potential error analysis in the process of measuring . 3 .

  28. 利用光纤熔接机制作光纤敏感元件,将其插入待测液体,通过测量出射光强,实现对液体浓度的直接测量。

    The sensitive unit is made by welding naked optical fiber . Inserting it into testing liquid , loss of light intensity is measured and the liquid concentration is known directly .

  29. 倒锥透镜型光纤端是一种新型光纤元件。

    Upside down taper lens optical fiber end is a novel fiber-optic device .

  30. 光纤插针是光纤连接器的关键元件,其研磨质量对光纤网络中光通信质量起着非常重要的作用。

    Fiber ferrule is the key component of fiber connector , its grinding quality plays an important role in fiber communication quality of optic network .