
  • 网络photoelectric astrolabe
  1. 所得结果表明,用光电等高仪(I型)改进星表要优于Danjon等高仪。

    The results obtained show that the Photoelectric Astrolabe Type I is better for improving the catalog than the Danjon Astrolabe .

  2. 根据IAU重新归算地球自转参数的要求,对上海天文台光电等高仪自1974年以来的观测资料作了重新整理,并录成机器可读的形式。

    In response to the demanding of The IAU Working Group " Earth Rotation in the HIPPARCOS Reference Frame " , the observational data of Shanghai Photoelectric Astrolabe since 1974 have been reorganized , and also transferred in machine readable form .

  3. 上海天文台光电等高仪的新Z项


  4. 由光电等高仪(1型)1973.10&1976.10观测得到的FK4星表改正

    Fk_4 catalogs revision obtained from observational results with the PHOTOELECTRIC ASTROLABE type I during the period 1973 October to 1976 October

  5. 1980年11月&1981年12月,上海天文台光电等高仪(Ⅱ型)和丹容等高仪(OPL,No.14)对15颗射电星进行了观测,求得,△α和△δ的星位改正值。

    The optical positions of 15 radio stars were observed with photoelectric Astrolabe ( Type ⅱ) and Danjon Astrolabe ( OPL NO. 14 ) at Shanghai Observatory during Nov. 1980-1981 . The corrections of star places △α and △δ are shown in this paper .

  6. 我国于1972年制成Ⅰ型光电等高仪,1974年又制成Ⅱ型光电等高仪。

    The photoelectric astrolabe type I was made in China in 1971 ;

  7. Ⅰ型光电等高仪观测结果的初步分析

    Preliminary analysis of observational data obtained with a PHOTOELECTRIC ASTROLABE type ⅰ

  8. 提高光电等高仪观测精度的探讨

    An Approach to Improving Observational Precision of the Photoelectric Astrolabe

  9. Ⅱ型光电等高仪光学系统的特点

    The features of the optical system of the PHOTOELECTRIC ASTROLABE type ⅱ

  10. 上海天文台Ⅱ型光电等高仪星表(1980.0-1984.0)

    The PHOTOELECTRIC ASTROLABE catalogue of Shanghai Observatory ( 1980.0-1984.0 )

  11. 上海天文台光电等高仪观测资料的重新整理

    Reorganization of the observational data of Shanghai PHOTOELECTRIC ASTROLABE

  12. 光电等高仪精密定位的分析总结

    Precisely Pointing in the Automation of the Photoelectric Astrolabe

  13. 由光电等高仪1型在伊尔库茨克观测得到的22颗射电星的光学位置

    Optical Positions of 22 Radio Stars Measured by Photoelectric Astrolabe Mark-1 in Irkutsk

  14. Ⅱ型光电等高仪的改造及初步结果

    Improvement of Type ⅱ Photo-astrolabe and Its Preliminary Results

  15. Ⅱ型光电等高仪光谱型差的分析

    An Analysis of the Systematic Errors of Spectral Type of the Photoelectric Astrolabe of Type ⅱ

  16. Ⅱ型光电等高仪


  17. 上海天文台光电等高仪时纬观测纲要

    The list of stars in the time & latitude observation program of PHOTOELECTRIC ASTROLABE AT SHANGHAI OBSERVATORY

  18. 在光子计数资料的处理方法设计不完善时,有可能会大大影响光电等高仪的观测结果。

    The observing result of a photo electric astrolabe is largely affected by the processing method of photo counting data .

  19. 本文计算了北京天文台、上海天文台和云南天文台Ⅱ型光电等高仪的光谱型差。

    In this Paper , the systematic errors of spectral type of three photoelectric astrolabes of type ⅱ at Beijing Observatory , Shanghai Observatory and Yunnan Observatory are calculated respectively .

  20. 本文给出了用云南天文台Ⅱ型光电等高仪从1986年10月至1990年12月观测得到的26颗亮射电星的位置改正。

    The corrections for the positions of 26 bright radio stars , made according to , the observations obtained with the Type I photoelectric astrolabe at the Yunnan Observatory from October 1986 to December 1990 , are presented in this paper .

  21. 除了B型星以外,其他型的星差值很小,可以认为Ⅱ型光电等高仪基本上不存在光谱型差。

    Except for the stars of type B , the differences , as for other stars , are quite small ; and therefore it may be considered on a whole that there is no systematic error of spectral type of the photoelectric astrolabes of type ⅱ .