
guāng gōng lǜ
  • Optical power;luminous power
光功率[guāng gōng lǜ]
  1. 最后,结合系统量程、遮挡、景深、光功率、体积等准则设计了系统参数。

    Finally , system parameters were designed by taking into account system range , shelter , depth of field , luminous power and system capacity .

  2. 增大系统信号光的光功率,提高光发射功率;

    Enlarge luminous power of the system 's signal light , enhance transmission power ;

  3. 基于LabView的光功率计控制系统

    The Control System for Optical Power Meter Based on Lab VIEW

  4. 基于PC的双路补偿式光功率波长计

    A Light Power and Wavelength Meter Compensated by Double-Way Based on PC

  5. 光功率的波形是由反馈水平因子C和线宽展宽因数α共同决定的。

    The waveform of the optical power is determined by the feedback factor C and the linewidth enhancement factor α .

  6. 蓝光和绿光LED的光功率与工作环境和驱动条件有密切的关系。

    The output power of blue and green LEDs were closely related to the working environment and driving conditions .

  7. 结果表明,SOA在入射光功率不同时会表现出明显的非线性;

    The analysis result indicates that the SOA takes on obvious nonlinear characteristics under different incident power .

  8. C(60)LB薄膜覆盖离子交换玻璃波导的光功率限制

    Optical power limitation of c_ ( 60 ) LB film coated ion-exchange glass waveguide

  9. 有线电视HFC网络低光功率接收机的应用

    The Application of Low Optical Power Receiver to HFC Network

  10. 低光功率接收机在陵县农村CATV网络改造中的应用

    The Application of Low Optical Power Receiver in Rural CATV Network Transformation in Ling County

  11. 但是传统LED的输出光功率仍然很低,提高LED的量子效率成为最为关键的问题。

    However , the output optical power of tradition LEDs is still very low . So it is a crucial problem to improve the quantum efficiency .

  12. 实验探究锥形POF的光功率的传输特性

    Experimental Investigation of the Optic Power Transmission Characteristics in Tapered POFs

  13. 串扰引起的光功率恶化主要取决于复用波数M,而与输入光纤数N关系不大。

    On the other hand , the power penalty will depends less on the number of input fiber N compared with the multiplexing wavelength number M for the ideal performance of switch .

  14. 将低价格的LED作为光功率源用于光功率推动的传感器,可以极大地降低产品成本,使光纤光功率推动传感器得到更广泛的应用。

    Using low cost LED as the optical power source of fiber-optic powered sensor can significantly reduce the cost of product so as to allow it to have a much wider application .

  15. 发现脉冲SC谱的有效产生不能单纯依赖于光功率放大器的输出功率的提高和光纤长度的增长来实现。

    We find that it is inefficient to generate SC spectrum just by increasing the fiber length or the amplifier output power .

  16. 光纤陀螺用SLD光源的光功率稳定性研究

    Study on stability of output power of SLD used for FOG

  17. 本文对光敏损伤与热损伤以及在呼吸道中PDT所使用的照射光功率密度的特点等问题进行了探讨。

    Photodynamic damage , thermo-injury and appropriate power density for application of PDT in respiratory tract are discussed .

  18. TDRSS激光空间链路光功率设计

    Optical Power Analysis of Space Laser Link in TDRSS

  19. 过大的探头功耗要求LD提供更大的光功率输出,因此在易燃易爆场合会产生不安全因素。

    Larger LD power output will be need when the probe power consumption becomes larger , so there will be unsafe factor in flammable and explosive occasion .

  20. AOM使六束俘获光功率在Cs原子上抛同时,在时序控制下按照指数规律衰减,使Cs原子按照偏振冷却机制进一步冷却。

    Exponential decay of six capturing beam power makes atoms further cooling according to Sub-Doppler cooling mechanism when atom are launched under timing control .

  21. 新的APC能稳定输出平均光功率和消光比分别在0.3dBm和±0.4dB(-40°C~100°C)范围内。

    A novel APC can suppress the output average optical power and extinction ratio within ± 0.3 dBm and ± 0.4 dB ( - 40 ° C to 100 ° C ), respectively .

  22. 我们使用光功率计测量激光的脉冲功率,使用CCD成像法对光束发散角进行测量,使用光谱仪获得激光器的光谱特性。

    Practically , we use optical meter to test the power of the laser pulse , acquire the spectrum of the laser with spectrum instrument , use CCD method to test the divergence angle .

  23. 通过多次试验表明,SLED光源可以显著提高光源出纤光功率的稳定性。

    Through a number of experiments show that , SLED light source can significantly improve the stability of fiber optical power .

  24. 文中系统讨论了APD雪崩增益和入射光功率、APD的工作温度和APD的偏置电压等的关系。

    Firstly , the relationship between the M opt and the incidence light power , operational temperature and the bias voltage systematically is analyzed .

  25. 该光功率计采用InGaAs材料的光电探测器实现光电信号的转换,满足了光纤功率计对波长范围和测量精度的要求;

    A detector made from InGaAs is chosen to realize the conversion from optical to electrical for achieving the measurement precision in the wavelength range .

  26. 而对于高精度的FOG,除了要进行光功率控制外,还要对输出光的波长进行控制,控制精度优于10×10-6。

    For high accuracy FOGs , the wavelength have to be controlled besides the output power should be controlled , the control precision is no less than 10 × 10 ~ ( - 6 ) .

  27. 利用GP-IB接口和单片机系统实现光功率的自动智能检测

    Use the interface of GP-IB and system of SCM to realize the automatic measure of optical power

  28. 本文通过对光子晶体LED各层的高度进行扫描分析,分析了各层高度的变化对结构出光功率的影响,证明这种影响与光在介质中的波长有关。

    By scanning and simulating the height of each layer in photonic crystal LED , this article analyzes the impacts of the change of layer height to the power radiation and verifies that this impaction has a relationship with the wavelength in the medium .

  29. 自动功率控制部分通过调节VCSEL的偏置电流,使其在工作温度和本身的性能发生变化时能够保持恒定的平均光功率。

    The automatic power control ( APC ) adjusts the VCSEL bias current to maintain average optical power over changes in temperature and VCSEL properties .

  30. 论文最后具体介绍了SFP模块的主要测试指标及测试方法,包括发射光功率、消光比、色散代价、接收灵敏度、LOSS告警和抖动性能等。

    Finally , the article introduces the test of the SFP transceiver , including the optical power , extinction ratio , the dispersion , receive sensitivity , LOSS alarm and jitter performance and so on .