- wave train;train of waves

Effects of horizental structure variations of basic flow on propagation of stationay Rossby wave train and barotropic energy conver SCNS
In this paper , we use Fourier transformation to analyse the spectrum of the finite-length harmonic wave train , and point out that the relationship between frequency width and continuance of a wave train obeys the indeterminate relation in quantum mechanics .
A new method of testing pile using dynamic P-S - curve made by amplitude of wave train
The relationship between site structures and the characteristics of P-wave-trains , and the nature of the coda waves in P-wave-trains are studied in this paper according to asymptotic ray theory .
As well , the dynamic mechanisms for two dimensional Rossby wave and low frequency wave energy propagation are explored .
Analysis of Problem Relating to Waveform Tape Recording in CSU
It consists of three main parts : ( 1 ) Measuring System ( MS ) & real time monitoring the en - tire process of the acoustic wave measurement and acquisition of acoustic wavetrain ;
The structure in Ihe middle and high latitudes is characterized by the two dimensional Rossby wavetrains response which is equivalent baro-tropic .
Approach to CSU Field Full Wavetrain Recording
Interpretation of multicomponent seismic data should be conducted via comparing between multicomponent seismic sections and one-component seismic sections as well as utilizing 3-D VSP or full wave logging information .
The anomaly forcing locating at the eastern equatorial Pacific makes the stationary waves present PNA pattern in Winter Hemisphere . but it does not in Summer Hemisphere .
By means of controlling the phase of DDS module , the method realizes the simulation of acoustic full-range signal , and realizes the test of acoustic logging instrument , making the logging instruments ' serving easier .
However , the pure IOD ( Indian Ocean Dipole ) and pure ENSO are difficult to excite teleconnection wave train in the Southern Hemisphere , which further confirms the interaction between them .
In order to cope with mud cake problem in acoustic logging , we produced the synthetic waveform of full acoustic wave train by using Biot 's wave theory in porous formation and Johnson 's dynamic permeability pattern .
Distribution of low frequency ( 30 ~ 60 d ) teleconnection pattern is an analogue to the wave train structure of Changjiang and Huaihe River flooding year are analogue .
The simulation results demonstrate that the nonlinear second order wave is a subset of Genus 2 wave arrangement .
The paper is mainly deals with the structure and function of DSP chip , function of ADSP-2101 performed in control system of Audio-frequency spectral , received wave form of full wave train gathered from Audio-frequency spectral in-situ .
The transform density logging instrument of type SFB98D is used to measure the quality of solidity well with full wave series .
In addition , the effect of the horizental struture variations of basic flow on the conversion of the barotropic instability energy is analyzed in this paper too , and the variations of the stationay Rossby wave train intensity near jet is explained .
The discussion on the formation mechanism of the global general circulation anomalies reveals that it is the propagation of two dimensional Rossby wave train and the internal atmospheric dynamic process due to external forcing that mainly cause the summer general circulation anomalies .
Finally . it is suggested that 40-50 day oscillation of the global scale is a dynamical process of interaction associated with the tropical convection , the equatorial Kelvin and Rossby waves , the two dimensional Rossby wavetrains in the middle and high latitudes and the basic flow .
The results indicate that the first mode of departure wind field called monsoon mode relates directly with summer monsoon circulation of East Asia and it exists close relationship between PJ wave train and the second mode which can be called PJ mode .
On middle layer ( 500 hPa ), the meridional movement of westly belt in high-middle latitudes strengrhen ( weakened ), there are + - + wave train distributions from the high latitude region to the north of Baikal to the height field near Japan .
Attenuation ratio of train waves before and after a great earthquake
Plotting Software for Acoustic Full Wavetrain and Variable Density Log s
Application of Full Wave Train Acoustic Logging in Ground Stress Analysis
An application of ultra-acoustic full wave well-logging data on engineering prospecting
Light waves are synchronized , the beam is a wave train .
Inquiry to the length of wave train equals coherence length
Numerical calculation method of acoustic full-wave logging and its application