
  • 网络Wavelength division multiplexer;wdm;CWDM;WDM,CWDM
  1. 以波分复用器(WDM),光纤光栅和自行研制的掺Yb~(3+)单模光纤,采用新颖的全光纤连接方案,实现了1060nm窄线宽、线形腔激光器的成功运转。

    Using a novel , all-fiber structure composed of WDM , fiber grating and home-made Yb 3 + - doped single-mode fiber , the F-P cavity laser operating at 1060 nm with narrow-FWHM is realized .

  2. 研制成功的1480/1550nm波分复用器的波长隔离度大于20dB.偏振灵敏度小于0.1dB.附加损耗小于0.5dB。

    The fabricated WDM operating at wavelengths 1480 / 1550 nm exhibits an isolation above 20 dB , polarization sensitivity of less than 0.1 dB , and excess loss of less than 0 . 5 dB .

  3. GRIN棒型波分复用器结构参量的优化设计

    Structure Parameter Optimization Design of GRIN Rod Lens Type Wavelength Multiplexer

  4. 熔融拉锥光纤波分复用器(WDM)已经广泛应用于光通信行业。

    The fused fiber optical WDM couplers have been widely used in optical communications industry .

  5. 利用波分复用器实现FBG动态传感解调光纤F-P传感器频分波分复用方法研究

    Simulation Study of FBG Sensor Demodulation Method Based on CWDM The SFDM / WDM Method of Fiber-Optic Fabry-Perot Sensors

  6. 相位误差对AWG波分复用器非相邻通道串扰影响的分析

    Analysis of Non-Adjacent Channel Crosstalk Level of AWG Device Induced by Random Phase Errors

  7. AWG波分复用器的多频调制色散特性

    Multifrequency Dispersion Properties of AWG Wavelength Division Multiplexers

  8. 本文通过简单地介绍长波通滤光片在波分复用器(WDM)中的作用及工作原理,引出了长波通滤光膜的研究目的和意义。

    From introducing its function in Wavelenght Division Multiplexing and theory , This paper fetch out researchful intention and significance about Long-Wavelength Pass Filter .

  9. 本文利用粗波分复用器(CWDM)的传输特性与波长的关系,提出了一种FBG传感解凋方法并建立了实验系统。

    According to the CWDM wavelength dependent transmission characteristics , an FBG sensing de - modulation method was proposed and an experiment system was established .

  10. 其中,赝态结构MMI聚酰亚胺波分复用器的干涉区宽度和长度以及输入口宽度和距离对其性能均有影响。

    The capability of device can be affected by the width and length of the interference or the width and distance of the input .

  11. 当前1310/1550nm双波段窗口的波分复用器(WDM)器件在光纤通信中应用非常广泛。

    Wavelenght Division Multiplexing ( WDM ) of 1310 / 1550nm is applied widely in Fiber Optic Communication at present .

  12. OPCM动态传感性能有限元分析与实验研究利用波分复用器实现FBG动态传感解调

    The Dynamic Characteristics Analysis on the OPCM Sensors Using FEM and Experimental Investigation Simulation Study of FBG Sensor Demodulation Method Based on CWDM

  13. 光交叉复用器Interleaver技术的出现大大降低了密集波分复用器的设计压力,使许多成熟的滤波技术得以在新应用中继续发挥作用。

    The appearance of interleaver greatly reduces the stress of designing dense wavelength division multiplexer ( DWDM ) and makes mature smoothing technologies still can be used in new field .

  14. 掺饵光纤放大器用1480/1550nm波分复用器的优化设计

    Optimal Design of 1480 / 1550 nm Wavelength Division Multiplexers for Use in Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifers

  15. 基于氟化聚合物(PFS-co-GMA)的33×33阵列波导光栅波分复用器

    33 × 33 Arrayed Waveguide Grating Multiplexer Using Fluoropolymer PFS-co-GMA

  16. 随着FTTH的发展,最终的目标是要实现电视、电话和因特网的三网合一,所以单纤三重波分复用器是核心器件之一。

    With the develop of FTTH , the ultimate goal is to realize the union of CATV , telephone and internet , so triplexer is one of the key components in FTTH .

  17. 在发送端,激光器产生小功率激光经EDFA放大后产生高功率窄脉冲注入到传感光纤中以激励.出拉曼散射光,散射光被波分复用器分离出来由接收端进行处理。

    A low power optical pulse is created by the transmitter and then amplified by an EDFA to generate a high power pulse which is launched into a sensing fiber and stimulates the Raman scattered light .

  18. 从耦合模理论出发,分析了980/1550熔融拉锥(FBT)型保偏光纤(PMF)波分复用器(WDM)的工作原理,设计了WDM的制作方法。

    The principle of 980 / 1550 fused biconical taper ( FBT ) polarization maintain fiber ( PMF ) wavelength division multiplexer ( WDM ) is analyzed with coupling mode theory ; and the method the device is presented .

  19. Bragg光纤光栅(FBG)在光纤激光器和放大器研究中有很广泛的应用,如滤波器、色散补偿器、波分复用器、增益均衡器等。这些都是布拉格光纤光栅线性性质的研究和应用。

    Fiber Bragg Grating ( FBG ) is widely applied in the study of fiber laser and amplifier , such as filter , dispersion compensator , WDM device , gain equalizer , etc. These research and application are all related with the linear nature of FBG .

  20. 我们还利用CPRW结构的透过率特性,将其用于制作密集型波分复用器和可调谐滤波器。

    Also , we utilize the the transmission properties of the CPRW and make the dense wavelength division multiplex and tunable filter of the CPRW .

  21. 布拉格光纤光栅作为传感器粘贴在悬臂梁表面探测其振动,密集波分复用器(DWDM)作为波长解调器件通过透过率曲线获得布拉格光栅反射光的相对中心波长位移。

    The vibration of cantilever is detected by a fiber Bragg grating ( FBG ) glued on the cantilever . The relative Bragg wavelength drift is demodulated by a dense wavelength division multiplexing ( DWDM ) based on its transmission rate curve .

  22. 对光梳状滤波器加薄膜滤光片型模块制作密集波分复用器(DWDM)的两种应用方案进行了研究,提出了一种提高插损一致性、信道隔离度及减小串扰的结构方案。

    Two approaches of building DWDM component incorporated with optical interleaver and thin film filter modules are discussed . A novel structure is proposed to improve the insertion loss uniformity , channel isolation , and the total crosstalk of such DWDM component .

  23. 本文利用国产半导体激光器泵浦掺Yb3+光纤环形激光器获得成功.掺Yb3+光纤长3m,与1053nm/980nm波分复用器(WDM)构成交叉耦合型全光纤环形腔.总腔长为4m;

    The Yb-doped fiber ring laser using LD pumping source is reported . The laser system consists of 3 m length fiber and 1053 nm / 980 nm WDM which form a crossing all-fiber ring .

  24. 从理论上着重探讨了LiNbO3:Fe晶体作为波分复用器,其写入角与解复用的关系,且通道间隔、写入角和转动角也是互相制约的。

    The properties of the grating , such as , incident angle to record the grating , channel space , rotation angle , in LiNbO_3 : Fe crystal as the device of wavelength-division multiplexing , is discussed in theory .

  25. 对17×17信道聚合物AWG波分复用器的模拟结果表明,箱形波谱响应的3dB带宽约为0.49nm,每条输出信道的串扰皆低于-28dB。

    The simulated result for a 17 × 17 polymer AWG shows that the box-like spectral response has a 3 dB bandwidth of 0.49 nm , and the crosstalk is about or less than-28 dB for every output channel .

  26. 对基于掺杂铌酸锂材料的体光栅波分复用器主要结构和光栅记录参量提出了一种优化设计方法.L(-1)/3562.5mg.L~(-1)条件下,在第15d收获为培养的最佳条件。

    An optimizing method of main structure parameters ( e.g. , the thickness of the crystal ) and writing conditions ( e.g. , the incident angle ) is presented for a holographic grating wavelength division demultiplexer based on photorefractive LiNbO_3 crystals .

  27. 给出了8×0.8nm,中心波长为1550nm的阵列波导光栅波分复用器的设计实例,并进行了数值模拟计算验证了文中所提方法的准确性。

    As an example , 8 × 0.8 nm AWG multiplexer is designed with a center wavelength 1550 nm . The accuracy of this methods is proved by numeric model calculation .

  28. 综述了用于城域网的x-skip-0滤光片、可调谐滤光片已及无源光网络的波分复用器,并给出了8-skip-0滤光片和无源光网络波分复用器的第一块滤光片的设计光谱图。

    Some new optical thin film components including x-skip-0 filters and tunable filters used in metro network , passive optical network wavelength division multiplexing devices have been presented . The design spectrums about 8-skip-0 filter and the first filter of the passive optical network wavelength division multiplexing devices are given .

  29. 二维光子晶体六通道波分复用器的透射谱

    Transmission Spectrum of Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal with Six-Channel Wavelength Division Multiplexing

  30. 可用于制作波分复用器的非水溶性绿敏光致聚合物的研究

    Study of Water-resisting Green-sensitive Photopolymer That Can Used for Wavelength-division Demultiplexer