
shēnɡ wù cì jī
  • biostimulation
  1. 低功率激光的生物刺激作用机理及研究

    Investigation of Biostimulation Mechanism with Low Energy Laser

  2. 本文总结了癌症和银屑病的纬度分布,并从色光效应的角度利用激光生物刺激作用的类肽激素模型(QPHML)给出了一种可能的解释。

    In this paper , the latitude distribution on cancer and psoriasis are summarized and explained according to the quasi hormone model on laser biostimulation ( QPHML ) .

  3. 本文利用低能量激光生物刺激的抑制作用,研究低能量He-Ne激光对青光眼引流手术后瘢痕化的影响机制。

    Using biological stimulation of low energy laser , we study the influence mechanism of inhibition scarring with low energy He-Ne laser for glaucoma surgical drainage .

  4. 这些生物刺激信号可影响植入支架内的间充质干细胞(MSC)或骨髓基质细胞(BMSC),从而形成面部重建所需的组织。

    These biologic cues should influence scaffold implanted mesenchymal stem cells ( MSC ) or bone marrow stromal cells ( BMSC ) to form the necessary tissue for site specific facial reconstruction .

  5. 本文在总结激光对细胞生物刺激作用的基础上提出了激光生物刺激作用的类激素模型(QHML)和类肽激素模型(QPHML)。

    In this paper , we summarize the much research of laser biostimulation at the cellular level , and put forward the quasi hormone model on laser biostimulation ( QHML ) and the quasi peptide hormone model on laser biostimulation ( QPHML ) .

  6. 6328(?)非相干单色光的生物刺激效应

    Stimulative Effect of 6328A Non-Coherent Monochromatic Light on Microorganism

  7. 应用生物刺激剂BIOE1对受污染的人工景观池水进行生物修复试验。

    Bio energizer ( BIO E1 ) was applied for bioremediation test on polluted water .

  8. 生物刺激作用的研究取得了很大的进展。

    Recently , the research on biostimulation effect of low energy lase has got satisfied achievement .

  9. 但是,低强度激光生物刺激效应的确切机制目前仍然不清楚。

    However , the exact mechanisms of biomodulation and biostimulation effects of laser irradiation are still far from understanding .

  10. 由于特殊的遗传效应子的表达,这些细胞对生物刺激或疾病特异的刺激具有新的反应表型,继而能被挑选并分离出来。

    Those cells with a new phenotype owing to expression of a specific genetic effector can then be selected and isolated .

  11. 这种经过特制的支架能够将生物刺激传人位于其间隙内的种植细胞。

    The fabricated site-specific scaffold can be constructed such that it will impart biologic cues to implanted cells placed within its interstices .

  12. 经颅磁刺激是20世纪80年代中期发展起来的一种影响和改变大脑功能的生物刺激技术。

    Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a biological stimulation technique bom in the middle of 1980 's , which can affect and change brain function .

  13. 在论文的其它篇章中,向大家介绍了本文的研究背景及单色光生物刺激作用在其它方面可能的应用等等。

    In other parts of the thesis , we have discussed some background of light biostimulation and the prospective using of visible light irradiation .

  14. 弱激光生物刺激效应研究目前仍处于初级阶段,其作用机理机制尚不清楚,有待进一步探索。

    The research for bio-stimulation effect of low-level laser irradiation is in a relatively fundamental stage . And its mechanism is not still clarified .

  15. 另外它的生物刺激效应也不容忽视,它可以刺激生物体生长发育。

    In addition , the stimulation effect of laser can 't be ignored , it can stimulate the growth and development of organism also .

  16. 弱激光照射因其具有生物刺激作用,且使用方便,对身体无害,易被患者接受,便于临床推广等优点,已被广泛应用于临床医学各学科和口腔医学领域。

    Soft laser irradiation has benn used widely in the clinical work and dentistry , with its facility of no side effect , acceptable by patients .

  17. 背景:弱激光的生物刺激作用已被许多实验研究及临床应用证实,其作用表现在促进组织修复、镇痛、抗炎等方面。

    BACKGROUND : The effects of low-level laser biostimulation have been proved by various experimental studies and clinical application , which are manifested as tissue repairing , analgesia , antiinflammation , etc.

  18. 仿真生物电刺激小脑顶核治疗急性脑梗死疗效观察

    Observation of Efficacy on Acute Cerebral Infarction Treated with Simulated Bioelectric Stimulation in Cerebellar Fastigial Nucleus

  19. 复合物理生物技术刺激观赏鱼早期胚胎的初步研究

    Study on the goldfishes by simulating the early embryos of them using the new compound physical biology technology

  20. 逐渐降低钬激光的输出功率,可分别引起组织凝固、生物良性刺激,促进组织、细胞代谢及修复等效应。

    The low level laser power is a good stimulator to the growth of biological tissue and the metabolism of cells .

  21. 在我们实验研究的参数范围内,单独的生物电刺激尚不足以诱导骨髓间充质干细胞向心肌样细胞的分化。

    In the parameter of our empirical study , biomimetic electrical stimulation solitary can not be enough to differentiate rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell into cardiac phenotype .

  22. 生物技术刺激了贸易的商业保护形式,全球生命科学产业已经开始对地球上许多的生物资源产生前所未有的影响。

    This bio-technology stimulates the commercial protection form of trade , and furthermore global life science industry has begun to produce an unprecedented impact upon many biological resources on the earth .

  23. 功能磁刺激是一种全新的生物组织刺激技术,以其可以兴奋神经肌肉的特点,及可进行深部刺激、无痛、非介入,易于操作等优点,具有广阔的应用前景。

    Functional magnetic stimulation ( FMS ) is a new technique for stimulation on excitable neuromuscular cell and provides extensive applications with many advantages , such as deep stimulation , less pain , non invasive approach and easy to operate technique .

  24. 促细胞代谢素注射液具有促进大鼠脂肪细胞摄取3H标记的葡萄糖的生物活性,刺激指数μ>20。

    PCMA had the bilogical activity to promote the rat adipocytes to intake the H 3 D glucose , the stimulation indes μ > 2 0 ;

  25. 目的:评价微量生物电脑导入刺激(cranialelectrotherapystimulation,CES)治疗儿童情绪障碍的有效性和安全性。

    AIM : To evaluate the safety and effectiveness of cranial electrotherapy stimulation ( CES ) in treating children with emotional disorders .

  26. 目的研究微量生物电脑导入刺激(CES)治疗儿童焦虑症的效果及其心理护理。

    Objective To evaluate the effect of cranial electrotherapy stimulation ( CES ) on the treatment of anxiety disorder in children and the psychological nursing for the children patients .

  27. 生物反馈电刺激盆底肌肉训练治疗慢性盆腔疼痛综合征

    Biofeedback Pelvic Muscles Exercise in Treatment of Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome

  28. 化学药物对戊巴比妥钠生物转化的刺激和抑制

    The stimulation and inhibition of pentobarbital biotransformation by chemical agents

  29. 微量生物电脑导入刺激治疗儿童情绪障碍的安全性及有效性

    Safety and effectiveness of cranial electrotherapy stimulation in treating children with emotional disorders

  30. 儿童焦虑症的微量生物电脑导入刺激治疗与心理护理研究

    Investigation of psychological nursing and cranial electrotherapy stimulation in treatment of anxiety disorder in children