
  • 网络biosafety laboratory;BSL
  1. 〔结论〕该P3生物安全实验室结构和设施符合规范要求。

    〔 Conclusions 〕 The construction and facilities of the P3 biosafety laboratory address the requirements .

  2. 高等级生物安全实验室紫外线杀菌评估模式的研究

    Establishment of a model to evaluate efficiency of disinfection with ultraviolet radiation in high-level biosafety laboratory

  3. P3生物安全实验室的检测与应用

    Test and application of P3 biosafety laboratory

  4. P3级动物生物安全实验室环境检测及卫生安全性评价研究

    The investigation of environment examination and sanitation security evaluation of P_3 animal biology security laboratory

  5. 对象武汉大学实验动物中心P3级动物生物安全实验室设施。P3级动物生物安全实验室环境检测及卫生安全性评价研究

    Objects P3 Animal biology security laboratory of the experimental animal center of Wuhan University . The investigation of environment examination and sanitation security evaluation of P_3 animal biology security laboratory

  6. 〔目的〕掌握P3生物安全实验室各项指标是否符合设计要求。

    Objective To examine some parameters of P3 biosafety laboratory to determine whether it is accorded with the requirements of design .

  7. 为了研究禽流感H5N1病毒在各个器官的增殖和病理变化,在生物安全实验室,我们将禽流感H5N1病毒通过尾静脉接种BALB/C小鼠。

    To study the pathology of H5N1 avian influenza virus , H5N1 avian influenza virus was inoculated the tail intravenous to the BALB / c male mice and the mice were infected and died .

  8. 介绍了生物安全实验室的重要性和级别划分,着重比较P3、P4级生物安全实验室的各种安全措施及一、二级屏障,并就中国相关标准中的一些条款进行探讨。

    Introduces the importance and level dividing of biosafety lab , stresses comparing the safety measurements , primary and secondary barriers of P3 and P4 lab. Probes into some items of relevant Chinese standard .

  9. 近年来,高级别生物安全实验室(BSL-3,BSL-4)污染物和废弃物的排放越来越引起人们的关注。

    The discharge of contaminated materials and wastes from high-level biosafety laboratories ( BSL-3 , BSL-4 ) attracts more and more attention in recent years .

  10. 对《生物安全实验室建筑技术规范》GB50346-2004中有关排风高效过滤器检漏试验的可行性进行了分析讨论,提出在实验室适当位置设置排风高效过滤装置专用检漏接口的建议。

    The feasibility on leakage test of exhaust HEPA in " Architectural and Technical Code for Biosafety Laboratories "( GB50346-2004 ) were discussed . Installing special leakage test interface for exhaust HEPA is suggested in biosafety laboratories .

  11. 从工艺平面布局、人流物流气流组织、空调系统设置、自动控制方案、软件管理以至材料选用都直接关系到生物安全实验室的建设质量,本文介绍了BSL-3;

    The management of the project , software of constitution , automatic control , air condition system , the organization of person flow , goods flow and air flow , choosing of various material , these all relate to the construction quality of biology safety laboratory directly .

  12. 生物安全实验室围护结构关键节点的密封设计

    Sealed Design of Key Nodes of Building Enclosure for Biosafety Laboratories

  13. 模糊评价法在生物安全实验室环境风险评价中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Evaluation in Environmental Risk Assessment of Bio-safety Laboratory

  14. 某二级生物安全实验室净化空调系统设计

    Design of the Clean Air Conditioning System in a BSL-2 Laboratory

  15. 介绍了生物安全实验室特有的安全运行要求。

    Presents the special requirements of biosafety laboratory safe running .

  16. 三级生物安全实验室对环境潜在影响及对策研究

    Potential environmental influence of biosafety level three laboratory and its protective countermeasures

  17. 生物安全实验室负压环境控制研究及应用

    Research and Application of the Negative Pressure of Biosafety Laboratory

  18. 生物安全实验室气流组织形式的实验研究

    Experimental study on air distribution modes in biosafety laboratories

  19. 关于生物安全实验室强制配套安全装备的探讨

    Discussion on Compulsory Matching Security Equipment of Biosafety Laboratory

  20. 生物安全实验室的暖通系统划分原则

    Discussion about the Design of HVAC in Biosafety Laboratory

  21. 生物安全实验室洗手池设置在实验室的入口处。

    Hand washing sink should be set at the entrance of biosafety laboratories .

  22. 生物安全实验室给水排水设计

    The Water Supply and Drainage Design for Biosafety Laboratories

  23. 生物安全实验室暖通空调系统的几个设计要点

    Issues in air conditioning system design for biosafety laboratories

  24. 高等级生物安全实验室设计和建设的思考

    Proposals of Design and Construction of High-level Biosafety Laboratory

  25. 广东省二级生物安全实验室情况调查与初步分析

    The Investigation and Preliminary Analysis of Biosafety Level ⅱ Laboratories in Guangdong Province

  26. 三级生物安全实验室通风中的问题及改进方法

    Suggestions on the Ventilation Design for Biosafety Level-3 Laboratory

  27. 高级别生物安全实验室废弃物安全处置

    Safe disposal of wastes from high-level biosafety laboratories

  28. 国外某四级生物安全实验室给排水系统介绍

    Water system for quaternary bio - safety laboratory

  29. 生物安全实验室废水处理系统设计探究

    Design of Wastewater Treatment System for Biosecurity Laboratory

  30. 生物安全实验室设计要点

    Main points in bio - safety laboratory design