
  1. 本文的结果,说明了生存群体中的联合状态的个体的生存分布可由生存群体中单生命个体的生存分布来代替的充要条件是,生存群服从Gompertz死亡力。

    Therefore , the assumption that the force of mortality follows Gompertz 's law is the necessary and sufficient criterion to guarantee that every joint-life status ' survival pattern can be replaced by a single-life status ' in the group .

  2. 生命个体:教育的一种人性假设

    Individual Human Being : a Hypothesis of Human Nature in Education

  3. 当然,我说的是生命个体。

    I 'm talking , of course , about living organisms .

  4. 不同的生命个体,有了相同的精神追求。

    Diverse human beings can thus share similar spiritual aspirations .

  5. 第二节双重奴役,奴役的提出及其所指、他物对生命个体的奴役和自我奴役。

    The second section is double slavery , servitude and self bondage .

  6. 而宿命则是每一个生命个体在现实生存中的无奈感受。

    Fatalism is the helpless feeling of every individual life living in reality .

  7. 欲望本身并不是恶的,它是生命个体的一种天然品质。

    Desire itself is not evil , but a natural quality of individual life ;

  8. 今天你是你的生命个体的奴隶。

    Today you are slave to your bio-units .

  9. 生命个体是有化学物质组成的。

    Living organisms are created by chemistry .

  10. 在学校道德教育中,学生、教师都是活生生的生命个体。

    Moral education in schools , students , teachers are living the life of the individual .

  11. 生命个体与艺术方式达到统一是他永恒的艺术追求。

    The individual life and art means to achieve unity is his eternal pursuit of art .

  12. 他通过这种叙事模式,传达了现代社会中生命个体的现代体验。

    By applying this narrative model , he conveys modern experience of individuals in modern society .

  13. 在他这种淋漓尽致的表现性语言中,可以看到他对鲜活的生命个体投以关注的艺术观念。

    We can see his strong concentration by looking at the individual expressions on each portrait .

  14. 解读《活着》:极度生存状态下生命个体的真实本相和生存意义

    Interpreting Alive : the Truth and the Existence Significance of a Living Individual under the Extreme Existence Conditions

  15. 国民是指拥有一国国籍、一定数量的个人财产和个人意志自由的生命个体。

    National people refer to the animate individual who owns an amount of personal possessions and personal will freedom .

  16. 但实际上你的骨架正像你的软组织和器官一样,是你生命个体的一个活着的部分。

    But your skeleton is as much a living part of your being as your softer tissues and organs .

  17. 成长不仅预示着生命个体的成熟同时也意味着稳定思想和个性的形成。

    Growth not only indicate life individual of mature also mean stability thought and character in the meantime of formation .

  18. 我国高校道德教育模式因袭着社会本位的传统,缺乏对生命个体的精神关怀。

    Pattern of moral education of Chinese tertiary institution conventionalized tradition of society-departmentalism , lacking spirit concern to life individuals .

  19. 人名不仅是代表生命个体的专用符号,更是一种文化。

    Biographical names are not only a kind of symbols which represent individuals , but also a kind of culture .

  20. 这几乎是我们有意识和知觉的生命个体要正视和直面的图画。

    This is almost our conscious and consciousness of the individual life and face must face up to the picture .

  21. 王蒙的存在本身既是一个骚动不宁的生命个体的生存状态呈现,也是对半个世纪以来中国社会和中国心灵之复杂性的不倦地言说。

    The existence of Wang Meng is both an agitated individual and expression of complexity of Chinese society and soul .

  22. 致力于帮助生命个体开发职业意识、职业管理、职业规划和谋生教育计划;

    PIEG – dedicated to helping individuals develop career awareness , educational plan for survival , and career planning and management .

  23. 艺术家的作品更多的需要一种对自身生命个体从不同的文化和身份处境的思考。

    Artists more need for a thinking of the situation from a different culture and identity of their own individual life .

  24. 以《公墓》为代表的新感觉作品反映了生命个体不堪历史和时代的重压而做出的反抗;

    The neo-sensualist novels , for example Cemetery , reflect his despairing resistance caused by the burden of the history and the times .

  25. 人是具有丰富情感活动的生命个体,情感是人确证自身的重要本质力量之一。

    The human has the rich emotion activity life individual , the emotion is the human irrevocably proves one of own important essential strengths .

  26. 社会教化既是统治阶级维护封建政治秩序的需要,也是生命个体在社会上得以生存的需要。

    Social edification is necessary not only for rulers to keep their rule , but also for the unique human being to live in their society .

  27. 第二章解析小说中深陷困境的生命个体在思考命运时所显现出来的东方宿命意识。

    Chapter II resolves the novel the life of the individual in deep trouble when individuals thinking about the fate of the Oriental sense of fatalism .

  28. 但是,他对生命个体的关注、对个体解放可能性的探讨,都对我们建设和谐社会有着深刻的启发和借鉴意义。

    However , his creative ideas about concerns for life and possibility of emancipation of the individual are inspiring for us to construct our harmonious society .

  29. 临界展现在我的绘画中更多是情感诉求,它是生命个体的体验,同时也暗藏着生命群体的脉动。

    Critical to show in my painting is more emotional appeal ; it is the individual 's life experience , but also hidden pulse of life groups .

  30. 前者遮蔽了女人作为生命个体的人的存在,后者置女人于对象和客体的被动位置。

    The former shields the existence of female as an individual while the latter sets the female on the passive position towards the target and the object .