
  • 网络biomass pellet fuel;BMF
  1. 加快制定我国生物质成型燃料的标准

    What is a " state treasure "? Speeding up the standard formulation for biomass pellet fuel

  2. 生物质成型燃料在民用生物质炉中燃烧的实验研究与数值模拟基于aspenplus的生物质燃烧NOx生成模拟

    Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation of Combustion of Biomass Briquettes in the Civil Biomass Stoves Simulation of the NO_x emissions during biomass combustion based on Aspen Plus

  3. 主要考察了(温度,ER,湿度,添加水蒸气,添加CaO)对生物质成型燃料产气组成、热值、气化效率以及产气率等参数的影响。

    The influence of five factors ( temperature , ER , humidity , steam added and CaO added ) on such parameters as gas product composition , calorific value , gasification efficiency and gas production rate of biomass molding fuel was analyzed .

  4. 生物质成型燃料炉具带有水套,水套内部的压力为200kPa时,即能达到发生器的发生温度。

    The biomass fuel furnace has a water jacket , when the pressure in the water jacket is 200 kPa , the water temperature can reach the generation temperature of the generator .

  5. 生物质成型燃料燃烧设备结渣特性试验研究

    Experimental study on the slagging characteristics of biomass briquette combustion equipment

  6. 生物质成型燃料热风采暖炉的设计与试验

    Design and Experiment on Hot-Blast Heating Stove of Biomass Briquettes Fuel

  7. 生物质成型燃料产业化经济与政策分析

    Economical and policy analysis in the industrialization of biomass briquette fuel

  8. 生物质成型燃料循环流化床燃烧试验研究

    Experimental Study on Biomass Briquette Fuels Combustion in Circulating Fluidized Bed

  9. 发展我国生物质成型燃料产业的对策和建议

    Countermeasures and suggestions on the development of biomass briquetting densification fuel industry

  10. 生物质成型燃料产业化的理性思考

    Reasonable thought on the industrialization of straw densification briquette fuel

  11. 影响生物质成型燃料点火性能的因素分析

    Analysis on influence factors of ignition charater of biomass pellet

  12. 生物质成型燃料锅炉产业化可行性研究

    Feasibility Test on the Industrialization of the Briquette Biomass - Fired Boiler

  13. 生物质成型燃料的燃烧温度一般不超过1000℃。

    The temperature of biomass fuel usually does not exceed 1000 ℃ .

  14. 价值分析在生物质成型燃料锅炉改进中的应用

    Application of Value Analysis in Improvement of Biomass Briquette Boiler

  15. 生物质成型燃料半气化炉温度巡检系统的设计与应用

    Design and Application of Temperature Patrol Inspection System of Biomass Briquette Semi-gasification Boilers

  16. 大力促进林木生物质成型燃料的产业化发展

    Vigorously Promoting Industrialization Development of Forest Woody Biomass Briquette

  17. 生物质成型燃料加工装备发展现状及趋势

    Development Status and Trend of Biomass Briquettes Processing Equipment

  18. 不同原料种类的生物质成型燃料灰熔点特征温度有微小差别。

    Temperatures of ash melting point have small difference between different raw material .

  19. 生物质成型燃料双层炉排锅炉温度场试验研究

    Experimental study on temperature fields in the furnace of a biomass briquettes boiler

  20. 生物质成型燃料热风干燥系统设计与干燥动力学试验研究

    Design on Hot-blast Drying System of Biomass Briquetting Fuel and Experiment of Drying Dynamics

  21. 生物质成型燃料技术及产业化前景分析

    Analysis of Industrialization Prospect of Biomass Briquette Technologies

  22. 小型燃煤锅炉改造为生物质成型燃料锅炉的研究

    Study on converting coal-fired boiler to briquette-fired boiler

  23. 双层炉排生物质成型燃料锅炉设计与研究

    Design and study of biomass briquette boiler

  24. 因此,燃用生物质成型燃料锅炉的产业化前景比较光明。

    Therefore , the prospect of the industrialization of the biomass-fired boiler is very bright .

  25. 本课题将生物质成型燃料应用于家用炉具,在已有研究基础上进一步较全面研究生物质成型燃料燃烧特性。

    In this paper comprehensive burning characteristic of biomass briquette is studied , flowing with original research .

  26. 生物质成型燃料在我国占有重要地位,国家给予高度重视。

    Biomass fuel plays an pivotal role in the development of our country ; therefore , the government pays great attention .

  27. 生物质成型燃料与原生物质及煤相比燃烧性质有较大差别,依据该燃料的特点采用双层炉排层燃锅炉。小型燃煤锅炉改造为生物质成型燃料锅炉的研究

    A double-grate boiler was designed according to the combustion characteristics of dense biomass briquettes . Study on converting coal-fired boiler to briquette-fired boiler

  28. 从而为生物质成型燃料燃烧设备热性能、空气动力场、结渣特性、主要设计参数确定等试验奠定了基础。

    This will lay the foundation for the thermal performance test , air dynamic field test , dreg characteristic test and determinative test of the main design parameters .

  29. 结果表明燃用生物质成型燃料锅炉的各项指标均达到国家烟气排放标准,其运行具有一定的经济性和可行性。

    The result has proved that every index of the small biomass-fired boiler has met the nation emission standard and its operation has certain economic and feasible value .

  30. 目前国内对回转窑内煤粉燃烧的数值模拟做了大量工作,对生物质成型燃料燃烧的数值计算也开始了初步研究,并得出了一整套成熟的模拟煤粉颗粒热解燃烧的数学方法。

    A lot of research on simulation of combustion of coal in a rotary kiln are underway currently , and a set of mathematical methods of combustion simulation are obtained .