
  • 网络fiber fusion;otdr
  1. 光子晶体光纤熔接机理的研究

    Study on photonic crystal fiber fusion mechanism

  2. 并且优化光纤熔接工艺,降低光纤损耗。

    Optimization of optical fiber fusion process , reduce the loss of the optical fiber .

  3. 但此全光纤Q开关装置与光纤熔接损耗小,从而克服了体光学调制器与光纤对接时插入损耗高的特点。

    The loss of all optic fibers Q-switch unit welding with optic fibers is small and thus overcomes the fault of high inserting loss when volume optical modulator joining with optic fibers .

  4. 本文从OTDR测试原理出发,分析了OTDR测试光纤熔接损耗时背向散射差异的影响,通过实验分析了模场直径与背向散射差异的关系。

    Based on the principle of OTDR test , this paper analyzes the influence of back-scatter difference on fibre splicing loss test by OTDR . The relationship between mode-filed diameter ( MFD ) and back-scatter ( coefficient ) difference has been studied by means of experiment .

  5. 单模椭圆芯光纤熔接接头损耗的计算

    Loss analysis of the single mode elliptic core fiber fused splices

  6. 高速全自动光纤熔接接续中的振动分析

    Vibration Analysis in Optical Fiber Arc-fusion with High Speed and Full Automation

  7. 光纤熔接施工中降低光纤接头熔接损耗的措施

    Measures to reduce the splicing loss in fused fiber splice

  8. 光纤熔接技术

    Weiding Technique for Optic Fibres Optical fiber fusion welding technology

  9. 光子晶体光纤熔接过程中的空气孔力学特性

    Mechanics Characteristic of Air-Hole in Fusion Splicing Process for Photonic Crystal Fiber

  10. 光子晶体光纤熔接热源偏移量的研究

    Study on fusion splicing offset of photonic crystal fibers

  11. 降低光纤熔接损耗的措施

    Measures reducing the loss of optic fiber welding

  12. 针对造成光纤熔接损耗的各种本征和非本征因素,进行了详细的分析和总结。

    The intrinsic and extrinsic causes of splice loss for optical fiber are analyzed and summarized in detail .

  13. 单模光纤熔接损耗分析及自动对准与熔接系统

    The Analysis of the Splice Loss and Description of the Automatic Alignment and Fusion System for Singlemode Optical Fibers

  14. 作者在文中集自己的经验和体会,并从工程实践出发,介绍了光纤熔接技术。

    This paper focuses on the optical fiber fusion welding technology in the practice with author 's working experience .

  15. 采用高斯近似和局域模式耦合理论,对阶跃折射率分布和抛物线折射率分布椭圆芯单模光纤熔接接头损耗进行了分析、计算和讨论。

    By the gaussian approximation and local mode-coupled theory , fused splice loss of step and parabolic index single mode elliptic core fibers have been analyzed , calculated and discussed .

  16. 通过将一根单模双芯光纤熔接在两根单模光纤之间,实验制得全光纤马赫曾德尔干涉仪型梳状滤波器。

    A comb-filter based on Mach-Zehnder interferometer ( MZI ) is experimentally fabricated by splicing a section of single mode twin-core fiber ( TCF ) between two single mode fibers ( SMFs ) .

  17. 介绍了光纤熔接损耗的概念、测量方法,从本证因素、非本证因素方面,分析了影响光纤熔接损耗的主要因素,系统地阐述了降低光纤熔接损耗的措施。

    It introduces the concept and measuring method of fused loss of optical fibre , analyzes primary factors that affect it from intrinsic factors and non-intrinsic factors , and measures are illustrated to reduce fused loss of optical fibre .

  18. 通过分析光纤熔接损耗产生的机理,提出了降低光纤熔接损耗的一些有效措施,同时对光纤熔接损耗的测量方法进行了介绍。

    Through analysis on the principle of the fiber optical splice loss , this paper introduces some effective measures to reduce the fiber optical splice loss , at the same time , introduces the measuring technique of the fiber optical splice loss .

  19. 而且由于其具有物理性能优良,环境稳定性好,易于与标准传输光纤熔接等特点,因而成为当前空间光通信、激光医疗、激光加工等领域的光源或泵浦激光器的研究热点。

    Tm3 + doped fiber laser has become light source and pump laser research focus in the fields of space optical communication , laser medical treatment , laser processing , etc for its advantages of fine physical features , environmental stability and its availability to fuse with standard transmission fiber .

  20. 保偏光纤的熔接损耗及偏振特性分析

    Analysis of the Splicing Loss and Polarization Properties of the PMF

  21. 单模光纤的熔接损耗与测量

    The single mode fiber loss of fusion and its measurement

  22. 该结果对进一步降低光子晶体光纤的熔接损耗具有实际意义。

    Thus the results are useful for further reduction of splice losses of PCFs .

  23. 光纤的熔接与测试

    Fusion and Tests of the Optical Fiber

  24. 光源为时钟脉冲宽带光源,结合时分、波分和空分复用技术,采用不同包层直径光纤相熔接的应变补偿法传感头设计方案,解决温度和应变交叉敏感问题实现应变和温度同时测量。

    Light source adopted clock pulse wide band source . The system integrates time division multiplexing and wavelength division multiplexing . Different cladding diameter fiber works as sensing probe . It can realize measurement of strain and temperature simultaneously .

  25. 浅谈影响光纤传输的熔接损耗

    Fused loss that affects optical fibre transmission

  26. 该传感器由一段多模光纤中间插入并熔接一小段单模光纤组成,且单模光纤包层表面涂覆一层含笼形分子E的透明聚硅氧烷薄膜。

    The sensor consists of a multimode fiber in which a short section of standard single-mode fiber , coated with the inclusion of cryptophane molecules E in a transparent polysiloxane film , is inserted .

  27. 提出了通用的光子晶体光纤低损耗电弧熔接方案,以实验测量结合理论计算,确定出最佳熔接功率,进而实现了熔接参数的优化配置,解决了以往难以设定合理熔接参数的问题。

    A universal low-loss arc-fusion scheme for PCF splicing is proposed . Combining experimental measurements with theoretical calculations , the optimal fusion power can be deduced for optimizing the configuration of fusion parameters .

  28. 论文仿真了少模光纤干涉仪中光纤熔接对准误差与调制深度的关系。

    Influence of misalignment between SMF and FMF on depth of modulation ( DM ) was calculated .

  29. 而相移分布反馈激光器只要一个光栅即可实现光反馈和波长选择,并且避免了有源光纤和无源光纤光栅的熔接损耗。

    The main advantage of the DFB laser is the use of just one grating for feedback and wavelength selection , which provides better frequency stability .

  30. 光纤接续施工中减小光纤接头熔接损耗的方法

    Measure to Reduce the Melting Loss on the Construction of Optical Fiber Melting