
  • 网络polarization-maintaining fiber;polarization maintaining fiber;PMF
  1. 分别用固定长度保偏光纤和可变光延迟线实现偏振模色散(PMD)补偿的实验。

    Experiments of compensation for PMD were done using fixed length of PMF and variable optical delay line , respectively .

  2. 基于常规通信光纤的寿命预期理论,考虑了结构残余应力的影响后推导了熊猫保偏光纤的失效机制和寿命预期理论,并给出了熊猫保偏光纤机械可靠性的评估方法。

    Based on the lifetime forecast of conventional fibers , the failure principle and lifetime forecast for PMF are deduced after the residual stress is thought into the PMF structure .

  3. 光纤陀螺中保偏光纤~(60)Co辐照效应及光褪色特性

    ~ ( 60 ) Co radiation effects and photobleaching properties of polarization-maintaining fiber in fiber optic gyroscopes

  4. 光子晶体光纤的问世,使得光子晶体保偏光纤(Polarizationmaintainedphotoniccrystalfibers,PM-PCF)的研究一直是光通信领域的研究热点。

    The coming out of photonic crystal fibers makes the research of polarization maintained photonic crystal fibers become a hotspot in the field of optical communication .

  5. 本文用ANSYS软件仿真分析了保偏光纤的原始双折射,研究了影响原始双折射的一些结构因素。

    The inherent birefringence was simulated and analyzed using the software of ANSYS , and the structure factors that influenced the inherent birefringence were studied .

  6. 我们采用模拟信号数字化技术,把保偏光纤不同轴向位置的视频信号采集下来,获取光纤的灰度信号和POL曲线。

    We digitized the different position video signals and stored them so that we got the polarization maintaining fiber digital grey values and POL curve .

  7. 根据优化设计,采用20m长度的保偏光纤,建立了实验装置,并对其标度因数和零偏稳定性进行了初步测试。

    According to the optimized design , 20m long polarization maintaining optical fiber is used to set up an experimental system and its scalefactor and bias stability are tested .

  8. GOP-2×2-01型保偏光纤耦合器

    Type GOP-2 × 2-01 polarization maintaining optical fiber coupler

  9. 采用扫描式迈克尔逊白光干涉仪对应力场引起的高双折射保偏光纤(PMF)内部的分布式偏振模式耦合进行定量测试和理论分析。

    The distributed polarization mode coupling caused by stress field in high-birefringence polarization-maintaining optical fiber ( PMF ) was measured and analyzed using a scanning Michelson white light interferometer .

  10. 用Sagnac干涉仪法和偏分孤子法对偏振模色散进行了测量,用偏振控制器和保偏光纤串接的方法成功地进行了偏振模色散的补偿;

    Polarization mode dispersion is measured by using Sagnac interferometer and polarization multiplexed solitons and is compensated successfully by using polarization controllers and PMF for the first time in China .

  11. 对保偏光纤(PMF)的拍长测试结果表明,这种包络提取算法明显提高了测量的重复性,测量的重复性在μm量级。

    The beat length test results of Polarization-maintaining fiber ( PMF ) indicate that the envelope extraction has greatly improved the test repeatability and the test repeatability reaches to μ m.

  12. 本文阐述了已通过设计定型鉴定的GOP-2×2-01型保偏光纤耦合器的技术方案选择、理论探讨、材料要求、外形尺寸。

    This paper sets forth the technical solution theory exploration , material requirements and dimentions of type GOP-2 × 2-01 polarization maintaining optical fiber coupler which has passed final design qualification .

  13. 提出了一种基于保偏光纤(PMF)中布拉格光栅的波长间隔可调的可开关双波长掺铒光纤激光器(EDFL)。

    A switchable and spacing-tunable dual-wavelength linear cavity erbium-doped fiber ( EDF ) laser based on a polarization-maintaining fiber Bragg grating ( PM-FBG ) is demonstrated experimentally .

  14. 针对保偏光纤的POL曲线,提出了相关系数分析的方法,利用计算计图像处理技术,解决了保偏光纤的主轴对准问题。

    We put forward a methodology of corrective coefficient to solve the problem of polarization maintaining fiber principle axis alignment according to the polarization maintaining fiber POL curve with the computerized picture processing technology .

  15. 作为核心敏感部件的谐振腔是由长度为5.5m的保偏光纤和耦合系数为20%的保偏耦合器组成。

    It is composed of a 5.5 m-length polarization maintaining fiber ring and a polarization maintaining fiber coupler with the coupling ratio 20 % .

  16. 从耦合模理论出发,分析了980/1550熔融拉锥(FBT)型保偏光纤(PMF)波分复用器(WDM)的工作原理,设计了WDM的制作方法。

    The principle of 980 / 1550 fused biconical taper ( FBT ) polarization maintain fiber ( PMF ) wavelength division multiplexer ( WDM ) is analyzed with coupling mode theory ; and the method the device is presented .

  17. 本文利用无穷切片模型和Jones矩阵理论,给出了主轴连续旋转的保偏光纤的等效矩阵,并讨论了主轴旋转对消光比的影响。

    Based on a model of infinite slices imaginarily out and Jones matrix theory , an equivalent matrix is proposed for describing polarization-maintaining fibers with rotation of their birefringent axes . The influence on the extinction ratio is discussed due to birefringent axes rotation in the polarization-maintaining fibers .

  18. 在此基础上得到了消偏器长度与两段保偏光纤主轴之间的转角需要满足的要求,为实际制作Lyot型光纤消偏器提供了理论指导。

    Based on that result , the qualification of the length and the splice angle of the depolarizer are obtained , which provides the theoretic instruction to make a Lyot depolarizer .

  19. 结果表明:在DGD分布方面,由DGD发生器构成的模拟器,一个DGD发生器就可与实际光纤PMD的统计特性相符合,而由保偏光纤和可旋转的连接器构成的模拟器则至少需要15段。

    The results demonstrate that to produce DGD that can match theoretical distribution , one DGD generator is adequate , while at least 15 sections are necessary in the emulator built by polarization maintaining fibers and rotatable connectors .

  20. 利用等效啁啾技术,提出了一种基于啁啾光纤光栅的光域补偿方案,用具有光敏性质的保偏光纤制成啁啾光纤光栅,将其作为PMD补偿器中的时延线,实现了PMD的自适应反馈补偿。

    This paper presents a chirped-fiber-grating-based optical domain compensation scheme , which realizes the adaptive feedback PMD compensation . The chirped fiber grating is made of photosensitive polarization maintaining fiber by using the equivalent chirp technology , which is used as the delay line of the PMD compensator .

  21. 基于保偏光纤的双通道M-Z干涉仪滤波器(DPMZI-PMF),提出并实验研制了一种单双波长可切换的掺铒光纤激光器结构。

    The dual-pass MZ interferometer filter based on dual polarization maintaining fiber ( DPMZI-PMF ) was proposed . A single or double switchable wavelength EDFL was designed and fabricated using the filter experimentally .

  22. 文章阐述了保偏光纤(PMF)的基本原理和制造技术,分析了国内外PMF的技术进展及PMF的发展趋势。

    In this article , the fundamental principles of polarization maintaining optical fiber ( PMF ) and its manufacturing technologies are formulated . What 's more , the progress on the technologies of PMF at home and abroad and its developing trends are analyzed .

  23. 在自相关函数方面,基于保偏光纤的模拟器取决于各段光纤的延时量,而基于DGD发生器的模拟器在中心频带外的自相关值很平稳,可视为常数。

    And the autocorrelation function of the emulator based on polarization maintaining fibers depends on DGD of every section , while that of the emulator based on DGD generators is smooth and can be regarded as constant outside the central frequency range .

  24. 保偏光纤(PMF)在相干光通信、光纤激光器、光纤传感、光纤陀螺中应用广泛,温度稳定性是其在实际应用中的一个十分关键的问题。

    Polarization-maintaining fibers ( PMF ) are widely used in coherent optical communication systems , optical fiber sensors , optical fiber lasers , optical fiber gyros , and so on . The temperature stability is one of the key factors for the application of such fiber .

  25. 激光器为TA100型,16∶1的望远镜系统使单模光纤的耦合效率达到70%,保偏光纤耦合效率达到67%。

    To the laser TA 100 , the telescope of 1.6 ∶ 1 makes the coupling efficiency of single mode fiber reach to 70 % , and which of polarization maintaining single mode fiber reach to 67 % .

  26. 采用光干涉技术的保偏光纤拍长测量方法

    Measuring Method for Beat Length of PMF Using Optical Interference Technique

  27. 双偏振结构保偏光纤偏振器的研制

    Manufacture of a Double Polarization Structure of Polarization Maintaining Fiber Polarizer

  28. 椭圆芯光子晶体保偏光纤的优化设计

    Optimized Design of Photonic Crystal Polarization Maintaining Fibers with Elliptical Core

  29. 保偏光纤的连接损耗和消光比分析

    Analysis of Connection Loss and Extinction Ratio of Polarization Maintaining Fibers

  30. 保偏光纤的熔接损耗及偏振特性分析

    Analysis of the Splicing Loss and Polarization Properties of the PMF