
báo xiǎn guì; bǎo xiǎn guì
  • safe;strongbox;safety box;steel safe
保险柜 [bǎo xiǎn guì]
  • [safe;strongbox] 保存贵重物品或机密文件的有可靠的保险装置的铁柜,可防火、防盗

  1. 她把自己的护照和钱锁在了保险柜里。

    She locked her passport and money in the safe .

  2. 她的女佣把箱子锁进保险柜里。

    Her maid locked the case in the safe

  3. 办公室的保险柜里大约有1,000美元。

    There was something around a thousand dollars in the office strong box

  4. 把你的贵重物品存放在旅馆的保险柜里。

    Leave your valuables in the hotel safe .

  5. 文件目前放在一个只有他才能打开的保险柜里。

    The files are now in a safe to which only he has the key .

  6. 不知道号码组合是打不开这个保险柜的。

    You cannot open the safe unless you know the combination .

  7. 卡普萨里斯说:“自从二十世纪七十年代以来,档案管理流程已经发生了巨大的变化,我们现在将高价值的文件放在甚至连我都接触不到的保险柜里。”

    Archiving practices have changed greatly since the 1970s , says Kapsalis , " and we keep our high value documents in a safe that I don 't even have access to . "

  8. 匪徒使劲想把她从保险柜跟前拉开。

    The bandits struggled to tear her away from the safe .

  9. 基于MSP430单片机指纹保险柜软件的实现

    Accomplishment of fingerprint safe software based on MSP430 microcontroller

  10. 在保险柜里,我跟他说为了自我保护。

    In the safe . I told him , for protection .

  11. 因为是从保险柜中被拿走。

    Because the items stolen were taken from safe deposit boxes .

  12. 他打开保险柜取走一个小钱匣。

    He opened his safe and drew out a petty-cash box .

  13. 他伸手拉住锁钮,打开了保险柜。

    He put his hand on the knob and opened it .

  14. 我开保险柜时他很礼貌地将目光移开。

    He politely averted his eyes as I opened the safe .

  15. 大卫,我们在一个隐蔽的地下室发现一个保险柜。

    David , we found a safe in a hidden cellar .

  16. 是的,你的保险柜只有这把钥匙。

    Yes , it is the only key to your safe .

  17. 也许我应该给他我保险柜的钥匙。

    Might as well give him the key to my safe .

  18. 格斯,和我负责开保险柜。

    Gus , were gonna make our way to the safe .

  19. 我有东西要放进旅馆的保险柜。

    I would like to put something in the hotel safe .

  20. 里瑟先生,保险柜有点古怪。

    Mr. Reese , there 's something curious about that vault .

  21. 下面是一只莫斯勒保险柜,“时代之磐石”

    over a Mosler Safe , the " Rock of Ages "

  22. 所以她就把钱放进夜间保险柜里。

    That is why she has put it in the night-safe .

  23. 家里的珠宝首饰都锁在保险柜里。

    The family jewels are locked away in a safe .

  24. 我们将乐意您参观本公司所出售几种保险柜。

    We shall be pleased to show you some of our safes .

  25. 出纳说他走时把保险柜锁上了。

    The cashier said he had locked the safe before he left .

  26. 最后实现了一个无钥保险柜仿真实验系统.该系统运行良好,效果令人满意。

    Simulation tests demonstrated satisfactory operation of the key-free safe .

  27. 她把集邮册存放在防火保险柜里。

    She keeps her stamp collection in a fireproof safe .

  28. 保险柜:用于保存贵重物品的,有坚固的锁的箱子。

    Safety deposit box : a strong locked box for storing valuables .

  29. 他想发现贼怎么打开保险柜的。

    He wants to find out how the thieves opened the safe .

  30. 他们被用来爬上保险柜。

    They used it to climb up to the safe .