
  • 网络Healthcare market;health care market
  1. 氧吧因其能产生有益身体健康的负氧离子而成为家庭医疗与保健市场的新宠。

    Because of beneficial negative oxygen ions produced , oxygen-bar becomes a new favor of family medical service and health care market .

  2. 在医疗保健市场上存在明显的信息不对称现象。

    There exists prevailing information asymmetry in the health care market .

  3. 发展国家宏观调控下的医疗卫生保健市场

    Development of Health Care Market under the State Government Macroscopic Intervention

  4. 不完全竞争医疗保健市场的福利状况分析

    Analyzing the welfare of medical care market under incomplete competition

  5. 医疗保健市场缺陷和医学生德育

    Health-care Market Faults and Moral Education of College Students

  6. 保健市场的兴旺,有利于高能量饮料及健怡饮料的销售。

    Growth in the keep-fit market was good for sales of energy drinks and Diet drinks .

  7. 便携式消费电子产品和医疗卫生保健市场的迅速发展,推动着新兴信息技术的变革。

    The rapid development of portable consumer electronics products and health care market promotes the reformation of information technologies .

  8. 在这种情形下,制药厂面临着更加激烈的竞争环境去争取患者市场和个人保健市场。

    Therefore , pharmaceutical companies face a tough competitive environment , in order to gain public and private healthcare sectors'share .

  9. 私营保险公司强烈反对这个政府运营计划,他们说这将会迫使他们退出医疗保健市场。

    Private insurance companies strongly oppose a government-run program , saying it could force them out of the health care coverage market .

  10. 根据世界上大多数国家的经验,医疗保障制度改革异常艰巨。主要在于医疗保健市场涉及的利益集团太多,技术性强等原因,使得价格机制很难充分发挥有效调节资源配置的功能。

    According to other countries ' experience , the innovation of medical insurance is very difficult and prices can 't allocate medical resources efficiently .

  11. 共和党称,覆盖数百万未参保人员的新的公共医疗计划将对私营医疗保健市场造成伤害。他们说,这只会增加本来就居高不下的财政赤字。

    Republicans say the idea for a new public health plan to cover millions of the uninsured would hurt the private health care market .

  12. 课程包括法律和管理问题,管理会计学,医疗保健市场,人力资源管理,公共卫生政策和相关问题。

    Courses include legal and regulatory issues , managerial accounting , health-care marketing , managing human resources , public health policy , and related topics .

  13. 由于信息贫乏,再加上健康保险出现的逆向选择和道德风险问题,保健市场可能是无效率的。

    Health markets may be inefficient because of poor information , and because of the adverse selection and moral hazard problems associated with health insurance .

  14. 卫生保健市场现已变得更为复杂;自今天所使用的被广泛接受的做法出现以来,业务需求和流程发生了巨大的变化。

    The healthcare market has become more complicated , and business needs and processes have changed significantly since the inception of generally accepted practices used today .

  15. 微软未披露该交易的财务细节,该公司表示,这宗收购是公司扩大进军消费保健市场的其中一步。

    The world 's largest software maker , which did not disclose financial terms of the deal , said the acquisition is part of a broader push into the consumer health-care market .

  16. 医疗保健市场上明显的信息不对称现象导致医疗服务中存在的道德风险问题使医疗费用呈不断膨胀的趋势,医疗费用的不断上涨成为困扰政府的顽疾。

    For the obvious information asymmetry in medical care market , the moral hazard problem existed in medical service makes the medical expenses in an upward tendency continuously and becomes a chronic and stubborn disease in our society .

  17. 本文分析探讨了医疗保健市场典型的市场缺陷现象,以及因此原因而产生的对一种社会内生制度&道德伦理的强烈依赖性,提出医学生就业前德育的必要性。

    In this essay , the market faults in health-care market are analyzed , which leads to a conclusion that the market relies strongly upon ethics , a kind of internal institution of a society , and hence , reveals the necessity of moral education for medical students .

  18. 通过分析国内保健品市场的营销环境和泰尔制药有限公司的各种产品组合与SWOT战略分析,确定该公司品牌营销之路的选择。

    The author make a strategic selection of Taier Pharmaceutical Company brand marketing operation through a SWOT analysis of industry environment and Taier Pharmaceutical Company 's products combination .

  19. 今天,Castlight已经有机会成为市场的关键参与者,打造实用的医疗保健提供市场,在改善医疗保健品质的同时为用户节省几十亿美元。

    Today , castlight has the opportunity to become a pivotal participant in the creation of a functional healthcare delivery market , improving care while saving billions of dollars .

  20. 珠海市保健食品市场卫生状况分析

    Analysis on the Hygiene Situation of Health Food Market in Zhuhai

  21. 我国保健酒市场开发策略研究

    Research on Developing Strategy of Chinese Health Protection Drink Market

  22. 妇幼保健院市场营销策略探讨与实践

    The strategies and practice of marketing of women and children health institute

  23. 1996年杭州保健食品市场调查和分析

    The investigation and analysis on the health food market of Hangzhou in 1996

  24. 第四章,保健品市场的消费行为研究。

    Research on consume behaviors in health-food markets is made in chapter four .

  25. 品牌人性化:老年保健品市场制胜的关键

    Human-based Brand Formulation : the Key to Prospering in Aged Healthcare Products Market

  26. 医药保健品市场调查的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis of Marketing Research in Medical Health-food

  27. 以质量、诚信打造保健酒市场。

    Building up health wine market by products quality and good faith of manufacturers .

  28. 837%消费者认为保健食品市场管理不严、甚至管理混乱。

    83.7 % consumers considered that health food management were loose or even out of order .

  29. 第二章是对上海保健品市场进行分析,包括市场需求量分析及消费者行为分析。

    Chapter two studies the SHANGHAI health care product market including market demand analysis and consumer behavioral analysis .

  30. 保健食品市场容量快速扩大,保健食品企业的利润空间进一步膨胀。

    With rapid expansion of market capacity of health food , profits of health food companies expand further .