
  • 网络infrared reception
  1. 基于FPGA的红外接收头质量检测系统设计

    The design of quality inspection system of infrared remote receiver based on FPGA

  2. 用于红外接收芯片的OTA-C带通滤波器

    Kind of OTA-C band pass filter applied in infrared receiving chip

  3. 其次,详细介绍了红外接收模块、OSD模块、频道搜索模块和解复用模块等模块的软件设计。

    Secondly , this paper introduces the software design which includes infrared receiving module , OSD module , channel searching module , demultiplexing module and so on .

  4. 使用CX20106红外接收芯片对接收的超声波进行放大,滤波,整形。

    The new system use an infrared receiving chip named CX20106 to deal with the received ultrasonic wave , such as magnification , filtering and shaping .

  5. 红外接收组件原理及应用电路

    Principle and Application of Infrared Receiving Module Basic Direct Current Circuits

  6. 一种用于红外接收前端的二阶带通滤波器

    Design and Implementation of a Second-Order Bandpass Filter for Infrared Receiver

  7. 脉搏测量是检测有无的测量,使用的传感器是红外接收二极管和红外发射二极管。

    The pulse measurement is to detects pulses and pulseless .

  8. 基于红外接收模组的智能光电开关设计

    Intelligent photoelectric switch based on infrared receiver module

  9. 实现红外接收的源码,能够从端口获得所接收到的红外数据。

    The source for infrared receiver , from the port to the received infrared data .

  10. 机器人上带有红外接收管和碰撞传感器,主要功能是完成清扫任务。

    Robot with infrared receivers and collision sensors , the main function of it is cleaning .

  11. 其中对电机控制模块、红外接收模块、温度控制模块等的程序设计思想进行了重点介绍。

    Designs of stepper motor control program , IR receiver program and temperature control program have been emphasized .

  12. 遥控器控制单元通过红外接收头监控是否有遥控器信号输入。

    The remote controller controlling unit monitors the signal input of the remote controller by an infrared receiving head .

  13. 本文根据部队模拟射击训练的需求,设计了基于单片机和红外接收管阵列的激光靶。

    According the desire of military simulation training , we design the laser target based on the SCM and infrared receiving tube array .

  14. 本设计的红外接收电路具有较高的灵敏度和较大的接收信号范围。可以允许的输入端电流为350pA至400uA。

    This design has high sensitivity and large input signal amplitude range , which allows the input signal from 350 pA to 400 uA .

  15. 分析了红外接收芯片的原理,对主要模块提出了较新颖的实现电路。

    In this paper , the principle of an infrared receiver chip is analyzed and a novel circuit is proposed for the main module .

  16. 以改善产品硬件性能的可靠性和稳定性为目的,本文重点针对红外接收、晶体模块进行深入的研究和方案探讨。

    With the purpose to improve reliability and stability of product hardware performance , this paper emphasises on the further study and solution discussion of infrared receiving , crystal module .

  17. 对于红外接收系统,由光/电信号转换器、放大器、解调电路、解码电路(一体化红外接收头)以及外围匹配电路。

    At the same time , infrared received system is composed of optical / electrical signal converter , amplifier , demodulation circuits , decoding circuits ( integrated infrared device ) and peripheral matching circuits .

  18. 叙述了红外接收系统的工作效能,并对有源干扰条件下红外接收系统的探测概率进行了计算,最后对红外诱饵干扰效能进行了分析。

    The working effectiveness of infrared receiving system is introduced , and the detection probability of infrared receiving system under active jamming mode is calculated , and finally , the jamming effectiveness of infrared decoy is analyzed .

  19. 该仪器主要包括遥控器(单独使用),单片机系统,I~2C存储器单元,红外接收电路,位置检测电路,成组步进电机功率驱动电路,液晶显示控制等几大部分。

    The new optimeter is made up of the following parts : power supply , remoter , singlechip system , I ~ 2C memorizer , infrared receiver , location inspector , power drive circuit for group of stepper motor , LCD controller , etc. .

  20. 红外发射接收演示装置设计

    The Demonstration Facility of Sending and Receiving Infrared Ray

  21. 通过红外发射接收接口,实现敲击频率与敲击力度的调节。

    By infrared sending and receiving interface , it was convenience to adjust the knocking frequency and knocking force .

  22. 为了从根本上防止刷卡出错,在非接触IC卡读卡器硬件设计上加入红外发射接收电路部分。

    To prevent the mistakes of operating ICC , infrared transmit-receive circuit is added in the contactless ICC reader design now .

  23. 文中介基于PS/2接口的红外遥控接收系统的设计与实现。

    In this paper , the design and implementation of infrared remote & control receive system based on PS / 2 interface are introduced .

  24. 焦平面红外探测器接收到入射的红外辐射后,产生一个与红外辐射强度有关的电压波动,通过扫描焦平面阵列的不同像素单元按顺序传送到读出器件中读出小的电压信号。

    The focal plane infrared detector generates an incident voltage fluctuations after receiving infrared incident radiation at the incident position in the infrared radiation . By scanning the different pixel units of focal plane array the small voltage signals are sent to the device to read out .

  25. 基于CPLD的红外遥控发射接收设计与仿真

    Design and Simulation of Infrared Remote-Control Sending and Receiving Based on CPLD

  26. 介绍我们新开发的一个综合性实验,它主要包括拉力传感器、由LM331组成的V/F和F/V变换电路以及红外发射和接收装置等,以实现对弹簧振子加速度的红外遥测。

    This paper presented a comprehensive physics experiment for measuring the acceleration of a spring vibrator by infrared telemetering method . It consists mainly of a force sensor , V / F and F / V converters , a infrared transmitter and receiver .

  27. 太阳辐照对近红外激光高度计接收系统的影响

    Effects of solar radiation on the receiver of near infrared laser altimeter

  28. 红外光学系统接收目标的红外辐射,从而探测目标,识别目标。

    Infrared optical systems receive the infrared radiation of the target to detect and identify the target .

  29. 在红外遥控发射接收设备的软件设计中,首先研究了红外传输协议,并根据综合业务终端的需要进行了创造性的修改;

    In order to develop the software design of infrared remote controlling device , we studied IrDA Tiny Transport Protocol , and modified it creatively to satisfy IST .

  30. 利用黑体辐射计算的基本理论,推算出红外地球敏感器接收辐射亮度与黑体温度之间的关系式,以及红外地球敏感器接收辐射亮度与光阑面积的关系。

    It figures out the relationship between the infrared earth sensor received radiance intensity and blackbody temperature , using the basic theory of calculation of the blackbody radiation quantity .