
  1. 论中世纪哲学中的光照论及其意义

    On Illumination Theory and its Significance in Medieval Philosophy

  2. 配种区和产房的光照论法定抵押权

    Is the light right ? On Statutory Mortgage

  3. 反思与生命之光&论黑格尔的辩证法及其形而上意境

    Reflection and light of life & Dialectics and metaphysical meaning of Hegel 's philosophy

  4. 它所表现出来的先验性则在中世纪发展为光照论,从而成为近代唯理论和先验论哲学的先驱。

    Illumination theory , expanded from idealism , is the forerunner of rationalism and transcendentalism .

  5. 永恒的人性之光&论福克纳《八月之光》的人性思想

    The Eternal Light of Humanitarianism & Analysis of the Humane Ideas in Light in August

  6. 光照论是中世纪哲学基于基督教信仰之下的一种独特的知识论,是柏拉图的理念论和新柏拉图主义的流溢说在认识领域的逻辑延伸,其主要目的是论证人的知识的可靠性和确定性。

    Illumination Theory is a peculiar epistemology of Christianity in the Middle Ages and an outcome from the extension of Platonic Idea and New-Platonic Emanation in epistemology , which ensures the reliability and certainty of knowledge .

  7. 其中光照论是核心,奥古斯丁的光照论是一种独特的概念论,是内在经验的形而上学和光形而上学的结合,对西方后世哲学产生了深远的影响。

    As the core of his theory , his idea of illumination is a unique theory of concepts and a combination of metaphysics of innate empiricism and metaphysics of illumination , and it has had an enormous influence on the Western philosophy .

  8. 拉曼效应与光孤子通信论影视艺术中的光效设计

    Raman Effect and Optical Soliton Communication On the Light Projecting in Movies

  9. 我可不会光凭大小论英雄不是吗

    Who am l to judge a warrior based on his size ?

  10. 理念与光照&论柏拉图理念论对中世纪哲学的影响

    On the Impact of Platonism on Medieval Philosophy

  11. 和系统论、控制论并称为现代三大科学之光的信息论已被广泛地运用于各个学科和领域。

    Information theory have already been widely applied in each discipline and field , which was called the " three modern majors " together with systematic and cybernetics .

  12. 从水稻和苎麻的光周期敏感现象论植物的发育阶段

    Analysis of Plant Development Stage Based on the Photoperiod-sensitivity of Rice and Ramie

  13. 欧洲刑法的人道主义之光&评《论犯罪与刑罚》

    Humanistic Dawn of European Criminal Law & A Comment on " On Crimes and Punishment ";

  14. 本文以光流线量子力学方程为基础,借助隧穿效应原理,应用光流线量子论的物理思想,首先从理论上探索光传输界面的量子共振和耦合规律。

    This paper based on the quantum mechanical equation of light-flow-line , used the tunneling effect theory , and applied for the physical ideology of light-flow-line quantum theory , gave the rule of quantum resonance and quantum coupling above all .