
ɡuānɡ pǔ tú
  • spectrogram
  1. 结论:UV光谱图、HPLC指纹图及蛋白质的分子质量分布可作为鉴别3种胶真伪优劣的依据。

    CONCLUTION : UV spectrogram , HPLC fingerprint chromatogram and molecular weight distribution of protein can be recommended as a criterion for discerning the false from the genuine and the grade of the three kinds of Jiao .

  2. 本文引入波长λ这一参数,生成I(T,λ)的三维热释光谱图,可以获得更丰富的信息,扩大TL的应用范围。

    In this paper , a wavelength is brought in to creat a three-dimensional spectrogram about I ( T , λ), which will gain more information and enlarge applied fields .

  3. 通过SEM图片和傅立叶变换红外光谱图分析了碳氢能源循环的机理。

    SEM photographs and infrared mapping of different column revealed hydrocarbon energy recycling mechanism .

  4. 测定了合成MS过程中的产物的红外光谱图,验证了其化学结构变化。

    Through determining the infrared spectrum of the middle result , have proved that the chemical constitution of MS changes .

  5. 红外光谱图存在酰胺基吸收峰,说明可溶性淀粉与N,N′&亚甲基双丙烯酰胺发生了交联反应。

    The adsorption peaks of amide group existed in infrared spectrogram proved that the soluble starch had crosslinked with N , N ' - methylene-bis-acrylamide .

  6. 该化合物聚合后得到的聚电解质水溶液随着pH值的变化,在紫外可见光谱图上的吸收强度和峰位置都发生显著地变化,表现出pH值敏感性。

    The absorption intensity and λ max of the polyelectrolyte UV-Vis spectra changes significantly with the variation of the pH of the aqueous solution .

  7. 应用红外光谱图和核磁共振谱图对硫酸酯化/磺化壳聚糖衍生物的结构进行了分析,得出硫酸酯化/磺化反应则主要在C6-O上进行。

    We analyzed the structure of sulfuric chitosan through IR and NMR spectrum , and determined this esterify reaction mostly carried through C6-O. We analyzed the mechanism of esterified reaction .

  8. 给出了LED便携式近红外整粒小麦成分测量仪的结构框图、光路结构图及所采集的整粒小麦样品光谱图。

    The structure diagram of integrity wheat component measuring apparatus , light route structure of apparatus and the spectrum of integrity wheat were given in the present paper .

  9. 利用IR分析煤灰熔融过程,探讨煤灰红外光谱图与煤灰化学组成以及煤灰熔融温度之间的关系;

    The relation between the infrared spectrum and chemical composition of ash and the relation between infrared spectrum and ash fusion temperature are discussed ;

  10. 由红外光谱图可以推断复合氨基酸确实与Zn(Ⅱ)发生了化学反应,形成螯合物。

    By the infrared spectrum can be deduced amino acid compound is not related to Zn (ⅱ) occurred in a chemical reaction to form a chelation .

  11. 测量了一台内部参数和结构未知的商用EDFA对六信道WDM光信号的放大光谱图。

    Six WDM channels were fed into a commercial EDFA whose internal optical circuitry and parameters are unknown .

  12. 通过FTIR光谱仪对所制备的发烟剂进行了燃烧实验,得出了烟幕及固体残渣的红外光谱图。

    It got infrared spectrum of smoke and sol id remains through smoke agent prepared carrying on combustion experiment using FTIR spectrometer .

  13. IR光谱图显示SJP具有硫酸化多糖典型的红外吸收特征。

    IR spectra showed that SJP has a typical infrared absorption characteristics of sulfuric acid mucopolysaccharide .

  14. 报道了小牛胸腺DNA水溶液经9,20,40min紫外辐射的拉曼光谱图,紫外线的辐射照度为1868W·m-2。

    The Raman spectra of calf thymus DNA in aqueous solution and at 9 , 20 and 40 min after ultraviolet radiation were reported .

  15. 用FTIR仪器可以分析出,染色材和毛白杨素材的红外光谱图基本形态未变,没有出现新的吸收峰,没有新的官能团产生。

    The infrared spectrum of wood and dyed wood analyzed by FTIR showed that neither new absorption peak nor new organic functions regiment appeared during dyeing .

  16. 由x射线衍射图及红外光谱图的测定,表明这些样品经600℃焙烧后发生或多或少的骨架改变,最终形成筛子。

    The determination of X-ray diffraction and IR-spectroscopy showed that framework topology of these samples were changed more or less after calcination at 600 ℃ . DTA shows no structural collapse below ~ 950 ℃ .

  17. 通过TG-DTA曲线、FT-IR、紫外-可见光谱图分析了氮的掺杂过程,指出前躯体中氮的存在形式以及氧化钛晶格中掺杂氮的存在状态对氧化钛的可见光敏化有重要影响。

    The state of nitrogen existing in the precursor and in the TiO_2 lattice exerted important influence on the result of visible light sensitization .

  18. 最后分别模拟放大系统采用黑盒模型和两能级模型,有八个WDM光信号输入时,放大后的光谱图。

    Finally , when there were eight WDM optical input signals , using the black box model and two level model respectively , we simulated the amplified optical spectrum .

  19. 随水解度提高,HPAM红外光谱图中羧酸根基团特征吸收峰强度增大。

    With the increase of hydrolysis degree , the characteristic absorption peak intensity of carboxylic functional group was also enhanced in HPAM IR spectra .

  20. 从YAG:Ce,Pr的发射光谱图可以看出,同时存在一个宽的发射带和一个尖的发射峰(610nm)。

    From the emission spectra of the YAG : Ce , Pr , it is clear that both a broad emission band and a sharp emission peak ( 610 nm ) exist .

  21. 添加助熔剂ADC、ADF后的煤灰红外光谱图在500-400cm~(-1)处的波峰受助熔剂AND、ADF的影响,向高频率移动;

    After adding fluxes ADN and ADF , the wave at 500-400cm ~ ( - 1 ) on the infrared spectrum of coal ash moves to high-frequency .

  22. 红外光谱图显示出经过化学交联后的PVA大分子结构发生了变化,马来酸酐接枝到PVA大分子上,对PVA大分子之间交联网络的形成起到了桥梁的作用。

    IR spectra shows that the chemical groups on the PVA macromolecular have changed because maleic anhydride graft to the PVA molecules . As a result , cross-linking network structure has formed between PVA macromolecular .

  23. 其次,本文对N掺杂TiO2作了详细的分析,通过分析得出N掺杂TiO2能使能带带间隙减小,介电函数虚部和吸收系数光谱图都向低能区移动,即光吸收带实现红移。

    Results show that N-doped TiO2 made energy band gap reduced , the imaginary part of dielectric function and absorption spectra are moving to low-energy area , that is , it can cause the absorption band of optical catalysis to red-shift .

  24. 钴盐与过亚硝酸根反应后产物的光谱图说明钴盐影响过亚硝酸根的反应是通过形成Co(III)OONO中间体进行的。

    Through the analysis of the products after cobalt salts reacting with peroxynitrite , it was concluded that cobalt salts influenced the reactions of peroxynitrite through Co ( III ) OONO intermediates .

  25. 结果表明SBS物理改性沥青的红外光谱图为基质沥青与SBS红外光谱图的简单叠加,说明SBS与基质沥青只是简单的物理共混共容。

    It was found that the spectrogram of SBS physical modified asphalt is the simple superposition of the SBS spectrogram and asphalt spectrogram . There is only physical mixing without any chemical reaction between SBS and matrix asphalt .

  26. 各系统出水的EEM光谱图及红外光谱图表明,炉渣的添加的确影响了土壤中微生物的活动,但并不强烈。

    The EEM spectra and IR spectra showed that the slag did affect the activity of soil microorganism , but not very strong .

  27. 从光纤拉曼光谱图估算了光纤拉曼放大器的光谱宽度为50nm或250cm-1。

    The spectrum width of Raman fiber amplifier is estimated to be 50 nm or 250 cm from the Raman backscattering spectrum of optical fiber .

  28. 随着ADC的逐渐加入,红外光谱图在1200~950cm~(-1)范围内的宽峰逐渐向高频率方向移动,同时在700-400cm~(-1)之间的硬石膏波峰明显增强。

    The wave at 1200 ~ 950cm ~ ( - 1 ) on the infrared spectrum of coal moves to high-frequency gradually , and the anhydrite wave at 700-400cm ~ ( - 1 ) on the infrared spectrum of coal strengthes obviously along with the adding of ADC .

  29. 红外光谱图、1H核磁共振谱图确证了共聚物的结构,用元素分析法测定了共聚物的组成,AM、DM、MA(以COOH计)的摩尔分数分别为87.5%、8.9%和3.6%。

    The terpolymer structure is identified by infrared spectroscopy and 1H NMR and the terpolymer composition determined from elemental analysis data is : 87.5 mol % of AM , 8.9 mol % of DM , and 3.6 mol % of acid ( - COOH ) .

  30. 红外光谱图显示接枝后羽绒粉体上羰基和S-O键的数量增加,-CH2-键的数量下降。

    The infrared spectrum of the grafted down-powder showed that the content of carbonyl and S O bond increase but the content of CH2bond decrease .