
  • 网络last line
  1. 文章最后对岸线变迁和河口淤积进行了初步的分析。

    At the last , this paper analyses the cause of the coastline evolvement and estuary sedimentation .

  2. 最后利用线弹性二维有限元程序计算了各节点位移、各单元应力应变及应变能增量。

    Finally , the displacements of the different nodes , the stress and strain and the strain energy increment of different unit are calculation using 2D finite element program of linear elasticity .

  3. 长度测量的方法是首先采用Zernike矩进行边缘检测,再人工选取感兴趣区域,并通过最小二乘法拟合得到两边的直线方程,最后通过平行线间距离确定长度。

    The way of length measuring is firstly to detect edge based on Zernike moment method , and then get the regions of interest through mouse , and get linear equation through least squares fitting , after that get the length through calculating the distances between the parallel .

  4. 最后一条线是关乎爱情品质和交往态度的感情线。

    The last line is the loveline , which represents emotions and relationships .

  5. 最后给出螺旋线天线的集总元件等效电路,利用等效电路法来分析天线的性能。

    Finally , the equivalent lumped circuits of helix antennas are derived to analyze antennas resonance performance .

  6. 最后对电力线载波通信技术的发展提出了自己的看法。

    At last , give themselves opinion about the development of communication technology via power line carrier .

  7. 当他们最后越过终点线时,满面笑容的参赛选手从头到脚布满泥浆。

    Smiling racers are covered from head to toe in mud when they finally cross the finish line .

  8. 最后对被覆线、卫星和短波电台3种信息传输方式的性能进行了比较。

    Finally , performance of three information transmission modes including covered wire , satellite and high-frequency radio is compared .

  9. 利用边界信息最后确定分割线来对字符进行形状分割。

    Combined with the edge information , we can define how to segment the character images based on segmentation lines .

  10. 最后,利用线切割技术制造的工件证实了本文所提出的方法和过程的有效性。

    Eventually , the workpiece made by wire cutting technology proved the feasibility of the method and the process proposed in this paper .

  11. 最后根据公交线网分级规划的特点,提出一组评价公交线网分级规划的指标体系和评价方法。

    Then , according to the traits of urban public traffic network classification planning , a set of evaluation criteria and evaluation method are presented .

  12. 前边的研究都是为最后的公交线网服务水平聚类分析打好基础。

    This section is a keystone in this paper , the study of the front is basis of fuzzy clustering analysis of public transit network service level .

  13. 只要东盟最后确定选线方案,中方将尽快启动境内相关线路的修建或改造。

    Once ASEAN finalizes the plan for route selection , the Chinese side will start the construction and renovation of relevant railways in China as quickly as possible .

  14. 最后将生产线设备模型与产品工艺模型进行集成,形成万能轧线、重轨精整线、型钢整线的生产物流模型。

    Finally , the whole multi-function production line , including railway production line and profile bar production line , is formulated by integrating equipment model and product model .

  15. 关于发展山西文化产业的研究与思考最后提出两线齐进,共荣山西文化产业的战略思路。

    A Study of Cultural Industry of Shanxi Province Finally , it has put forward two lines to develop cultural industry , and provided a strategic way of thinking to achieve it .

  16. 基于此,提出了一种采用双传感器,并将两个传感器图像映射到光刀平面上,然后再对其进行面内融合处理最后提取中心线的方法。

    A new effective data-fusion method is presented , which can eliminate the errors by using double sensors . First , the two sensors ′ images are mapped into the light knife plane ;

  17. 之后在拟合变异函数的基础上生成克里金方程组,并且提出利用一个地层所有测井数据交叉验证插值结果,最后用等值线和三维图形的方式显示了插值结果。

    After the fitting function based on the generated variations kriging equations , and propose a new test method , all data validation using a ground interpolation result , the final contour and three-dimensional graphics with the way shows the interpolation result .

  18. 试图通过非线性测试提取高温超导薄膜微波材料非线性模型,根据材料非线性模型建立非线性传输线模型,由非线性传输线模型建立各种微波无源元件模型,最后实现非线微波器件综合设计。

    The material is modeled by nonlinear test , then transmission line is modeled by material model , and many of nonlinear network parameters of microwave passive components are founded , at last HTSC microwave nonlinear devices are synthesized by these network parameters .

  19. 整个设计过程都通过HFSS软件仿真实现。最后,根据传输线理论,提出了一种测量介质板相对介电常数的方法。

    The entire design process was simulated by HFSS software . Finally , based on Transmission line theory , the author proposed a method for measuring the relative permittivity of medium plate .

  20. 仿真结果表明采用该永磁磁路能够有效减弱钢轨涡流对电磁铁悬浮力的影响。最后以唐山试验线低速磁浮列车CMS-04为实验对象对钢轨涡流效应进行实验验证。

    The simulation indicates that the designed permanent magnetic circuit can effectively weaken the influence of the eddy current on the levitation force . Finally , experiments are undertaken on the low-speed maglev vehicle , CMS-04 , in Tangshan test line .

  21. 最后对数字电力线载波通信的发展趋势作简要的分析。

    Finally the developments of digital power line carrier are briefly addressed .

  22. 最后根据结构辅助线辅助纹理合成实现对整幅图像的修补。

    Finally completes the image by patch-based texture synthesis according to completed structure curves .

  23. 最后用最低水平线与填充算法相结合策略的启发式排样算法实现自动排样。

    Finally , automatic layout is implemented by utilizing " the lowest horizontal and filling algorithm " .

  24. 最后,结合生产线实际资源约束情况,对各区域子工位之间的作业顺序进行调整,从而完成规划。

    Finally , the sequence of the sub-station of different zone was adjusted under production resources constraints .

  25. 最后,研究了线缺陷对二维光子晶体禁带的影响。

    Finally , the effect of line defects on photonic band gap was investigated on the two-dimensional photonic crystal .

  26. 最后介绍实现绕线式异步电动机恒转矩起动的液体电阻起动器。

    Liquid resistance starter used to realize start-up of constant torque of the winding asynchronous motor are presented in this paper .

  27. 最后通过分析传输线两端受到的干扰,来定性的判断孔缝耦合的干扰情况。

    At last , the interference on the two ends of transmission line is qualitatively analyzed to judge aperture coupling interference .

  28. 随着摩托罗拉的最后一条组装线迁至联想的老家——中国,曾经被高调宣传的位于德克萨斯州的摩托罗拉新工厂也将关闭。

    Its new and highly touted Texas assembly plant is expected to close as final assembly moves to China , Lenovo 's home .

  29. 论文最后结合襄石线铁路电气化改造项目的案例验证了这套综合评价方法的实用性与适用性。

    Finally , the practicability and applicability of this set of comprehensive evaluation system are demonstrated by a case of electrification improvement in Xiangfan railway .

  30. 最后对康普顿谱线位置和康普顿轮廓的理论研究和应用前景作了展望。

    At last the authors draw a conclusion and make a prospect for the research of the theory and its applications of Compton line and profile .