
kè shān bìng
  • Keshan disease;Chronic Keshan disease
克山病 [kè shān bìng]
  • [Chronic Keshan disease] 中国地方病。最先在黑龙江省克山县发现。症状是恶心、吐黄水、胸部胀闷、四肢冷、血压低、有时呼吸困难、下肢浮肿

克山病[kè shān bìng]
  1. 柯萨奇病毒B3与亚急型克山病的关系

    Relationship between coxsackievirus B_3 and sub-acute Keshan disease

  2. 柯萨奇病毒B3感染与克山病

    Coxsackievirus B _3 infection and Keshan disease

  3. 克山病区玉米中维生素E和硒水平

    Levels of vitamin E and selenium in maize from Keshan disease areas

  4. 潜在型克山病患者柯萨奇B组病毒抗体和红细胞免疫功能的检测

    Detection of Coxsackie virus B antibodies and red blood cell immune function of the latent Keshan disease

  5. 维生素B1对克山病病区粮所致心肌损伤的预防作用

    The protection of vitamin B_1 on the myocardium in the rats receiving the grains from Keshan disease area

  6. 前列腺素E1对克山病心衰与清除循环免疫复合物的作用

    Effects of Prostaglandin E_1 on Heart Failure and Circulatory Immune Complex in Keshan Disease

  7. 克山病病区粮喂饲大鼠对维生素E需要量的初步探讨

    Preliminary Study of Vitamin E Requirement of Rats Fed with Diet from Keshan Disease Affected Areas

  8. 辅酶Q(10)治疗慢型克山病的疗效观察一、临床研究

    Treatment of Chronic Keshan Disease with Coenzyme Q10 & ⅰ . A Clinical Study

  9. 结论ET、NO水平的变化可能作为一种中间环节参与了克山病的发病机制;

    Conclusions The change of ET and NO may join the incidence of KSD .

  10. 克山病和大骨节病患者血清中维生素E、总磷脂和总胆固醇的对比实验观察

    Comparative Observation on VE , Phospholipid and Cholesterin Concentration in Serum from Patients with Keshan Disease and Kaschin-Beck 's Disease

  11. 克山病病区粮饲养大鼠血栓素前列环素水平及其与硒维生素E的关系

    Relationship among prostacyclin , thromboxane or Wistar rats fed with grain from Keshan disease area and Selenium , Vitamin E

  12. 克山病患者红细胞膜C3b受体检测

    Detection of red boold cell membrane C_3 b receptors in patients with Keshan disease

  13. 硒和维生素E与内皮素在克山病心肌坏死发生中的作用

    Effect of selenium and Vitamin E on the endothelin concentration and their roles in developing myo - cardial necrosis of Keshan disease

  14. 克山病病毒病因研究资料的Meta分析

    The Meta-analysis of the study data of the Keshan disease virus pathogeny

  15. 铬对克山病病区粮喂养大鼠的甲状腺激素及cAMP水平的影响

    Effect of chromium on thyroidal hormone and cAMP levels in rats fed with grain from Keshan disease endemic

  16. 克山病病区粮喂饲大鼠维生素E营养状态评价及补充硒和维生素E的影响

    Evaluation of Vitamin E Nutritional Status in Rats Fed a Diet of Grains from Keshan Disease Area and Effect of Selenium and Vitamin E

  17. 克山病病区粮饲养的大鼠血浆中维生素E的含量和脂质代谢的研究

    The study of content of vitamin E in plasma and lipid metabolism in organism of rats fed on grain from Keshan disease endemic area

  18. 钙硒与维生素E对饲予克山病病区粮大鼠心肌细胞抗氧化能力的影响

    Effects or Calcium Selenium and Vitamin E on ability against lipid peroxidation and anoxic le sions in rats fed with grains from Keshan disease area

  19. 喂饲克山病病区粮大鼠全血GSH-Px活力的动态变化及硒和维生素E的影响

    Effects of selenium and vitamin E on the dynamic changes of GSH-Px activity in blood of rats

  20. 克山病病区低硒儿童血小板GSH(px)和SOD活性以及cAMP含量

    Platelet GSH _ ( px ), sod activities and camp contents of children from low-selenium Keshan disease areas

  21. 克山病病人的QRS环畸形及蚀缺与死亡有关因素的研究

    Deformity or notch of ORS vector loop and death factors in patients with Keshan disease

  22. 结果13例急型克山病中有8例出现阳性杂交信号,即有柯萨奇B组病毒的RNA存在,阳性率达61.5%。

    Of the 13 patients with acute Keshan disease , 8 ( 61 . 5 % ) showed positive findings . Their myocardial tissues were infected by CVB previously .

  23. 柯萨奇病毒RNA阳性信号在克山病心肌中形态特征及其与发病的关系

    Morphologic features of positive signal of Coxsackie virus RNA in the myocardium specimens of Keshan disease and its relationship with the occurrence of the disease

  24. 克山病病区粮对大鼠全血谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活力及体内抗氧化能力的影响克山病重病区居民口粮中必需氨基酸和微量元素Mn、Se的含量及其与发病关系初探

    Contents of essential amino acids and trace element mn , se in grains from severe Keshan disease endemic areas and their roles in etiology

  25. 克山病病区服硒人群停硒三年后体内硒、SOD、GSH-Px和脂质过氧化物水平测定及分析

    Determination and Analysis of Selenium , Glutathione Peroxidase , Superoxide Dismutase and Lipid Peroxides in People from Keshan Disease Areas Ceased Se-Supplement for 3 Years

  26. 目的:研究克山病病区粮(EG)饮食大鼠在冷应激条件下,引起心肌缺血的相关因素。

    Objeclive To study relative factor of myocardium ischemia under , the state of cold stress in rats fed on endemic grains ( EG ) .

  27. 大骨节病和克山病老病区粮食中T-2毒素和黄绿青霉素污染状况调查

    Contaminative status of T-2 and citreoviridin toxin in cereals in historic Kaschin-Beck disease and Keshan disease areas

  28. 锰与维生素E对克山病区粮饲养的大鼠体内GSH-Px及TBA值的影响

    Influence of Manganese and Vitamin E on Glutathione Peroxidase Activity and TBA Value in Blood and Tissues of Rats Fed on Grains from Endemic Region of Keshan Disease

  29. 低硒、氧化应激及CVB感染在克山病发病机制中的作用

    The effects of selenium deficiency , oxidative stress , coxsackievirus B infection on the pathogenesis of Keshan disease

  30. 克山病患者心肌中肠道病毒抗原VP1及其基因检测

    Detection of Enteroviral Antigen and Genome in Myocardial Specimens from Patients with Keshan Disease