
  • 网络Involvement of people;TPM;people involvement;involvement;Total Involvement
  1. 接着,文章对珠海飞利浦的全面质量管理、以小公司为主体的全员参与以及以PITSTOP/SPRINT为代表的JIT进行了具体分析。

    The TQM , Mini Company scheme as the main of total involvement in Philips DAP Zhuhai , and the JIT programme-PITSTOP / SPRINT are analyzed .

  2. 案例分析部分首先对卓越制造的发展历史进行了总结,分析探讨了卓越制造的含义与内容,认为卓越制造是JIT、TQM与全员参与的有机统一。

    The Case Analysis starts with the summing-up of manufacturing excellence history , followed by defining the manufacturing excellence . It is agreed that manufacturing excellence is an integral combination of JIT , TQM and total involvement .

  3. 在培训资源建设中,设计了全方位多层次的课程体系,为全员参与培训奠定了基础;ERP课程教学模式初探

    In building training resources system , this thesis designs all-level training course system and prepares everybody to take part in the subjects . An Elementary Analysis of ERP Teaching Modes

  4. 他感觉,ceo的作用就是要“实现全员参与,产生紧迫感,分配任务,然后打响发令枪”。

    As CEO , he felt his role was " to get everybody involved , create a sense of urgency , who does what , and then : run " .

  5. 方法:将5S管理法应用到手术室器械组管理中,制定细则,实行全员参与和专人负责制。

    Methods : 5S management was performed in the instrument department , routines were carried out by every working in the operation room and two of them were in charge of it .

  6. 全面质量管理(TQM)是在行为科学基础上发展起来的一种管理模式,其核心理念之一就是重视人的因素,即全员参与的思想。

    Total Quality Management ( TQM ) is a management pattern based on the behavioral science ; one of the core concepts is the human factor , that is , full employee participation .

  7. 具体介绍了HOS系统的推行和成熟度评估体系,辅助HOS推行的培训体系,标准化管理,持续改善和全员参与的企业文化。

    And the article also introduced some detailed HOS system implementation contents , such as corresponding maturity assessment procedure , Honeywell training system , standardization management , continuous improvement and full participation of company culture .

  8. 农业高职教育引入ISO9000质量管理体系,构建全员参与的农业高职教育教学质量保障新体系,实现学校教学质量管理决策科学化、工作规范化、服务自觉化。

    The higher vocational education of agriculture introduces ISO9000 quality controling system , constructs the new teaching quality safeguards system which the whole staff participate , causes the school teaching quality control realize policy-making scientific style , work standardization and serves on own initiative .

  9. 如何通过强调共同价值与需求来提升全员参与度。

    Engage management and workers by highlighting shared values and needs .

  10. 全员参与护理质量管理方法及效果探讨

    Probe into methods and effect of personnel participating nursing quality management

  11. 以人为本,全员参与教学质量管理;

    Human-oriented , all involved in the management of teaching quality ;

  12. 全员参与式的战略支持性绩效管理系统研究

    The Research of Wholly Participating in and Strategic Performance Management System

  13. 全员参与学生发展性心理辅导研究

    A research on students ' developmental mental guidance with all people involved

  14. 手术室全员参与护理管理的做法与体会

    The practice and experience of participatory management in operating room

  15. 全员参与质量管理提高环节医疗质量

    All Staff Participating Quality Control and Improving the Quality of Medical Link

  16. 全员参与是企业信息化成败的关键。

    The key for enterprise informationalized is the staff participation .

  17. 全员参与、构建心理健康教育网络;

    Participating in and structuring the education network of the psychological health wholly ;

  18. 全员参与全面预算管理全过程;

    The whole members participate the whole process of the complete budget management ;

  19. 全员参与,共同发展!

    The whole member participate , common development !

  20. 提高质量意识首先需要强调全员参与的意识。

    The first thing to strengthen quality consciousness is to improve staff participating consciousness .

  21. 激励全员参与,不断完善过程,追求顾客满意。

    Customer satisfaction will be achieved by engaging our associates to continuous improve our processes .

  22. 构建全员参与的高职教育教学质量保障新体系

    Construction of the New System of the Whole Teaching Staff for the Teaching Quality Safeguards

  23. 第八章讲述了学校全员参与和团队建设的意义和前景。

    Chapter 8 tells of the significance and prospect of staff involvement and team building .

  24. 全员参与,共创安全!

    Participation and Safety By All !

  25. 本文以系统的观点,阐述了设备管理的基本理论和方法,强调设备管理是对设备所进行的综合管理,是一种全过程、全方位、全员参与的科学管理。

    This thesis presents the basic theories and methods of equipment management in a systematic way .

  26. 采取有效的考核与激励措施,鼓励全员参与预算管理。

    Take the effective examination and incentive measures and encourage participating in the budget management wholly .

  27. 管理者推动,全员参与,是实施质量管理体系的实质;

    Governor promotion and the entire personnel participation are the substance of implementing quality control system ;

  28. 加强过程管理可最终达到全员参与、全面的质量管理。

    Strengthening process management can eventually achieve the goal of all staff participating and all-around quality management .

  29. 全员参与,持续改善,品质保证,顾客满意。

    The whole staff participation , improves continually , the quality guaranteed , the customer is satisfied .

  30. 公司的质量方针是'全员参与,精制五金,质量第一,客户至上。

    The company 's quality policy is'full participation , refined metal , quality first , customer first .