
  • 网络global industry
  1. 绝对战略研究中心(absolutestrategyresearch)的伊恩哈尼特(ianharnett)指出,过去20年,整个全球产业模式的前提是充沛的廉价信贷。

    As Ian Harnett of absolute strategy research points out , the entire model of global industry over the past 20 years has been based on the premise of cheap , abundant credit .

  2. 有关统计资料揭示,伴随着经济全球化的发展、全球产业结构的调整和新技术的进步,跨国并购日益成为跨国公司进行对外直接投资(FDI)主要形式。

    According to relevant statistics , cross-border M & A has been the main mode of direct investment of multinational companies with the development of economic globalization , adjustment of global industry structure and rapid progress made in the new technologies .

  3. 要共同维护全球产业链供应链稳定,中国将加大力度向国际市场供应原料药、生活必需品、防疫物资等产品。

    We need to jointly2 keep the global industrial and supply chains stable . What China will do in this regard is to increase its supply of active pharmaceutical3 ingredients , daily necessities , and anti-epidemic and other supplies to the international market .

  4. 中国呼吁G20经济体携手合作,确保全球产业链供应链稳定。

    China has called on the Group of 20 economies to work together to ensure stability in global industrial and supply chains .

  5. 如何利用中国独特的优势资源和全球产业调整的机会,制定良好的发展战略是中国EMS厂商实现未来持续发展的重要保障。

    Taking the advantage of the special Chinese sources and grab the chance of the adjustment of the industry structure in the whole world , set down the appropriate strategy is the way to achieve the continued development for the Chinese EMS enterprise .

  6. 全球产业环境正趋向国际化、自由化、知识经济化。

    Global industrial environments are tendency internationalization , liberalization and knowledge economization .

  7. 未来三年全球产业大趋势

    The General Trend of the Global Industry in the Coming (?) Years

  8. 全球产业重构与中国产业整合战略

    Global Industrial Restructuring and Industry Integration Stratagem in China

  9. 近十几年来,全球产业结构发生了重大变化。

    The global industrial structure has changed significantly in the last ten years .

  10. 目前,垃圾处理已经成为一个高价值的全球产业。

    Waste is now a high value global industry .

  11. 全球产业转移背景下引进外资项目的综合评价模型&基于科学发展观的视角

    An Overall Evaluation Model of Foreign Investment under Background of Global Industry Transferring

  12. 辐射固化的全球产业化与市场动态(一)

    Global Industrialization and Market Trends of Radiation Curing (ⅰ)

  13. 温特制:美国新经济与全球产业重组的微观基础

    Wintelism : America 's New Economy and the Micro Basis for World Industrial Restructuring

  14. 全球产业模块化对我国产业结构升级的影响

    The Influence of Globally Industrial Modularization on the Upgrading of Industrial Structure in China

  15. 结果就是一个机能失调的全球产业。

    The result is a dysfunctional global industry .

  16. 当前全球产业结构调整的趋势和特点及我国产业结构调整对策

    The Tendency of Global Adjustment of Industrial Structure

  17. 而贸易失衡一个重要的外部因素是全球产业转移。

    An important external factor of the trade imbalance is the global industrial transfer .

  18. 第三章全球产业结构趋势与运城市产业结构调整回顾。

    Chapter third global industrial structure trend and structural adjustment of Yuncheng city industry review .

  19. 全球产业与市场整合下的服务业国际化当前全球产业结构调整的趋势和特点及我国产业结构调整对策

    Internationalization of Service Industry : Motivations and Characteristics The Tendency of Global Adjustment of Industrial Structure

  20. 随着技术的进步、经济的发展,全球产业结构发生了巨大变化。

    With the development of technology and economy , global industrial structure has been changed greatly .

  21. 世界级国际主力企业,主导著全球产业经济的游戏规则和发展走向。

    World-class international main enterprises lead the game rules and development trends of the global industry economy .

  22. 在经济全球化和全球产业结构调整的背景下,新的跨国投资浪潮正在蓬勃兴起。

    During the economic globalization and global industry structure adjustment , new international investment wave is flourishing .

  23. 中国的国际竞争力还很低,总体上仍处于全球产业链的低端。

    It lacks international competitiveness in many industries and urgently needs to move up the value chain .

  24. 离岸服务外包已成为跨国公司新一轮全球产业转移的重要形式。

    Offshore outsourcing has become a critical form that TNCs take the new round of global industrial transfer .

  25. 从20世纪80年代开始,全球产业结构呈现出工业型经济向服务型经济转型的总趋势。

    From 1980 's , the world economy changed from " Industry Economy " to " Service Industry Economy " .

  26. 以服务业外包和高科技、高附加值的高端制造及研发环节转移为主要特征的新一轮全球产业结构调整正在兴起。

    A new round of global industry structure adjustment characterized by outsourcing service with hi-tech and high-added value is emerging .

  27. 日本和德国都是全球产业创新的先驱,双方可以在在这一领域进行紧密的合作。

    Japan and Deutschland are global drivers of industrial innovation and can go toe-to-toe with each other in this sphere .

  28. 他还呼吁各国保持协作,确保全球产业链供应链安全顺畅运行。

    He also called for sustaining coordination to keep up secure and smooth functioning of global industrial and supply chains .

  29. 随着全球产业重构和社会转型,在发达国家出现了较为严重的新城市贫困问题。

    With global industrial restructure and social adjustment , the new problems of urban poverty had appeared in developed counties .

  30. 2007年美国次贷危机爆发,随后引发金融危机,直接影响到全球产业结构的调整布局。

    In 2007 , U.S. sub-prime crisis and the forthcoming financial crisis directly affect the distribution of global industrial restructuring .