
  1. 在知识就是财富、知识就是生产力的信息时代,只要掌握一技之长,相信所有投资者总有一天都将不同凡响。

    At the information age that knowledge is wealth as well as productivity , as long as one master skills , I believe that all investors will be outstanding one day .

  2. 提升农场生产力可以借鉴信息系统如何帮助其实现现代化农业发展的模式方法。

    Increased farm productivity can draw lessons from information system to help its modernization pattern of agricultural development .

  3. 若阁下不欲再接收香港生产力促进局信息,请以传真:85231874531通知我们。

    If you do not wish to receive further information from HKPC , please inform us via fax at85231874531 .

  4. 生产力能否像信息技术推动19世纪90年代后期和20世纪早期经济高速增长时期一样的高速发展?

    Will productivity rise as rapidly in the future as it did in the late1990s and early2000s as businesses increasingly adopted computer technology ?

  5. 社会生产力以及现代信息技术的迅速发展,已经将人类逐步带入信息化社会。

    With the rapid development of the social productivity and the modern information technology , the human information society is gradually taken into information era .

  6. 电子商务可以满足现代社会中快速、灵活、高效地实现信息交换的要求,对于现代商务和个人活动中进一步解放生产力、提高信息价值和经济效益,具有重大应用价值和社会意义。

    E-commerce can suffice for the need of information transferred quickly , agilely and efficiently . It can also release productivity , and information value , improve economy benefit .

  7. 在社会生产力受惠于信息技术的应用而得到大幅增长的同时,我们也看到了信息安全事件频频发生,信息安全问题日益成为整个社会信息化进程中的核心问题之一。

    Been substantial growth in the social productive forces , to benefit from the information technology applications at the same time , we also saw the frequent occurrence of information security , information security has increasingly become one of the core issues in the entire process of social information .

  8. 物流生产力发展的关联信息技术分析

    Analysis on Correlative Information Technologies in the Process of Development of Logistics Productivity

  9. 在当代,先进的生产力就是以电子信息技术为核心的生产力。

    At present , the advanced productive force is the force with the electron information as the core .

  10. 制度创新解放了生产力,促进了信息通信产业和整个国民经济的高速增长。

    The institutional innovation liberated the productivity and promoted the rapid growth of the telecommunications industry as well as the whole national economy .

  11. 信息技术是当今世界最先进的生产力要素,随着信息技术的迅猛发展和普及应用,电子政务的发展成为现实。

    Information technology is the most advanced factor of productivity in the world . With the development of computer and network techniques , E-government became a reality .

  12. 网络生产力以互联网和信息交换为依托,表现为劳动资料的网络化、劳动的网络化与劳动对象的网络化,呈现出技术传播的全球化、经济的数字化与虚拟化的特点。

    The network and information exchange is a basic of the network productive , display the network tendency of the means of labor , the labor and the objective of labor . At the same time also display the globalization of technical , the figure tendency and virtualization of economy .

  13. 更为重要的是,一种不同于物质生产力和精神生产力的新的生产力形态&信息生产力,已经形成。

    More importantly , a new form , different from the material productive force and spiritual productive force , has come into being .