
  • 网络Production enthusiasm;A B C
  1. 一是近年来农民收入增长趋缓,不仅影响农民的农业生产积极性、制约农村消费增长,也影响整个国民经济的发展;

    First is the slow growth of peasants ' income .

  2. 他们的生产积极性空前高涨。

    Their enthusiasm for production is rising to unprecedented heights .

  3. 论调动企业职工生产积极性的激励机制和方法

    On Stimulation Machanism and Methods of Arousing Staff 's and Works ' Zeal

  4. 尊重农民意愿,保护并发扬农民的生产积极性。

    Respecting peasants ' will , protecting and developing peasants ' productive enthusiasm .

  5. 论粮农的经济利益与生产积极性

    The economic benefit and productive enthusiasm of grain peasants

  6. 还有一种办法去调动政府以及民众的生产积极性。

    There is another way to transfer economic initiative from governments to people .

  7. 注重强化经济责任制,有效地调动了职工的生产积极性。

    Paying attention to consolidate economic responsibility system mobilizes the enthusiasm of the staff .

  8. 保护农民的生产积极性

    To protect farmers ' incentive to produce

  9. 它包含以下内容:一是保护好农民的粮食生产积极性。

    It contains the following contents : Carefully protect peasants ' enthusiasm of grain production .

  10. 依靠制度和政策,充分调动农民的生产积极性;

    Depend on the system and policy , we fully arouse peasants ' enthusiasm for production .

  11. 林权制度改革对林农生产积极性的影响分析

    Analysis on Influence of Reform of Collective Forestry Property Right System on Forestry Farmers ' Enthusiasm

  12. 要发展市场经济,就不得不考虑鼓励用人单位的生产积极性。

    To develop market economy , it has to consider encouraging the employers ' production of enthusiasm .

  13. 这表明现有补偿制度可能弱化了农户的农业生产积极性。

    This indicates that the existing compensation system can weaken the enthusiasm of farmers in agricultural production .

  14. 土地制度的改革,对于调动广大农民的生产积极性、保护农民合法权益、促进农业生产发展具有重要作用。

    The land reform greatly promotes the farmers ' enthusiasm , protect their rights and boost agricultural development .

  15. 家庭承包经营责任制的推行,确立了农业家庭经营组织在我国农业微观组织体系中的主体地位,从而调动了广大农民的生产积极性,促进了农业和农村经济的发展。

    The carrying out of the responsibility system of household contract management has promoted agriculture and rural economy .

  16. 福利措施的推行提高了广大员工的生产积极性,成为国有企业福利制度建设的重要蓝本,为国民政府时期军事工业的进步奠定了较好的基础。

    Welfare system stimulate the enthusiasm of staff , which laid a good foundation for the military industry .

  17. 合理的土地制度,可以调动农民的生产积极性,提高生产效率,这样农民才能够丰衣足食。

    It can activate farmers ' enthusiasm and improve the production efficiency , so that farmers can well-fed .

  18. 家庭承包经营责任制,提高了农民生产积极性,促进了广西农业的发展。

    Household contract responsibility system improved the enthusiasm of farmers ' production , and promoted agricultural production development .

  19. 这一转变使得农民的生产积极性大大提高,农业经济在这一改革的推动下有了长足的发展。

    The change has stimulated farmers to produce energetically , driven in this reform agricultural economy has greatly improved .

  20. 这就要:一方面改变林产品收购价格低,林业收益少而影响林业生产积极性的现状;

    At present , the state 's procurement price for forest products and the returns on forestry are relatively low .

  21. 作者认为,如果优秀工人经常得到加薪和提级,他们就会有更大的生产积极性。

    The author believes that if excellent workers get frequent pay increases and promotions they will have greater incentive to work .

  22. 农民缓过气来了,生产积极性就提高了,农业的恢复和发展就有希望了。

    This will in turn arouse their enthusiasm for production and bring about hope for the recovery and development of agriculture .

  23. 其中在现行分配中,存在着很突出的问题,严重影响和阻碍员工生产积极性。

    Especially in the current system of distribution , the outstanding problems have dampened the enthusiasm of the employees in production .

  24. 如能带动生产积极性,就能够促进农业生产力的发展,否则就将阻碍其发展。

    If it can lead enthusiasms of production , it can promote the productive forces development , otherwise it hinders its development .

  25. 由于实施两税法、代役制和租佃制等新的经济制度,激发了广大农民的生产积极性。

    The new economic policies such as the " two-taxes " system and the tenancy system greatly motivated the peasants to work .

  26. 这些都使农民生产积极性受到很大影响,也对农业经济发展产生了较大消极作用。

    In those cases , the enthusiasm of farmers , to great extent , is influenced so that the agricultural economy difficultly develops .

  27. 农民的生产积极性是影响中国农村现代化进程的一项重要因素。

    The productive enthusiasm of the peasants is one of the most important factors that influence the course of modernization of China 's agriculture .

  28. 公平理论是一种研究工资分配的合理性、公平性以及对职工生产积极性产生影响的理论。

    Equity theory is a kind of theory that studies the rationality and justification of salary distribution and the influence on the enthusiasm of staff .

  29. 之后,为调动农民生产积极性,对农产品进行价格结构性调整,并逐步放开农产品价格。

    Afterwards we made adjustment for the agriculture product price and made the price free gradually in order to arouse the enthusiasm of the farmers .

  30. 当前农村经济工作的最大问题是土地承包关系不稳定,严重挫伤了农民的生产积极性。

    One of the most serious problem in rural economy is the unstability of land-contracted relationship which dampens the enthusiasm of peasants in production greatly .