
  • 网络pharmacognosy;Pharmakognosie, Pharmacognosy
  1. Maxim和金银花LonicerajaponicaThunb进行了系统而深入的生药学研究。

    Maxim and Lonicera japonica Thunb . , the two species are systemically studied on pharmacognosy .

  2. 本文首先综述了涉及安徽有资源分布的大戟属(Euphorbia)植物的研究进展,主要包括植物化学、生药学等方面的研究;

    The progress of researches was summarized in Euphorbia which mainly involved plant chemistry and pharmacognosy and so on .

  3. 三种野生黄连的生药学和RAPD分析研究

    Investigation and Comparision between Three Species of Wilding Coptis by RAPD and Pharmacognosy

  4. 目的对青果叶FoliumCanarii进行生药学研究。

    Objective The pharmacognostic character of Folium Canarii was studied systematically .

  5. 采用性状鉴别、显微鉴别、成分的理化鉴别及HPCL鉴别等方法,对五加科植物西洋参茎、叶进行系统的生药学研究。

    Pharmacognosy characters of the stems and leaves of American genseng ( Panax quinquefolium ) were studied by feature and microscopical identification , physical and chemical identification of the components , and HPCL method .

  6. 前言:目的:在世纪之交,对生药学的发展进行回顾。

    Objective : To Review the development of pharmacognosy in China .

  7. 模式识别及其在生药学领域中的应用

    Pattern recognition and its application in the field of Pharmacognosy

  8. 生药学的发展面临着机遇和挑战。

    The development of pharmacognosy is facing opportunities and challenges .

  9. 千金藤属植物地不容的生药学及化学成分研究

    Study on the Chemical Constituents and Pharmacognosy of Stephania Epigaea

  10. 目的对吉尔吉斯斯坦野生粗毛甘草进行生药学研究。

    Objective To study pharmacognosy of wild Glycyrrhiza aspera Pall .

  11. 茄科酸浆属两种药用植物生药学研究

    Study on the Pharmacognosy of Two Species Plants of Physalis of China

  12. 草酸钙结晶体在被子植物中的分布及其在显微生药学中的应用

    Distribution of Calcium Oxalate Crystal in Angiosperms and Its Applications in Microscopic Pharmacognosy

  13. 野生转家种大叶马蹄香的生药学研究

    Pharmacognostic studies on transforming wild asarum ( asarum maximum ) into cultivated variety

  14. 生药学实验教学新体系的探索与建立

    Exploratory Development of a New Pharmacognostic Experimental Teaching System

  15. 细胞内含有油滴为其种子的生药学特性。

    Oil drop in the cell was the pharmacognostic property of the seed .

  16. 本课程是为中药学和生药学专业研究生开设的学位课。

    This course is designed for graduate students in Chinese medicine and Pharmacogosy .

  17. 中国西南地区乌头类中草药的生药学研究

    Pharmacognostic studies on aconites in South - Western China

  18. 瑶药双钩钻(钩藤根、茎)的生药学研究

    Pharmacognostic Studies on Shuang Gou Zuan ( Uncaria rhynchophylla ) of Yao medicine

  19. 滇丹参的生药学研究

    Studies on Pharmacognosy of Radix Salvia Yunnanensis C.H Wright

  20. 报道了角茴香的生药学特征。

    The paper reports pharmacognostic features of erect hypecoum .

  21. 毒药是一种专门的学问。临床药学专业《生药学》教材内容改革

    Poisons were a specialty . Reform of pharmacognosy teaching materials of clinical pharmacy

  22. 干漆的生药学研究

    Study Report Pharmacognosy Study on Dried Raw Lacquer

  23. 山苍子油的抗氧化作用山苍子的生药学研究

    Study on the antioxidation of Litsea cubeba oil

  24. 民族药心不甘的生药学研究

    Pharmacognostic study on Ethnic Drug Xing Bu Gang

  25. 从药用石斛研究进展看生药学的发展趋势

    Judging Development Trend of Raw Pharmacognosy from Progress in Study on Medicinal Herb Dendrobii

  26. 临床药学专业《生药学》教材内容改革

    Reform of pharmacognosy teaching materials of clinical pharmacy

  27. 建设生药学学科培养高质量人才

    Discipline Construction of Pharmacognosy to Train Qualified Personnel

  28. 目前生药学实验教学中存在着验证性实验多、内容重复且单调陈旧的问题。

    The traditional experiment of pharmacognosy is not suited for the present experimental teaching .

  29. 麋鹿角的生药学研究

    Pharmacognostic Study of Horn of David 's Deer

  30. 目的:利用生药学研究,为紫丁香茎皮的鉴别提供科学依据。

    Objective : To provide a scientific basis for identification of Syringa oblata s cortex .