
  • 网络ecological survey;ecological investigation
  1. 北戴河地区鸟类环志及生态调查

    Banding of Birds in Beidaihe Region and its Ecological Survey

  2. 山东沂河流域鸟类的生态调查

    Ecological survey of birds in drainage area of Yihe river

  3. 我国东北边境地区恙螨区系和生态调查

    Faunal and Ecological Investigations of Chigger Mites in Frontiers of Northeast China

  4. 厦门及其附近潮间带生态调查

    Studies on the Littoral Ecology of Amoy and its Vicinity

  5. 松茸生态调查及培养的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on Ecology and Cultivation of Tricholoma matsutake

  6. 苏州河微生物功能群落的生态调查

    Ecological Study on functional Groups of Microorganisms in SUzhou Creek

  7. 杭州市中河浮游动物生态调查

    Ecological Investigations on the Zooplankton in Zhong River of Hangzhou

  8. 苗族反排木鼓舞生态调查研究

    Investigation and Study on Miao Wooden Drum Dance Ecology in Fan Pai

  9. 澎湖群岛海岸防风林植物群落生态调查

    Vegetation survey of coastal windbreaks in Pescadores , Taiwan

  10. 长江口、杭州湾浮游动物生态调查报告

    An investigation on the ecology of zooplankton in Changjiang Estuary and Hangzhou Bay

  11. 我国海洋生态调查指南编制说明

    Explanation for Guidelines for Marine Ecological Survey of China

  12. 杭州西湖水域微生物的生态调查

    Studies on the ecological distribution of microorganisms in the West lake , hangzhou

  13. 浙江洞头岛潮间带软体动物的生态调查

    Ecologic investigation of Mollusca on the intertidal zone of Dongtou island , zhejiang

  14. 洪泽湖湿地生态调查研究与保护对策

    Investigation of Wetland Ecological Condition in Hongze Lake

  15. 湛江地区家栖鼠类和蚤类的生态调查

    Ecological Studies of Rodents and Fleas in Zhanjiang

  16. 云南省非豆科双子叶根瘤固氮植物的生态调查初报

    The Preliminary Ecological Investigative Report of Yunnan Province Non-leguminous Nodulated Nitrogen Fixing Dicotyledonous Plants

  17. 地质生态调查是新一轮国土资源大调查的一项基本内容。

    The exploratory search of geological ecology is a new content of resources in China .

  18. 淮南地区房舍储藏物粉螨孳生密度与过敏性哮喘关系的研究高校图书馆衣鱼孳生种类和生态调查

    Allergic asthma and breeding density of acaroid mites in the house storages in Hainan Area

  19. 大耳猬生态调查

    Study on the Ecology of Long-Eared Hedgehog

  20. 成都蚊虫种类及生态调查报告

    A report on the species and ecology of mosquitoes in Chengtu , szechwan , China

  21. 从生态调查到系统规划&山地城镇建设的生态调控方法浅探

    From Ecology Investigation to Systematic Planning ── The Research of Ecology Regulating Method in Mountainous Town

  22. 大型食品冷库鼠类的生态调查及防制试验

    The Ecological Behaviour Investigation and the Control Test of the Rodent in the Large Foodstuff Freezer

  23. 对2001-2005年大庆水库的底栖动物进行了生态调查。

    During 2001 - 2005 , the biological investigation of zoobenthos was conducted in Daqing reservoir .

  24. GB17378.7-1998海洋监测规范第7部分:近海污染生态调查和生物监测

    The specification for marine monitoring Part 7 : Ecological survey of offshore pollution and biological monitoring

  25. 植被混凝土坡面防护技术应用及防护效果生态调查

    Application of Vegetation Concrete Technology for Highway Slope Protection and Ecological Observation of Slope Protection Effect

  26. 地质生态调查的内容与方法探讨

    Contents and methods of geo-ecological investigation

  27. 以森林经理调查与生态调查相结合的方法为基础,分析八达岭林场糠椴次生林分结构以及生物多样性。

    Based on forest inventory and ecology inventory , analysis on the stand distribution and biodiversity was conducted .

  28. 商丘市黄河故道森林公园蚂蚁生态调查及分析

    Ecological Survey and Analysis of Ants in the Old alleys of the Yellow River Forest Park in Shangqiu City

  29. 试论多金属矿山尾矿库区受损景观生态调查研究方法&以云南个旧矿区为例云南面向东南亚、南亚区域物流系统优化研究

    Discussion on the survey research method of damaged landscape ecology in tailing pool area of polymetallic mine & A case study on the mine in Gejiu Yunnan province

  30. 本文根据1982年4月至1983年5月在大连湾周年生态调查中获得的资料,分析了大连湾枝角类的数量分布和季节变化。

    Based on data of ecological survey in Dalian Bay from April 1982 to May 1983 , numerical distribution and seasonal changes of cladocera in Dalian Bay are analysesed in this paper .