
nónɡ yè wū rǎn
  • agricultural pollution
  1. 关于农业污染纠纷综合处理的思考

    The Thinking about How to Multiply Handle Issues of Agricultural Pollution

  2. 因此,实施有效的农业污染防治已经刻不容缓。

    Therefore , effective agricultural pollution prevention is urgently .

  3. 我国农业污染现状、原因及对策研究

    Present Situation , Reasons and Countermeasures of the Agriculture Pollution of China

  4. 工业污染、农业污染、生活垃圾污染严重;

    The pollution of industry , agriculture and garbage is very grave .

  5. 滇池湖滨农业污染土壤的硝化过程及控制方法

    Nitrification Process and Control Method of Soils in Dianchi Lakeside of Agricultural Pollution Environment

  6. 环境监测与农业污染防治;

    Environment supervision and prevention of agricultural pollution .

  7. 农业污染的来源及防治对策

    Agricultural pollution four source of the prevention

  8. 通过绿色扶持政策提高农民从事绿色生产的积极性等措施是控制农业污染问题的有效途径。

    It can control the agriculture pollution effectively encouraging farmers engage in the green production .

  9. 沈阳市农业污染现状的初步调查

    Investigations of Agricultural Pollution Status in Shenyang

  10. 农业污染的污染量比较小,但是所涉及的范围特别大,分布也特别广。

    Agricultural pollution pollution than smaller , but the scope is large , the distribution is particularly wide .

  11. 综合防治农业污染,不仅需要技术支撑,还需要经济制度和政策措施的配套。

    Preventing and controlling pollution in agriculture needs support not only in technology and economic environment , but also system perfection .

  12. 农业污染已成为导致全球水污染等环境问题的主要污染源。

    Agricultural pollution ( AP ) has been a leading source of many environmental problems such as water pollution in the world .

  13. 联合国环境规划署说,尽管石油和化学污染正在下降,其它形式的营养污染例如农业污染正在使海洋富营养化。

    UNEP says that while oil and chemical pollution are declining , other forms of nutrient-rich pollution such as agricultural waste are'fertilising'the sea .

  14. 第一,客观分析湖泊生态环境与农业污染的关系,把握我国湖泊流域的农业污染状况。

    Firstly , the relationship between lake eco-environment and agricultural pollution , the condition of agricultural pollution in main lake basin are analyzed objectively .

  15. 农业污染最主要的的源头是焚烧农业废弃物、农田中的农作物,大量的牲畜也是一大农业污染源。

    The main sources of pollution are the burning of agricultural waste , or of crops in the field and large intensive livestock units .

  16. 就在这份研究出台之际,澳大利亚昆士兰州政府宣布要拿出三千万美元,来保护世界著名的珊瑚礁“大堡礁”不受农业污染。

    The research comes as the Queensland state government announces a new multi-million dollar plan to protect the Great Barrier Reef from agricultural pollution .

  17. 就在斯坦福大学公布这份研究报告之际,澳大利亚昆士兰州政府宣布要实施一项新的举措,来保护世界著名的“大堡礁”不受农业污染。

    The research comes as the Queensland state government in Australia announces a new plan to protect the Great Barrier Reef from agricultural pollution .

  18. 但长期来由于经济发展的压力和各种人为破坏、工农业污染和自然损毁退化等,使农村生态环境问题十分突出,已成为区域经济可持续发展的严重制约因素。

    But , the results of environmental vandalism and hazard of pollutants due to economic development and natural degradation , made rural eco-environmental problem very serious .

  19. 就农业污染的四个主要来源进行分析,并提出具体防治措施。

    This essay tries to analyse the four main sources . If agricultural pollution , at the same time , point out some specific prevention measures .

  20. 其中,农业污染;农业生物资源过度开发利用和外来物种入侵对西部地区农业生物多样性的破坏最为严重。

    Among them , agricultural pollution ; agricultural biological resources over-exploitation and invasive alien species in the most severe destruction of agricultural biodiversity in the western region .

  21. 父亲在这样森林渐毁的年代还偶尔出猎吗,他养的小蜜蜂在农业污染中还存活了多少箱呢?

    Does Dad still go hunting as a hobby when the forests are kept destroying ? How many his raised bees are still alive out of agricultural pollution ?

  22. 对安庆沿江湖泊湿地资源和功能展开分析,并从水利建设、围湖垦殖、森林砍伐和水土流失、农业污染、公路建设及渔业开发等方面探讨了人类活动对湿地的影响。

    The paper analyzes the resources and functions of the lakes and wetlands in Anqing region , discusses the impact of human activities on them from five aspects .

  23. 本研究主要是笔者在参与福建省第一次农业污染源普查工作期间,根据污染源普查的原始数据完成的。

    This study was mainly completed according to the original data of pollution source census , during the author participated in the first agricultural pollution sources census in Fujian province .

  24. 农业污染已经占到全国污染的三分之一以上,农业环境污染将是21世纪中国面临的最大挑战之一,因此,农业农村节能减排的形式十分严峻。

    The nation agricultural pollution has more than one-third of the pollution , and agricultural environmental pollution in the 21st century in China will be one of the biggest challenges .

  25. 近些年来,全球农业污染问题日益突出,农业污染已成为水资源污染、土壤污染和大气污染的重要来源。

    In recent years , global agricultural pollution has become an increasingly significant problem , and agricultural pollution is an important source of aquatic contamination , soil contamination and atmospheric contamination .

  26. 文章指出了高强度开发下上海市郊主要的农业污染问题,并分析了污染形成的原因,提出了符合可持续发展战略的污染控制对策。

    Main problems of agricultural environment in Shanghai suburbs under high strength exploitation were pointed out with analysis of the pollution causes . The pollution control countermeasures conforming with sustainable development strategy were proposed .

  27. 我国东、中、西部主要湖泊流域的农业污染都非常严重,且呈现持续增加的态势,对湖泊水体的威胁日益加剧。第二,农业污染产生的经济学根源是市场失灵和政府失灵。

    Increasing agricultural pollution has a strong impact on water quality in key lakes basin of the east , middle , west China . Secondly , market failure and government failure is economics reason of agricultural pollution aggravates .

  28. 随着社会经济发展,工业污染、农业污染、生活垃圾污染等各种污染越来越严重,污染物源源不断地涌向农村,污染农村的水体和环境。

    As social and economic development , industrial pollution , agricultural pollution , garbage and other pollution are increasingly serious . Pollutants are continuously flocked to rural areas , polluting the water bodies and the environment in rural areas .

  29. 指出气候变化、用水量增加、不合理建设等原因造成水量减少;工农业污染、生活污染和交通污染是水质污染的主要原因。

    The decrease of water volume is mainly caused by the climate variation , increase of water consumption , and unreasonable construction , while the water quality pollution is mainly caused by industrial , agricultural , domestic , and traffic pollution .

  30. 然后,分析了经济发展对农业污染的影响,并自此基础上使用山东省总体统计数据,运用计量经济学方法:协整检验和格兰杰因果关系检验,对两者之间的关系进行了实证分析。

    We also established a new agricultural pollution measurement index . Then , we analyze the effect of economic development on agricultural pollution empirically by using statistics and data of Shandong province and econometrical methods like co-integration and Grandeur causal test .