
  • 网络agricultural experiment
  1. 建设现代化农业试验站搭建科技创新平台基于Web日志挖掘技术的农业信息网站构建

    Constructing Modern Agricultural Experiment Station to Provide a Platform for Science and Technology Innovation ; Research on Building Agricultural Information Website Based on Web Log Mining Technology

  2. 农业试验统计分析软件SAAE能简化数据处理分析过程,准确快速的得出结论。

    Statistic and analysis of agricultural experiment software SAAE can simplify the data analysis process , acquire the conclusion fast and exactly .

  3. 巧妙利用Excel完成农业试验常用的统计分析方法

    Application of Excel Software to Statistical Analysis for Agricultural Experiments

  4. 用Excel对农业试验数据进行回归分析的方法

    Regression Analysis of Agricultural Testing Data by Excel 2003

  5. SAS聚类分析过程在农业试验统计分析中的应用

    Application of Cluster Analysis from SAS System in the Process of Agricultural Research and Statistics Analysis

  6. 5个亲本与其6个杂交组合F2和F3种植在美国密西西比州立大学农业试验站。

    The five parents and six F_2 and F_3 hybrids were evaluated at Mississippi State University for three years .

  7. 统计量的各类分布函数如正态分布、ι分布、x ̄2分布和F分布等在农业试验统计分析中有着重要的作用。

    Some statistical distribution functions , such as normal distribution ,ι distribution , x  ̄ 2 distribution and F distribution , have an important role in agricultural testing analysis , This topic discusses the calculation method of the statistical distribution .

  8. 数字农业试验平台无线控制系统的设计

    The Design of Wireless Control System for Digital Agricultural Test Platform

  9. 农业试验中某些数量因素的水平,常常难以控制到完全一致,而表现非固定变异。

    Some quantitative factors in agricultural experiment often have indeterminate levels .

  10. 持久高效草地农业试验示范网建设及其效果

    Persistent high efficiency grassland agriculture test demonstration net construction and its effect

  11. 关于精细农业试验示范与发展研究的思考

    Thinking Through The Experiment , Demonstration and Development Research On Precision Agriculture

  12. 农业试验设计中的时空分段及其方差分析

    Time & space Section and Its Variance Analysis in Agriculture Experiment Design

  13. 农业试验数学模型生成系统设计

    Generating System of Mathematic Models in Agricultural Experiments

  14. 南京地区典型农业试验基地土壤肥力、环境质量调查与评价

    Assessment of Fertility and Environmental Quality of Soils in Agricultural Production Bases of Nanjing

  15. 农业试验机构的兴办与发展,标志着现代意义上的农业科学试验的发端,揭开了中国近代农业试验与科研史的第一页。

    The initiation and development of agricultural experimental organs marked that the modern agricultural experiment began to originate .

  16. 清康熙时期,我国的农业试验示范已形成了一定的科学程序;

    In period Kangxi Qing Dynasty , the agricultural experiments and demonstrations have been already formed certain scientific procedure .

  17. 本试验是在日本国农林水产省东北农业试验场作物开发部大豆育种研究室进行的。

    Agro-forest intercropping ; The test was conducted in soybean breading laboratory of exploiting , Northeast Agricultural Experimental Farm in Japan .

  18. 全国建立了2000多个生态农业试验区,建立各类自然保护区近1000处。

    The country has established more than 2,000 ecological farming experimental zones and built nearly 1,000 nature reserves of various types .

  19. 1887年《哈奇法》资助各州建立农业试验站,加强赠地学院的研究功能;

    The 1887 Hatch Act gave financial aid to set up agricultural experiment stations to strengthen the function of research of land-grant colleges .

  20. 进一步吸引台资办好台商投资区、海峡两岸农业试验区;

    Further attract the Taiwan 's capital to construct Taiwan businessman 's investment areas & agricultural experimentation areas along both the strait banks ;

  21. 生长在农业试验田里的农作物有可能逃入自然世界是使用基因改良作物引人关注的焦点之一。

    One of the concerns about working with genetically crops has been that vegetation growing in agricultural fields might escape out into the world .

  22. 1941年由日本引人我国,1948年经嘉义农业试验所从南京农业实验所引入本省。

    It was designated in1934 and introduced from Japan to China in1941 and brought to chiayi Agricultrual Experiment Station from Nanking Central Agricultural Experiment Station in1948.2 .

  23. 以农业试验设计方法为依据,数学模型理论为指导,程序设计为工具,研制了农业试验数学模型生成系统。

    This Generating System of Mathematic Models in Agricultural Experiments is developed on the designing method in agricultural experiments and with the guidance of mathematic model theory .

  24. 典型相关分析能揭示出两组变量之间的内在联系,在农业试验研究中应用越来越广泛。

    The analysis of canonical correlation can bring to light the internal relations between two sets of variables . It has been increasingly used in agricultural experiments and researches .

  25. 人工合成的各类植物生长调节剂最近几年在一些农业试验研究和生产中应用很广,对促进农作物的生长发育,改善产品质量都起到了一定的作用。

    At recent year , the synthetic growth regulators are widely used for agricultural test research and production , and promoted the growth and development of agricultural crop and raised product quality .

  26. 2002年秋对黑龙江省友谊农场精准农业试验区进行土壤采样,测定土壤肥力指标,并据此确定2003年春播大豆的变量施肥处方。

    In the fall of the year 2002 , the soil samples were done in the precision agriculture test region of Youyi Farm in Heilongjiang with the index of soil fertility being analyzed .

  27. 虚拟植物具有一个良好的应用前景,特别是在农业试验方面,如对于长期的观察试验,嫁接植株试验,大面积种植试验等,虚拟植物都具备传统方法无法匹敌的优势。

    Virtual plant has a good prospect , and it has some advantages over traditional methods , especially in agriculture test , such as the long-term observation experiment , grafted plants test , wide-ranging cultivation tests .

  28. 采用地统计方法,分别对栾城县(面积约30490hm2)和中国科学院栾城生态农业试验站示范区(15hm2)农田耕层土壤养分的空间变异特征进行了研究。

    By the method of geostatistics , this paper studied the spatial variability of soil nutrients in 30 490 hm 2 crop field in Luancheng region and in 15 hm 2 experimental field in Luancheng Ecological Agriculture Station of Chinese Academy of Sciences .

  29. 1843年秋,世界首个冬小麦试验作物在此播种,而过去166年来,这块地也一直是全世界农业试验持续时间最长的地方。

    The first experimental crop of winter wheat was sown there in the autumn of 1843 , and for the past 166 years the field , part of the Rothamsted Research Station , has been the site of the longest-running continuous agricultural experiment in the world .

  30. 以中国科学院栾城农业生态试验站的地下水位观测资料以及气象资料为基础,综合运用降水、蒸发、土壤水、地下水动态观测资料,利用EARTH模型计算了河北平原地下水垂向入渗补给量。

    Observed data of rainfall , evaporation , soil moisture and groundwater are applied synthetically in the transient lumped parameter model ( EARTH ) to calculate vertical recharge of groundwater in Luancheng , Hebei Plain .