
  • 网络Labor structure;structure of labour power
  1. 用Markov过程模型,对我国农村劳动力结构的变迁进行模拟与研究,通过农村劳动力系统的Markov转移概率的估计,对我国农村劳动力结构转移状况进行了实际分析。

    This paper uses the process model of Markov to carry out analogue and research of the change of the labour structure of countryside in our country .

  2. FDI主要通过促进一般技术行业的就业增长带动了制造业的就业增加,行业间劳动力结构呈低端化,高技术行业行业内劳动力结构得到优化的效果比一般技术行业要明显。

    Mainly through promoting employment growth in general technology industry , FDI led the employment of manufacturing increased , since the labor force structure between industries is low-end , the effect of optimization to technology-intensive industry would be more obvious than the general technology industry .

  3. 通过对农业GDP所占比重、农业劳动力结构份额、农业人口所占比重和人均GDP等相关指标的对比可得,我国已基本具备为农民养老提供大规模政策支持的条件。

    Compared with the proportion of agricultural GDP , the structure share of agricultural labor , the proportion of agricultural population and the per capita GDP , China has basically have the condition to provide large-scale policy support for rural residents to solve the old-age problem .

  4. 与此同时,人工智能(AI)、机器人技术和自动化将会使劳动力结构会发生巨大调整,根据世界经济论坛调查,最大的转变是以关注生产率为着眼点,很多岗位从全职模式转向基于合同灵活就业模式。

    Meanwhile , there could be a huge change in the structure of the workforce , with the executives surveyed by WEF expecting a shift away from full-time work and towards flexible , contract-based gig economy employment with a focus on productivity .

  5. 采用灰色关联分析和GDP就业弹性分析方法,对河南省资源型城市的典型代表平顶山市的产业结构从增加值结构和劳动力结构两个方面进行分析,得出一些有益的结论。

    Industry structure in Pingdingshan city , as the representation of resource type city in Henan province , is studied by using the grey incidence analysis and the GDP employment elasticity analysis from the rising value structure and the labor structure , some interested conclusions are presented .

  6. 根据世界经济论坛(WEF)的数据,机器人创造的就业岗位将是他们替代的两倍,但这将会对美国劳动力结构产生重大影响,甚至会影响到每个人。

    Robots will create double the amount of jobs that they will destroy , according to the World Economic Forum ( WEF ) , but there will be significant shifts in the structure of America 's workforce that could impact everyone .

  7. 投资与劳动力结构优化分析

    Analysis on the Optimization of Investment and Labor Structure

  8. 保定地区农村劳动力结构的调查分析

    The Structure of Rural Labor Forces in Baoding

  9. 论劳动力结构变迁的S规律

    On the " S " Law in the Change in Structure of Labour Force

  10. 三次产业劳动力结构合理化评价研究

    An Evaluation of the Rationalization of the Labor Force Structure in the Tertiary Industry

  11. 产业劳动力结构的建模及控制

    Modeling and Optimal Control of Industrial Labor Structure

  12. 中日韩三国劳动力结构比较分析及启示

    Comparison of Structure of Labor Force in China , Japan and Korea and the Revelation

  13. 主要介绍伦敦的一些情况:交通、生活方式、文化以及劳动力结构等。

    B.Introduction of London 's educational system.C.Introduction of London 's workforce.D.Introduction of Living in London .

  14. 论宁南山区农村劳动力结构调整问题

    On the Readjustment of the Rural Labor Force Structure in the Southern Mountainous Regions in Ningxia

  15. 橄榄型劳动力结构:小康社会职业技术教育的核心战略

    Olivary Structure of Work Force : the Key Strategy for Vocational Education in a Well-off Society

  16. 加大西部地区劳动力结构调整,培育新的中心城镇;

    To adjust the structure of the labor force in western areas and foster new central towns ;

  17. 在劳动力结构调整中,这个因素的重要性要大大高于另一个因素把工作外包给低成本生产国。

    This is a far bigger factor in reshaping the workforce than outsourcing labour to low-cost producers .

  18. 对日本农业劳动力结构及流向进行了分析。

    In this paper , the structure and flow of the agricultural labor force in Japan are analysied .

  19. 从无锡农村产业结构和劳动力结构的变化谈发展苏南农村第三产业和城镇化建设

    Developing Tertiary Sector and Urbanization are the Main Forces of Economic Development in South Jiangsu 's Rural Area

  20. 我国农村劳动力结构转移现状的实证分析和对策

    The Empirical Analysis and Countermeasures against the Status Quo of Transfer of Labour Structure of Countryside in Our Country

  21. 健全的社会保障制度可以调节劳动力结构,促进劳动力资源合理配置,否则就会阻碍劳动力市场的健康运行。

    Sound social security system can adjust the structure of labor force and promote rational allocation of labor resources .

  22. 该生产函数可以作为讨论劳动力结构对经济增长影响的基础。

    When discussing the influence of labor structure on economic growth , this function can be a good foundation .

  23. 我国制造业劳动生产率增长源泉研究&基于规模递增效应与劳动力结构转变的分析

    Sources of Labor Productivity Increase in China Manufacturing Industry & Based on Increasing Returns to Scale and Labor Structure Change

  24. 不过,这种估计在国家之间存在显著差异,这取决于包括劳动力结构在内的数个因素。

    Such estimates will , however , vary considerably across countries depending on several factors , including the structure of the workforce .

  25. 深化教育体制改革,增强学校生机和活力;适应劳动力结构变化,大力发展职业教育。

    Deepen educational system reform and make schools more vital , energetically develop vocational education to fit the change of labor structure .

  26. 家庭保障、劳动力结构与农户土地流转&基于江苏省142户农户的实证研究

    Empirical research on the determinants of farmers ' behavior of land transfer & based on 142 farmers in two counties of Jiangsu Province

  27. 本文对我国改革以来劳动力结构、资产结构与产出结构的变动关系进行了实证考察。

    A practical study has been made in this article on the changing relations between laborforce structure , assets structure and output structure .

  28. 二者之间的比率随一国经济增长率、经济结构变化情况和劳动力结构调整情况而异。

    The ratio between the two numbers differs with the changes and readjustments in a nations economic growth rate and economic and workforce structure .

  29. 所以今后要进行进一步优化调整劳动力结构,使劳动力结构向现代型转变。

    So the structure of labor force will be further optimized and adjusted in the future , to make the structure transform into the modern type .

  30. 劳动力结构失衡是由以下三个原因造成的:劳动力质量低下、地区流动性不强和就业观念没有转变。

    There are three reasons for this kind of unemployment , the poor labor quality , the blocked mobility of work force and the invariable employment opinion .