
  • 网络Global Information System;GIS;WIS
  1. 以Internet为代表的计算机通信网络正在成为全球信息系统越来越重要的基础设施。

    Internet is becoming one of the most important infrastructures in the global information system .

  2. WWW项目将信息获取和超文本这两项技术结合在一起,构建了一套既便捷又强大的全球信息系统。

    The WWW project merges the techniques of information retrieval and hypertext to make an easy but powerful global information system .

  3. Z公司顺应市场需要,引进了先进的区域性集成全球信息系统并进行推广使用。

    Responding to the need of the market , Company Z introduced " Integrated Regional Information System ", and began the implementation of it .

  4. 就在最近,全球信息系统策略副总裁LarrySinger也离开了,并再次表明Sun的开放源码策略是其离开的重要因素。

    More recently Larry Singer , Vice President of Global Information Systems Strategy , left and again cited Sun 's open source strategy as a significant factor .

  5. 通过分析和论证,笔者认为,在Z公司现有单证网点健全、区域性集成全球信息系统逐步推广使用的情况下,建立全球单证中心的设想是完全可行的。

    After analysis and reasoning , the author thinks it completely feasible to found global documentation center , based on the integrity of Company Z 's current documentation offices and the step-by-step implementation of the Integrated Regional Information System .

  6. 人力资源全球信息系统

    Global information system on human resources

  7. 将志愿者发展和相关信息置于全球信息系统中以供分享。

    Develop and make relevant information available on volunteering development through a global information system and regular information sharing .

  8. 全球化是一个全球信息系统化的过程,它的实现是必须依赖一个以新技术为核心的信息技术社会。

    Globalization is the process of global information being systematized , its realization must rely on a information and technology society whose core is new technology .

  9. 全球策略信息系统的创建

    Global Strategic Information System

  10. 该卫星是日本计划建立的全球信息收集系统中的第二对侦察卫星的第一颗。

    The satellite is the first one of the second pair of spy satellites , in Japan 's plan of building a global information gathering system .

  11. 应急响应中基于Web服务的全球IP地址信息系统

    Web Service based Global IP Address Information System in Incident Response

  12. WWW环球信息呈指数级增长,使WWW成为全球最大的信息系统,研究其中的信息搜索工具具有现实意义。

    Due to its exponential growth , WWW is turned into the largest information system . It is becoming a hot point to study the information retrieval tool on WWW.

  13. 全球气候变化信息系统中二进制数据存储的解决方案

    Solution of Binary Data Storage in GCC Information System

  14. 给出了全球供应链TQM信息系统的设计构想,指出了实施中的困难因素。

    Concept design for information system of global supply chain TQM is presented , and the difficulties in the implementation are pointed out .

  15. 此关系图显示了如何理解和调用ESRI提供的AddressFinderWeb服务的findAddress函数,ESRI是一家全球领先的地理信息系统(GIS)软件供应商。

    This diagram shows how to understand and invoke the findAddress function of the Address Finder web services provided by ESRI , the world-leading vendor of Geographic Information Systems ( GIS ) software .

  16. 全球变化中土壤信息系统的研究进展

    Research progresses in soil information system for global change studies

  17. 危险货物安全积载证书全球自然灾险信息系统

    Global Information System on Natural Hazards

  18. 实现了全球三维战场地理信息系统下的可视分析模块。考虑了曲率对可视分析的影响,实现了全球环境的可视分析和分析结果的可视化表达。

    To achieve of the global analysis of three-dimensional battlefield visualization of geographic information module , taking into account the effect of curvature on the visibility analysis , enables visibility analysis and visualization of analysis results .