
  • 网络global organization
  1. 全球化组织的人力资源模型分析

    An Analysis of HRM Models in Global Organization

  2. 最后,我们确定出全球化组织取得成功的一些关键因素。

    Finally , we identify some key factors in achieving success with a global organization .

  3. 在多伦多G20峰会会场附近,反全球化组织抗议者与警方发生冲突。

    Groups of anti-globalization protesters have clashed with police in Toronto near the venue of the G20 meeting .

  4. 在野党社会民主党党首SigmarGabriel(2009年10月份之前他一直在政府就职)认为银行和金融市场“极力破坏公共利益”,因为是受政客们所使。长期的,全球化组织AttacDeutschland参加了“占领法兰克福”运动。

    Sigmar Gabriel , leader of the opposition Social Democrats , said banks and the financial markets had worked " massively against the common good " - because politicians let them . ( He was in government until October 2009 . ) Attac Deutschland , a longer-standing anti-globalisation group , joined up with Occupy Frankfurt .

  5. 非正规就业妇女:全球化和组织化

    Women in Informal Employment : Globalizing and Organizing

  6. 随着全球化制造组织的发展,一些汽车车体制造厂放弃了原有的落料工序,改由拥有先进的开卷落料堆垛生产线的专业化落料工厂按时、按需提供规格坯料。

    With the development of global manufacturing organizations , some automobile body companies outsource blanking process to the professional factories which have decoiling blanking stacking production lines .

  7. 虚拟团队作为一种新型的虚拟协作组织形式,它的产生和快速发展是为了应对经济全球化、组织间协作以及有效配置资源的需要。

    In recent times , due to a variety of reasons such as economic globalization , organization cooperation , and allocation of resources , virtual teams are a kind of new virtual cooperation organized form .

  8. 最后,国际经济组织是经济全球化发展的组织保障。

    There are several critical reasons to attribute to economy globalization .

  9. 经济全球化与有组织犯罪发展趋势

    The Development Trend of Organized Crimes under the Economic Globalization

  10. 基于以上考虑,本论文从我国中小企业的角度,对全球化供应链组织、计划与控制问题展开相应的分析和研究。

    Only we make Global Supply Chain planning , organizing and control for Middle-small sized enterprise , we will break through the bothering situation .

  11. 20世纪末以来,经济全球化使得产业组织形式、产业结构变动呈现出新的特点。

    From the late 20th century , economic globalization makes the form of industrial organization and the change of industrial structure present their new features .

  12. 从经济全球化、国际劳工组织的不足以及发达国家和发展中国家在劳工问题上存在着共同利益三方面分析,指出劳工标准纳入WTO有其合理性;

    From these three aspects , which are the economic globalization , the disadvantage of ILO and the same benefit of developed countries and developing countries , we can see the fact that labor standard go into the area of WTO is reasonable .

  13. 全球化下非政府组织之研究

    The Study on Non-Governmental Organizations under Globalization

  14. 经济全球化中的商会组织

    Chamber of Commerce Organizations in Economic Globalization

  15. 全球化浪潮和网络组织发展推动了跨国公司子公司定位由传统科层范式向网络范式演化。

    The globalization tide and the development of networks promote the MNC subsidiary 's orientation evolvement from hierarchical paradigm to network paradigm .

  16. 在知识经济、网络经济和信息技术迅速发展的全球化背景下,组织发生了剧变。

    Under the global background of rapid growth of knowledge economy , network economy and information technology ; it happens too much changes to the Organization .

  17. 我们将探讨网络化、扁平化、弹性化、多角化及全球化等等新型态组织所具有的特性。

    We will examine some of the features that are supposed to characterize the emerging " new " organizational forms-it is networked , flat , flexible , diverse , and global .

  18. 经济全球化,世界贸易组织的建立与运作,1997年爆发的亚洲金融危机,必然引发世界经济贸易一系列新变化。

    The new great change and development of international economy and trade have taken place , because of economic globalization , foundation and performance of WTO , the Asian financial crises .

  19. 全球化导致企业的组织形式和面临的环境发生了巨大的变革,包括市场的全球化、组织的全球化、生产的全球化、技术的全球化、资源的全球化以及所面临的文化的全球化。

    The globalization induces tremendous transformation in the circumstances and organizational forms of enterprises such as the globalization of markets , organizations , production , technology , resources and culture which enterprises encounter .

  20. 随着社会化生产分工和全球化供应链产业组织模式的发展,运用供应链金融解决财务供应链管理的做法日益创新。

    With the development of the social division of labor and the industrial organization of supply chain , there are increasingly innovative ways to apply the supply chain finance to financial supply chain management .

  21. 同时需要认真借鉴和整合社会科学的新理论,积极回应全球化给人类政治组织和政治结构带来的巨大变革,积极参与当前的重大理论争论。

    At the same time , we need to learn from and integrate new social science theories and actively respond to the great changes in political organization and structure brought about by globalization , while actively participating in the great theoretical debates of today .

  22. 第四部分研究了基于全球化供应链战略目标的组织设计,分析了全球化供应链合作伙伴的选择标准与选择方法,构建全球化供应链组织的具体步骤。

    Fourthly , it searches the ways of organization designing that based on the strategic target of Global Supply Chain . The methods and standard of partner choosing and the steps to coming into being Global Supply Chain are discussed .

  23. 文中例举了对全球化具有重大意义的四个要素,自然法、商法实践、全球化和国际贸易组织,可以说,统一的进程就是这些因素的互动过程。

    The factors of uniformity of international trade law listed in this article are nature law 、 the practice of 1aw merchant 、 globalization and international organizations , they are all contribute to the uniformity , so the uniformity is mutualistic historical process of them .