
  • 网络Federal Decentralization;federal structure
  1. 建议CUBA将组织结构发展成为联邦分权制组织结构模式。

    The paper suggested CUBA to change its structure to a " federal system of decentralized organizational structure " .

  2. 这时,企业急需建立一种既能分权又能集中控制的组织结构即联邦分权制,使规模化企业结构庞大而不松散,灵活而不混乱。

    Thus , it is available for the enterprises in scale to develop more enormously and less loosely , more flexibly and less chaotically .

  3. 更深层次看,是一个分权的、控制权较为明晰的组织模式被逐渐使用,最终导致一个均衡权力结构模型&联邦分权式事业部制的产生。

    It creates ultimately a structure model of equilibrium of right-multidivisional structure .