
lián hé dài kuǎn
  • syndicated loan; co-finance
  1. 最近的一个例子是我们在中国启动了管理联合贷款组合计划。

    One recent example was our launch of the Managed Co-lending Portfolio Program in China .

  2. 《协定》[国际复兴开发银行,国际开发协会,国际金融公司,国际货币基金组织]框架协议[国际复兴开发银行]:世界银行与一个会员国就联合贷款达成的协议。

    Frame agreement [ IBRD ] : An agreement Between the World Bank and a member country on cofinancing .

  3. 2007财年,国际金融公司通过联合贷款、结构化融资和平行贷款,额外动员了39亿美元资金。

    In FY07 , IFC mobilized an additional $ 3.9 billion through loan participations , structured finance , and parallel loans .

  4. 不可变更(撤销)的偿付协议:由世界银行与商业银行签订的协议,规定前者将偿付借款人拖欠后者的任何一部分联合融资贷款。

    Irrevocable agreement to reimburse : an agreement given e.g.by the bank to a commercial bank that it will reimburse any part of a cofinancing loan on which a borrower defaults .

  5. 当然,她本人不会看到作品的展出,但那些因为基因或联合抵押贷款而与她联系在一起的人,却会为她信笔创作的精彩画作感到骄傲。

    Of course , she will not see it herself on display but those formerly linked to her by genes or a joint mortgage will take pride for her in the wonderful swirls of paint she produced so casually .

  6. “B”类贷款:世界银行发放的涉及到联合融资的贷款。

    " B " loan : Loan made by the World Bank involving cofinancing .

  7. 联合向银行贷款、发行债券或者其他方式筹集资金,企业根据合约以及缴纳的保证金比例获得相应的融资额度,到期对贷款或债券统一偿还。

    The joint funding company collecting money through bank loans , issuing currency or other ways and those small and middle enterprises can get correspondent money in accordance with contracts and their basic guarantee money . Due bank loans and bonds should be paid uniformly .

  8. 上周五,该公司与日本国际合作银行(jbic)签订了合作协议,将联合向发展中国家提供贷款。

    On Friday it signed a co-operation deal with JBIC , the Japanese finance institution , to offer joint loans to developing nations .