
  • 网络linkage mechanism;joint-action mechanism
  1. 然后通过传播学和社会学理论构建出社会化表皮与公众心理、个体行为和社会结构之间的联动机制。

    And then it builds up the joint-action mechanism between socialization surface and mass psychology , individual behavior and society structure according to the theories of communication and sociology .

  2. 还提出了依托全媒体把思想政治工作的视野从学校扩展到社会、家庭等领域,形成学校与家庭的联系机制、学校与社会的联动机制和学校内部的合力机制。

    It also produces a new view that broadening the vision of ideological and political work from campus to society , family and other fields to form a campus-family connection mechanism , a campus-social joint-action mechanism and a intramural cooperate mechanism .

  3. 各地政府正在建立义务教育教师工资收入随当地公务员待遇调整的联动机制。

    All local governments are working on establishing a mechanism12 for adjusting the salaries of teachers in primary and middle schools in line with those of government officials .

  4. 本文设计了ARS防御联动机制,包括资源管理机制、攻击源分析机制、规则维护机制。

    This thesis designs ARS defense mechanism including resource management , attack source analysis and rule maintenance mechanism .

  5. 应强化毕业生就业工作中的联动机制

    Strength the Joint Mechanism in the Work of Graduates ' Employment

  6. 调峰电价与可中断负荷联动机制研究

    Study of linking mechanism between peak load price and interruptible load

  7. 五是加强对外联络,建立军警联动机制。

    Fifthly , strengthen communication to build linkage mechanism with police .

  8. 文章拟用产业关联理论来分析煤电联动机制。

    The mechanism is analyzed by using the industrial linkage theory .

  9. 基于二三维联动机制的数字校园系统研究

    The research of digital campus based on 2D and 3D interactive system

  10. 基于联动机制的网络安全综合管理系统

    Integrated Network Security Management System Based on Linkage Mechanism

  11. 公交经济补偿与公共目标改善联动机制研究

    Analysis of the Interactive Mechanism between Mass Transits Compensation and Public Objectives Improving

  12. 国内城市突发事件应急联动机制与平台建设研究

    Research on Construction of Emergency Response Mechanism and Platform for Domestic Urban Incidents

  13. 我国农村消费行为变迁及城乡联动机制研究

    China 's Rural Consumption Behavior Changes and Rural-Urban Mechanism

  14. 大学城危机管理信息联动机制研究与实践

    Research and Practice of Crisis Management of Information linkage Mechanism in the University City

  15. 医警联动机制在交通伤急救中的应用

    Research on Emergency Treatment of Traffic Trauma Based on Linkage Mechanism of Hospital and Police

  16. 构建海事联动机制的探讨

    Discussion on establishing the maritime inter-acting system

  17. 基于入侵检测漏洞扫描联动机制攻击场景模型

    A Model for Building Attack Scenarios Based on Correlation Mechanism of Intrusion Detection and Vulnerability Scanning

  18. 基于需求侧响应的上网侧与售电侧峰谷分时电价联动机制

    The Investigation Into the Linkage of the On-grid and Sale TOU Price Based on the Demand Response

  19. 协调联动机制是构成政府危机管理体系中的一个重要而又复杂的组成部分。

    Multi-agency and co-ordination mechanism is an important and complex component of the government crisis management system .

  20. 建立社会救助和保障标准与物价上涨挂钩的联动机制。

    We instituted a mechanism to increase social aid and social security benefits when consumer prices rise .

  21. 家庭隔代教育的正负效应与良性联动机制的建构

    The positive and negative effects of family removed education and the establishment of the good chain reaction mechanism

  22. 2004年,我国电煤价格之争愈加强烈,为此,国家出台了“煤电价格联动机制”。

    In the year of 2004 , the price argument over coal and electricity became even more acute .

  23. 利益主体联动机制:西部新型农村合作医疗持续发展的关键

    Stakeholder Linkage Mechanism : The Key For the Sustainable Development of Western New Rural Cooperatives Medical Care System

  24. 修订药品管理法,强化药品执法行刑联动机制&中美药品行刑联动机制比较研究

    Amend the Pharmaceutical Administration Law , strengthen the linkage mechanism of drug administrative organs and criminal justice agencies

  25. 渤海海域启动我国首个船舶污染应急联动机制

    The first inter-acted mechanism in the country for emergency response to pollution from ships activated in the Bohai Sea

  26. 内外失衡下中国利率与汇率联动机制的实证研究

    The Demonstration Study on the Interest Rate and Exchange Rate Linkage Mechanism Based on Inner-Exterior Unbalance Status of China

  27. 因此,建立适应公共安全应急联动机制的、统一的管理与调度平台是当前公共安全系统建设中十分迫切的需求。

    Therefore , it is the most important requirement that public security system built to assist joint emergency response .

  28. 农村居民点整理区域联动机制的原则与实现途径&以江苏省为例

    Principles and Implementation Approach of Construction Regional Concatenation Mechanism of Rural Residential Consolidation & Taking Jiangsu Province as an Example

  29. 总之,家庭、学校、社会应多管齐下,形成联动机制,积极对有留守经历大学生开展有针对性的价值观教育。

    In a word , Family , School and Society should be unite together to conduct the targeted values education .

  30. 产业转移与产业升级的区域联动机制研究&兼论广东区域经济协调发展模式

    Study of the Regional Linkage Mechanism for Industrial Transfer and Upgrade : Discussion on Guangdong 's Regional Harmonious Development Mode