
lián yínɡ tǐ
  • joint venture
  1. 介绍二滩水电站机电安装联营体运用美国Primavera公司开发的P3软件编制整个安装工程进度计划的情况。

    This article introduces the situation of progress plan preparation of the assembly engineering by M & E assembly Joint Venture in P3 software , which is developed by primavera Go . in USA.

  2. 工程承包联营体是为了承包一个或多个工程项目,由两个或两个以上独立的工程承包企业所组成的战略型实体。

    Project joint venture is a strategic entity , formed by two or more independent project construction enterprises in order to carry out one or more engineering projects .

  3. 本文针对电力联营体市场拍卖问题,采用动态规划方法处理单机组优化问题,采用LR(拉格朗日松弛算法)、次最优处理和经济调度相结合的方法求解市场均衡点。

    The auction problem in power pool is presented . It employs dynamic programming to deal with single unit optimization and adopts a joint method of LR ( Lagrangian Relaxation ), sub-optimal treatment and economic operation to calculate market equilibrium .

  4. 联营体模式下考虑静态电压稳定性约束的阻塞管理

    Congestion Management With Voltage Stability Considered in Pool Power Market

  5. 对开放的电力市场环境(电力联营体模式)下的输电调度模型进行了研究。

    A transmission management model for unbundled electric power market is studied .

  6. 工程承包联营体管理研究

    A Study on the Management of Project Contracting Joint Venture

  7. 考虑网损的联营体日前发电竞价模型

    Pool model for bidding strategy in day-ahead trade planning considering network loss

  8. 多区域电力联营体运行下的输电成本分配

    Transmission cost allocation in multi-area power pool operation

  9. 亚洲航运联营体的经营

    Shipping pool operation in Asia

  10. 联营体模式、双边交易模式和两者的混合模式是三种典型的电力市场交易模式。

    Pool model , bilateral model and their hybrid model are three typical power market transaction models .

  11. 针对电力联营体模式,本论文以购电费用最小为目标,建立阻塞管理的数学模型。

    Under pool model , this thesis establishes mathematic model which aim at minimize the power purchase fee .

  12. 干散货船运输市场出现了一些大型的以某一船型为核心的联营体。

    As a result , some large pools focusing on a certain vessel emerge in dry bulk shipping market .

  13. 针对供应链中单一购买者市场下的供应商之间的竞争,研究了供应商联营体的最优拍卖机制。

    Aiming at the competitions between suppliers in the one-buyer-market in the supply chain , the optimal bidding mechanism of supplies is studied .

  14. 本文的主题是,在当前我国联营体模式的电力市场中,如何防范和抑制发电厂商的市场力量。

    The main objective of this dissertation is to find how to mitigate market power in the electricity power pool in our country .

  15. 实施发电侧市场是多数国家电力工业改革中第一步,市场模式是初步的电力联营体模式。

    The first form for reforming electricity industry in many countries is the generation side market , which is the Power Pool trade model .

  16. 本文分析了联营体的类型及其区别并对联营体合同条款进行了较详细的分析。

    This paper provides the types of joint venture and their difference , the detailed analysis of the terms and conditions adopted in joint venture is also presented .

  17. 在对虚拟建筑企业的涵义进行界定基础上,辨析其与工程承包联营体、建筑业供应链和工程总承包等概念的异同点。

    This paper will make certain the meaning of virtual construct enterprise and differentiate its meaning with project joint venture , construction supply chain and general contract project .

  18. 每个联营体都享有充分的自主性,参与方可以根据实际情况灵活地构建联营体,体现了因地制宜的原则。

    Each association has full autonomy . The participants can flexibly construct associations according to their actual situation , which shows the principle of adjusting measures to local conditions .

  19. 虽然有些集装箱班轮运输企业采用了联营体及兼并收购等联合发展战略,但往往有极大的盲目性,缺乏理论依据和指导。

    Although some of the container liners have adopted joint development strategy such as alliance , merger and acquisition , this is often done without the guiding of relevant theories .

  20. 本文主要研究联营体模式的电力市场环境下发电商最优竞价策略问题,并提出了一种新的基于不完全信息模糊博弈的竞价策略。

    This dissertation principally performs a research on optimal bidding strategy problem of power producers in pool electrical market model and brings forward a new bidding strategy based on fuzzy game theory of incomplete information .

  21. 但是,相对于联营体的迅猛发展,包括我国在内的许多国家关于它的相关配套立法,特别是关于它的反垄断集体豁免制度建立的具体立法还并不是十分的完备。

    Nevertheless , compare with the skyrocketing development of consortia , many countries including China do not have their very complete related legislation , especially for specific legislation of the Block Exemption System of anti-monopoly exemption .

  22. 本文从交易费用和资产互补性两个角度分析了联营体形成的理论基础,又对联营体产生的共生经济效应进行了理论分析,并研究了联营体的合作模型。

    Then the paper studies the theory bases of the joint venture formation from the aspects of Transaction Cost and Asset Mutual Compensation Theories , the coexistence economy effect and the cooperation models of joint venture .

  23. 在论文中,对联营体的概念、性质、法律特征、主体、特点和类型等一般特征进行详尽分析,并通过比较分析揭示了联营体与分包、企业集团的区别和联系。

    And in the thesis the author analyzes the concept , nature , characters of law , litigants , characteristics and types of construction contracting joint venture and compares it with the subcontracting and enterprise group separately .

  24. 本文的主要内容是解决在电力市场环境下(主要是联营体交易市场模式下)的发电商竞价策略问题,其目的是为追求最大化收益的发电商制定最优竞价策略。

    Main content of this one is to resolve the bidding strategy problem of power producers in an electricity market , especially pool model , in order to institute optimal bidding strategy for power producers maximizing profits .

  25. 近年来随着国内外工程承包市场需求的发展变化,联营体承包逐渐成为适应其市场发展的一种承包模式。

    In recent years , along with the demand increase and diversification in project contracting market in and outside China , contracting by joint venture has become a contracting model that coincide with the development of the project contracting market .

  26. 将供应商的生产成本或生产函数看作私人信息,并应用博弈论中相关理论,建立了不完全信息条件下供应商联营体最优拍卖机制的理论模型。

    The production costs or functions of supplies are regarded as their own private informations . By using the related principles of game theory , the theoretical model of optimal bidding mechanism is established in the environment with incomplete information .

  27. 联营体通过建章立制、合理配置设备资源、实行动态优化管理提高了设备效能,降低了工程项目成本,探索了一种联营体设备管理模式。

    This paper describes the management mode of equipment resources for a joint venture by expounding formulation of rules and regulations , rational disposition of equipment resources , raising of the two efficiencies and reducing construction cost in running the joint venture .

  28. 然后,从联营体的组建动机和原则、伙伴选择、类型选择、合同及组织架构确立等联营体组建最核心的方面进行了论述,并提出了一些有可操作性的标准、原则和步骤。

    Furthermore the paper studies the core parts of joint venture implementation such as reasons , principles , partner selection , type selection , contract and organization and puts forwards certain standards , principles and steps for the establishment of joint venture .

  29. 针对在多种交易模式(联营体交易、双边交易、多边交易)共存的电力市场中,如何公平合理地分摊输电网的固定成本这一问题,提出了一种新的固定成本分摊方法。

    A new method of transmission fixed cost allocation is presented in an electricity market coexisting with different transaction modes such as pool transaction mode , bilateral transaction mode and multilateral transaction mode . The method is on the basis of the current separation .

  30. 在单一购买联营体市场环境下,日前市场中的发电公司最优竞价策略问题受到发电公司本身和市场监管部门两方面的重视,一直以来都是电力市场领域一个研究的热点。

    Under the single-purchaser pool market model , the problem of the optimal bidding strategies for generation companies in day-ahead market is subjected to attention by both generation companies and market regulators , it has been a research focus in the field of electricity market .