
  • 网络Fast Fashion
  1. 服装租赁曾被认为是替代快时尚的可持续又省钱的选择,在租衣平台RenttheRunway和凯莉·西蒙兹等公众人物的推广下走近了百姓的生活。凯莉·西蒙兹曾穿着租来的衣服举行婚礼和出席七国集团峰会。

    Renting clothes has been thought of the sustainable and frugal4 alternative to fast fashion , popularised by companies such as Rent the Runway and public figures like Carrie Symonds , who rented her wedding dress and her outfits5 for the G7 conference .

  2. 快时尚指仿照高端时尚品牌最新的款式,以低成本、快速生产的模式制造出来的服装产品。

    Fast fashion refers to low-cost , quickly-made clothing that copies the latest high-end fashions .

  3. 总部设在伦敦的Editd公司目前拥有27名员工和600万美元的资本,快时尚品牌Gap和塔吉特百货(Target)等大公司都是它的客户。

    The London-based company , which has 27 employees and $ 6 million in investment , counts Gap and Target among its customers .

  4. Gap面临来自H&M和优衣库等快时尚商家的激烈竞争,同时,基本款服装日益普遍。

    Gap has been facing stiff competition from fast fashion stores like HM and Uniqlo , and basic clothing has become more of a commodity .

  5. 这场灾难赤裸裸地证明了快速变化的流行趋势或者“快时尚”的真实消耗成本,像是Gap和贝纳通这样的主流时尚品牌的背后是服装工人危险的工作环境,超长的工作时间,以及微薄的薪水。

    The disaster graphically demonstrated the true cost of quickly changing trends , or " fast fashion , " for high-street brands such as Gap and Benetton : dangerous working conditions , long hours and little pay for the garment workers .

  6. 对此,柳井正先生解释说:我们并不想追随‘快时尚’趋势。

    " We don 't want to chase after'fast-fashion'trends ," explains Mr Yanai .

  7. 通过压力清静的设定,反映出在极端冲击模式下,快时尚供应链将要面临的库存风险。

    By quiet pressure setting , reflected in extreme impact mode , will face fast fashion supply chain inventory risk .

  8. 这些快时尚给服装行业带来的变化对其供应链管理提出了新的要求。

    New requirements of supply chain management has been required because of " fast fashion " changes in clothing industry .

  9. 本文的主要工作是运用压力测试方法对快时尚供应链库存风险进行评估并提出相应对策。

    In this paper , the main work is to use Stress testing method to evaluate fast fashion supply chain inventory risk and put forward corresponding countermeasures .

  10. 在这种背景下,快时尚零售业的零售商们依然需要针对不同类别的产品确定其在各个不同阶段的订货数量,以获得较高的收益。

    But fast fashion retail retailers still need to identify the different categories of products in various stages of its order number in order to obtain higher returns .

  11. 特别是对处于复苏的市场经济和面临的困境,这些快时尚服装品牌的设计及展示都采取了自己的新谋略,并获得较大的成功。

    To difficulties of market economy in recovery , in particular , these fast fashion clothing brand design and display adopted their new strategy and achieve greater success .

  12. 以快时尚为例对时尚产业组织模块化系统要素所进行的模块化重构和价值创新进行研究。(2)时尚产业模块组织价值创新要素及其影响机制研究。

    The fast-fashion is taken as an example for further explanation of value innovation by modular organization . ( 2 ) Value innovation factors and mechanism of fashion industry modular organizations .

  13. 沃尔什说:欢迎来到快时尚的世界,模特、名人以及巨额广告预算都是为了向我们兜售不耐穿的劣质产品。

    Welcome to the world of fast fashion , Walsh says . Models , celebrities , and huge advertising budgets , all designed to sell us inferior products that wear out quickly .

  14. 考虑到拉尔森在“快时尚”领域的表现,现在的问题是,已经投资增强其奢侈品牌形象的该公司,是否会改弦更张。

    Given Mr. Larsson 's track record in " fast fashion , " the question is whether the company , which has invested in bolstering its luxury image , will now take a different tack .

  15. 在新世界科技、信息飞速发展,世界气候急剧变化的时代背景与自然环境中,快时尚新风貌应运而生。

    In the new world , fast fashion as a new look came into being in the background of the rapid development of Science and technology , information and the natural environment of rapid climate change .

  16. 本文研究了以下核心问题:首先,对快时尚供应链、压力测试和供应链库存风险管理的相关理论进行总结。

    In this paper , we study the following core issues : First of all , summarize the relevant theories of the fast fashion supply chain , stress testing , and supply chain inventory risk management .

  17. 日前,香港一家非营利组织批评称,快时尚零售商优衣库的两家中国工厂环境危险,且工时过长。作为回应,优衣库母公司承诺,将采取措施,改善两家工厂的劳动环境。

    The parent company of fast-fashion retailer Uniqlo has vowed to take steps to improve working conditions at two Chinese factories , responding to criticism levied by a Hong Kong-based nonprofit that alleged unsafe working conditions and excessive long hours .

  18. 研究结果表明:网络已经成为快时尚服饰消费者获得快时尚产品信息和购买快时尚服饰产品的重要渠道,但是不同类型的消费者,在购买决策的不同阶段,对渠道的选择偏好还存在一定的差异。

    The research result shows that , Internet has become an important channel for fast fashion consumer to gain information and purchase apparel products . However , different types of fast fashion consumers have different channel preferences at different stages of the purchasing process .

  19. 从这家快时尚连锁店的服装标签显示,这些服装来自世界各地,包括孟加拉国。孟加拉国的服装厂曾发生一系列致命的火灾,最近,一栋大楼的倒塌导致超过1100名服装工人死亡。

    Labels inside the clothing at the fast-fashion chain showed that it came from around the globe , including from Bangladesh , the site of a spate of deadly textile-factory fires and a recent building collapse that has killed more than 1,100 garment workers .

  20. 可以很快成为时尚,但也可以很快停止流行。

    can become a fad very quickly , but can stop being popular just as quickly .

  21. 随着附近区域租金上涨,曾经不起眼的香港湾仔船街——它位于填海土地上,过去轮船在这里停泊修补——很快成为时尚餐饮分店争相进驻的地盘,窄窄的小街两旁布满著名大厨的店铺。

    As rentals escalate in neighboring districts , the once nondescript Ship Street in Wanchai , Hong Kong - which sits on reclaimed land where ships once docked for repairs - is fast becoming the site du jour for trendy dining outposts headlined by a coterie of big-name chefs lining the narrow side street .

  22. 虽然这是非常昂贵的,它很快就成为时尚。

    And although it was very expensive , it quickly became fashionable .

  23. 1929年,勒内·拉科斯特结束了职业网球生涯,当时,他还不知道自己很快会在时尚界大展拳脚。

    Ren é Lacoste retired from professional tennis in1929 but at the time he did not know that he would soon be embarking on a new career in the fashion industry .

  24. 鼠尾辫在上世纪80年代曾经盛行一时,不过很快就淡出了时尚圈,如今偶尔还能看到有人留这样的发型。

    The rattail saw a brief period of mainstream popularity during the1980s and has rapidly fallen out of vogue , but can still be seen occasionally .

  25. 品牌价值增长最快的行业是服装,由运动服饰耐克(Nike)和快时尚品牌Zara引领,因为人们更多地关注健康和健身,同时Zara的快时尚在中国变得越来越受欢迎。

    The fastest-rising sector is apparel , driven by Nike in sportswear as people pay more attention to health and fitness , and Zara , whose fast fashion is becoming increasingly popular in China .