
  1. 在FAST这个高级望远镜的助力下,我国相关科研团队迅速成为国际快速射电暴领域的核心研究力量。

    With the help of the advanced telescope , Chinese research teams have become a key force in studying fast radio bursts .

  2. 国家天文台助理工程师张馨心表示,FAST这次使用实时探测终端探测到的快速射电暴之前也曾探测到过。

    The FRB detected by FAST 's real-time detection terminal , however , is one that has been observed before , said Zhang Xinxin , an assistant engineer with the NAOC .

  3. 据《科技日报》报道,中国500米口径球面射电望远镜(FAST)首次探测到快速射电暴(FRB)多次重复爆发,FRB这种神秘的无线电信号来自于宇宙的深处。

    China 's Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope ( FAST ) has detected a repeating fast radio burst ( FRB ) -- mysterious radio signals from outer space -- for the first time , Science and Technology Daily reported .

  4. 截至目前,全世界探测到的快速射电暴不到100次。

    Fewer than 100 FRBs have been detected internationally to date .

  5. 通常情况下,快速射电暴出现一次便再无踪迹,从而导致追踪工作非常困难。

    FRBs mostly only appear once , which makes them very hard to track .

  6. 迄今为止,国际科学界尚没有关于快速射电暴起源的合理解释。

    There is still no cohesive explanation for the origin of FRB in the international scientific community at present .

  7. 张馨心表示,目前探测到的快速射电暴太少,尚且难以得出任何结论。

    The number of enigmatic bursts detected so far is too small to draw any conclusions , Zhang said .

  8. 作为近年来天文学界的热门话题,直到2007年人们才第一次探测到快速射电暴。

    FRB has since become one of the hottest topics in astronomy . It was not until 2007 when the first FRB was discovered by humans .