
fǎ lǜ shí zhènɡ zhǔ yì
  • legal positivism
  1. 当代西方自然法理论与法律实证主义的融合趋势

    Tendency of the Harmonious Combination of Natural Law Theory and Legal Positivism

  2. 法律实证主义的命题研究

    A Research on the Fundamental Theses of Legal Positivism

  3. 大多数法律实证主义学者都认为承认规则是一种惯习规则。

    Most of legal positivists regard rule of recognition as conventional rule .

  4. 权威命题与来源命题&排他性法律实证主义的一种论证理路

    Authoritative Thesis and Sources Thesis : An Argument Approach of Exclusive Legal Positivism

  5. 浅谈道德对法制的重要作用评法律实证主义

    Importance of Moral Behavior to Legal System

  6. 当法律实证主义无法得出令人满意的结论时,法律应从科学获取指导。

    When positivism cannot get satisfactory conclusions , laws will obtain the guidance from science .

  7. 法律实证主义是西方的重要法学流派,同时又是一个饱受误解的学派。

    At the same time , legal positivism receives so many criticisms that people misunderstands it .

  8. 第一章梳理了德国19世纪法律实证主义史。

    Chapter one extracted the legal positivism of Germany in nineteenth century , with the historical-positivism .

  9. 二十世纪的法律实证主义理论是为实践而理论的理论。

    The legal positivism in 20 ~ ( th ) century is a theory for practice .

  10. 依法执政的社会主义政治文明视角论法律实证主义

    Socialism Politics Civilization in Legal Ruling

  11. 法律实证主义的强立场&兼评拉兹《法律的权威》

    The Strong Stand of Legal Positivism & And review on Raz s The Authority of Law ;

  12. 在法律实证主义内部,有一条隐秘的主线,即所谓命令理论。

    There is a hidden main line , the so-called " imperative theory ", in the legal positivism school .

  13. 而此时,社会学法学与法律实证主义、自然法学既成鼎足之态势又显相互融合之端倪。

    Sociology Legal and Legal Positivism , Natural Law accomplished Tripartite Couplet again with the trend of integration of clues .

  14. 就此来说,法律实证主义的考虑可能更为周全、稳妥。

    Taking all this into consideration , it is safer to say that legal positivism is more comprehensive and reliable .

  15. 传统上,特别是在法律实证主义那里,逻辑涵摄在法律适用中是其核心技术。

    In tradition , subsumption is the most important technique in law applying , especially in the view of law positivism .

  16. 本文从法律实证主义的角度出发,对城市拆迁补偿制度整个体系进行了分析。

    The thesis obey to the legal positivism , analyses the whole system of compensation which refer to city unravel of premises .

  17. 最后,他认为,哈特的法律实证主义是一种语义学理论,承认规则不能解释理论争论。

    Third , Dworkin claims that Hart 's positivism is a semantic theory . The rule of recognition cannot explain theoretical disagreement about the law .

  18. 我们发现法律实证主义权威理论的特点是:(1)主张法律权威是一种特殊的实践权威。

    I find that there are three main characteristics of legal positivist authority theory . First , legal authority is a special kind of practice authority .

  19. 法律实证主义者长期以来致力于两个基本问题的研讨:一是法律与道德二分的问题:一是有效法律之鉴别标准的问题。

    Legal positivists have been focusing on two foundational questions : ' the separation of law and morality ' and ' the identification of legal validity ' .

  20. 在哈贝马斯看来,法律实证主义意义上的“合法律性的正当性”取消了对法律正当性之理性基础的考量。

    In Habermas 's eyes ," the legitimacy of legality " of the legal positivism cancels the research into the rational basis of the law 's legitimacy .

  21. 结语部分总结了凯尔森的纯粹法理论与法律实证主义相比较而呈现出来的特色之处,指出了纯粹法理论与法律实证主义之间的一种可能关系:纯粹法理论是法律实证主义的另类。

    Also , it pointed out a possible relationship between pure theory of law and legal positivism : the pure theory of law is legal positivism ' salternative .

  22. 而参照新自然法的几个特征来看,与其说菲尼斯的学说与法律实证主义相近,不如说他更符合新自然法学的基本特征。

    But refers to new natural law several characteristics which the people induce , his theory are close to the positivism , rather he conforms to the new natural legal essential features .

  23. 这就是人们所熟知的,法律实证主义学说,也即,法律即为君主的命令,这是法律的一种君权命令说。

    This is sometimes known as the doctrine of legal positivism , which is to say that law is the command of the sovereign , a sort of command theory of law .

  24. 第二章介绍了自然法与法律实证主义的发展演变,指出自然法理论的衰落和法律实证主义的兴起才正式拉开了合法性与正当性问题的历史帷幕。

    The second Chapter presents the development of natural law and legal positivism , in which the legitimacy and legality issue was commenced by the declining of natural law theory and the rising of legal positivism .

  25. 中国法制现代化进程自清末启动之初,就受到分析实证主义法学的深刻影响,但在70年代末以来的当代中国法学研究中,法律实证主义已严重畸变。

    Ever since the late Qing Dynasty , legal modernization in China has been influenced immensely by analytical positivist jurisprudence . However , there have been serious changes in legal positivism in contemporary legal research since the late 1970s .

  26. 然而,法律实证主义使得法律摆脱了宗教、道德以及政治束缚,确立了相对的独立性,将法律权威等问题限定在法律体系内探讨。

    However , the legal positivism makes the law frees from the bound of religion , morality and politics . The relative independence is established . And the matters as the law authority are discussed in the field of the law .

  27. 实用主义的司法哲学立场,并强调法官对形式正义的坚守,试图超越法律实证主义和自然法,结合实践哲学来发展法律实证主义。

    MacCormick adheres to the judicial philosophy of Pragmatism , and stresses that the judge should stick to formal justice , and attempt to exceed the legal Positivism and the theory of Natural law , integrates the practical philosophy to develop the legal Positivism .

  28. 引言部分梳理了当前纯粹法理论与法律实证主义的相关理论,指出了其中存在的问题,并提出了解决问题的思路;同时还指出了本文的研究进路和方法,进一步明确了本文的目的和意义。

    On that basis , we point out the problems of them , and put forward ideas to solve the problem . In the meantime , we put forward the research road and method , and further clear the purpose and meaning of this paper .

  29. 民法上自然权利反映了法律实证主义和价值法学、形式正义与实质正义、法律形式理性与实质理性、个人本位与社会本位在民法领域内的张力与协调,具有独特的制度功能和民法意义。

    Natural Rights reflect strain and coordination between legal positivism and legal values 、 formal justice and material jus - tice 、 formal rationalism and substantial rationalism 、 personal standard and social standard in civil law , and bear special system function and civil law significance .

  30. 自然法理论和法律实证主义是法哲学界长期对立并且影响都十分广泛的两种理论,双方主要分歧在于法律与道德的关系方面。

    The natural law theory and the legal positivism are two theories that are antagonistic towards each other , as well as having great influence on the field of philosophy of law . The main difference in principle lies in their respective views on the relationship between law and morality .