
fǎ yuàn chuán piào
  • court summons;judicial process
  1. 据知情人士透露,投资者和dbzwirn员工已收到法院传票,要求提供该基金如何估值及其它问题的信息。

    Investors and staff at DB Zwirn have received subpoenas seeking information about how the fund valued assets , among other issues , according to people familiar with the matter .

  2. 常违反法规而不回答法院传票的人。

    One who habitually ignores the law and does not answer court summonses .

  3. 因为你可能会得到法院传票的。

    Because you might get subpoenaed .

  4. 是的昨天有个人送来了法院传票

    Yeah . Uh , a guy came by with a , um ... subpoena yesterday .

  5. 在这个时候,我还没有收到法院传票,我对出庭作证不感兴趣。

    At this time , I have not been subpoenaed , and I am not interested in giving testimony in the trial .

  6. 要把法院传票送到调查人员认为从被窃商业机密中获利的中国公司手中,也同样困难。

    It is equally difficult to serve court summonses to the Chinese corporations that investigators say they believe are benefiting from stolen trade secrets .

  7. 至少对于某一年龄段的美国人来说,邮差送来的净是法院传票或垃圾邮件什么的,只会带来坏消息或麻烦事。

    Already , at least for Americans under a certain age , the post delivers only bad news or nuisances , from jury summonses to junk mail .

  8. 丰田还在声明中表示,在2月8日,丰田及其子公司收到来自纽约南部的法院传票。

    Toyota and its subsidiaries received a subpoena from the attorney 's office for the southern district of New York on Feb8 , the world 's biggest automaker said in a statement .

  9. 金·卡戴珊由于超速而收到法院传票,此前一名警员指认,当时卡戴珊很明显被一群洛杉矶狗仔队追逐。这位加州公路巡警表示,卡戴珊在101高速公路被迫靠边停车。

    Kim Kardashian has been cited for speeding after an officer spotted the reality star apparently being chased by the paparazzi in L.A. The California Highway Patrol says Kardashian was pulled over on the 101 Freeway .

  10. 这个故事还得从去年夏天说起,当时Holloway因院子里杂草灌木丛生而收到法院的传票。

    The saga began last summer , when Holloway was sent a citation for her overgrown grass and shrubbery .

  11. 若有必要由法院下传票提验。

    But if I have to get a court order for a formal inquest .

  12. 伯登说,这次事故本来还挺好玩的,美中不足的就是他因为扰乱治安而接到了法院的传票。

    Borden said the incident would have been funny except for the fact that he was issued a citation for disorderly conduct .

  13. 接获法院的传票后,我已立即提交尚欠的香港公司周年申报表,并缴付较高的注册费用。传票会否撤回?

    If I submit the HK company Annual Return and pay for the registerered payment after I received the court summons , does it will be withdraw ?

  14. 如果法院确认传票的合法性,即发布命令执行该传票,而违反命令者将受到藐视法庭的处罚。

    If the court upholds the subpoena , it will issue an order enforcing it , and a violation of this order is punishable as contempt of court .

  15. 我接到法院的传票,控告我的香港公司未按照《公司条例》提交或逾期提交法定申报表(例如周年申报表)。

    I was charged by court of law for I don 't submit the legal application charts ( eg , Annual Return ) or don 't submit them in time by Company Ordinance .

  16. 第二,法院在传票执行初期试图确定机关管辖界限的努力有可能不大成熟,因为如果审查推迟到机关作出最后行政决定之时,争议的问题或许会被界定得比较清晰一些。

    Second , a judicial attempt to fix the boundaries of agency jurisdiction at the preliminary stage of subpoena enforcement may be premature , because the issues may be more clearly defined if review is postponed until there is a final administrative decision .

  17. 我们会在收到法院命令或传票或为协助执法调查时,公开可辨认个人身份资讯。

    We will disclose Personally Identifiable Information upon receipt of a court order or subpoena or in order to assist a law enforcement investigation .

  18. 在许多机关里,规则或法规明确规定的程序与法院采用的撤销传票的动议一样。

    In many agencies , rules or statutes explicitly provide a procedure similar to the motion to quash a subpoena that is used in the courts .