
fǎ lǜ jiě shì
  • legal interpretation;interpretation of law;legal construction;construction of law
  1. 古典中国法律解释的哲学智慧

    The Philosophical Wisdom of Classical Chinese Construction of Law

  2. 法律解释的溯及力是指新的法律解释颁布后对其颁布前的事件和行为是否适用的问题。

    The retroactivity of construction of law refers to if the new construction of law can apply to the past event and behaviour .

  3. 论WTO规则的法律解释方法&兼谈国际条约法的解释理论在WTO争端解决机制中的运用

    Means of Legal Interpretation on WTO Rules & In Addition on the Application of the Interpretation Theory of International Treaty Law in the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism

  4. 运用法律解释探析GATS及其适用范围&WTO规则解释方法的应用与实践

    Interpretation of GATS and Its Scope of Application

  5. 该章分为四节,分别探讨了WTO争端解决中法律解释之含义、WTO法律解释主体解释权之性质、WTO争端解决中法律解释之必要性以及WTO争端解决中法律解释之性质等问题。

    This chapter includes five sections , which respectively discuss the definition of legal interpretation , the characteristics of legal interpretation and its right and the necessity of legal interpretation .

  6. 总观全文,笔者坚持专利法理论在一般专利主题中业已发展成熟的基本原则和概念体系,主张以恰当的法律解释方法,解决DNA序列的可专利性问题。

    In the whole , the author insists the basic principles and conceptions which has been developed from normal patentable subject , and asserts to solute the patentability of DNA by explaining the patent law creatively .

  7. 因此必须对我国的法律解释体系进行重新构建。

    It is necessary to reconstruct the existing law interpretation system .

  8. 文章中考察了法律解释的目标和方法。

    This part inspects the goal and method of legal construction .

  9. 法律解释方式:从司法解释到判例

    The way of Legal Interpretation : From Judicial Interpretation to Precedent

  10. 法律解释中的话语主体与主体话语

    On the Discourse Subject and Subject Discourse in the Law Interpretation

  11. 这为探寻法律解释客观性的方法提供了理论依据。

    It provides theoretical basis for finding way to study legal construction .

  12. 法律解释在海关行政执法中的现实命运

    The Practical Situation of Legal Interpretation in Customs Executive Administration

  13. 论法官法律解释权的合理性

    On the Rationality of Judges ' Delivery of Legal Explanation

  14. 首先论述了法律解释的一般理论。

    This chapter discusses the general theory of the interpretation of law .

  15. 第二,法律解释的创造性及其意义;

    Second , the creativity and its significance of the legal hermeneutics ;

  16. 适用与限制:法律解释中的目的解释方法

    The Application and Restriction of Teleological Method of Legal Interpretation

  17. 哲学解释学视野下的法律解释分析

    Analysis on Law Interpretation under the Perspective of Philosophic Hermeneutics

  18. 法律解释、哈耶克的知识论与哲学解释学

    Legal Interpretation , Hayek 's Knowledge Theory and Hermeneutic Philosophy

  19. 当代中国法律解释问题研究

    A Study on Modern Legal Interpreting Problems of China

  20. 论文对《法律解释法》的框架内容作了初步设计及阐述。

    The thesis designs and illustrates the framework of the Legal Interpretation Law .

  21. 法律解释合法性的逻辑结构

    On Logic Structure of the Legality of Law Interpretation

  22. 论法官在行政司法审查中的法律解释权

    On Judges ' Power of Interpretation of Laws in Investigation of Administrative Judicature

  23. 现行法律解释起来存在着不少问题。

    The current law has many problems of interpretation .

  24. 在我国,司法解释是法律解释的一种重要形式。

    In China , judicial interpretation is a significant kind of law interpretations .

  25. 承认狭义的法律解释的概念,既无必要又有害处。

    Acknowledgement of the concept of narrowly-defined legal interpretation is unnecessary and harmful .

  26. 中国现行法律解释制度研究

    On the Current System of Legal Interpretation of China

  27. 这是刑法的漏洞,不能通过法律解释得到解决。

    This is a loop of penal code without solution from legal explanation .

  28. 符号、解释学与中国古典法律解释

    Symbol , Hermeneutic and Chinese Classic Legal Interpretation

  29. 由法律解释理论考察我国的法律解释体制

    Investigation In Our Country 's Legal Interpretation System From The Theory Of Legal Interpretation

  30. 论法律解释及分类

    On the Interpretation and Classification of the Law