
  1. 行政法中的法律优先原则研究

    A Research on the Law Priority Doctrine in Administrative Law

  2. 行政优先权与法律优先之鉴别

    Distinguish the Power of Administration Priority and law Priority

  3. 法律优先与法律保留

    Law Priority and Law Reservation

  4. 法律优先原则和法律保留原则是依法行政的内容,也是确定行政立法权限的原则。

    The doctrines of law superiority and law reservation are the important requests in administration by law .

  5. 法律优先原则是依法行政的重要组成部分,旨在限制行政权之滥用,保障公民的基本权利。

    The principle of law priority , as the important component of administration according to law , aims at limiting the abuse of the executive power and ensuring the citizen 's fundamental right .

  6. 行政规定制定权的合法来源,是基于上位法的授权或固有职权;在制定权限行使过程中,应遵从法律优先和法律保留原则。

    The legal source of stipulating administrative provisions belongs to super ordination law warrant or inherence . In working out extent of authority , The principle of law superiority and reservation of law should be followed .

  7. 印第安纳州:法律赋予优先与当地企业签订合同的权利。

    An Indiana law gives preferential treatment in contract bidding to local businesses .

  8. 这种通过坚持美国法律应优先于他国法律而将美国主权强加于人的做法并不新鲜。

    This push to exert us sovereignty by insisting that its laws should take precedence over those of other countries is not new .

  9. 我国现行法律对优先购买权没有系统地、一般性规定,散见于多个法律、法规和司法解释中的优先购买权种类繁多。

    In China , there is no systematic and general stipulations on preemption in relative laws , but there existed a lot of types of preemptions in many low-ranking laws , statutes and judicial interpretations .

  10. 我国现行法律有关优先购买权的规定较为分散,《物权法》(草案)中曾专章规定了优先权,但是因为对其法律性质存在较大争议而被删除。

    The regulations of the right of preemption are quite scattered in our current laws , it has stipulated the chapters of the priority in the Property Law of China , but it has been deleted , because of its legal character in big dispute .

  11. 法律专业者优先。

    Major law is preferred .

  12. 介绍了国外优先发展公共交通的法律保障、优先政策和若干措施,改善了城市交通环境。

    The legal protection , preferential policy and measures providing priority for the development of public transport abroad are reported .

  13. 我国现行的法律制度对优先权制度产生阻隔的因子很少,在付出较小的立法成本的前提下即可消除。

    There are just little trammel to priority right system in Chinese current law system , therefore the legislation cost is lower .

  14. 例如在法国,收取公共交通税来补贴公交系统;美国采取法律手段来优先发展公共交通。

    For example , in France , public traffic tax is collected to be the allowance for bus system ; America takes legal measure to preferentially develop public traffic .

  15. 但我国现有法律表明,税收优先权在效力上存在矛盾,协调它应体现对不同法益的价值权衡。

    But the present laws show that there exist contradictions in the effect of tax priority .

  16. 依法行政的内涵包括职权法定、法律保留、法律优先、依据法律和权责统一。

    The meaning of administration by law includes authority and responsibility designed by law , law retaining , the prevalence of law and the integrity of the authority and responsibility .

  17. 效率优先,兼顾公平的经济原则与法律价值中公平优先的法治原则并不存在根本的矛盾。

    There are no basic contradictory between the economic principle of " efficiency priority and give consideration to justice " and the law principle of " equity priority in law value " .

  18. 我国法律中有关房屋优先购买权的规定存在模糊和空白,需要运用解释方法明确法律的涵义、填补漏洞。

    There are fuzzy and blank points in China 's law about preemption right of buying an apartment , which need to use explanation method to clearly explain the meaning of the law and to fill the vacancy .

  19. 西部现代水权管理包括以下几个部分:完善的水法律体系、按优先权进行水资源的分配、建立水市场、水权转让、重视环境、水权交易有公正的水权咨询服务公司作中介。

    Modern water rights in west States include six aspects : perfect water law system , prior appropriation in allocating water resource , set up water market , transfer water rights , attach important to environment , the regularity agency .

  20. 笔者认为,结合刑事诉讼的宪法特征,应当从宪法性法律原则的效力优先于普通法律原则入手,把刑事诉讼基本法律原则限定为宪法原则。

    In my view , criminal proceedings is constitutional , and the constitutional principle should prevail over the general principles of law with the validity , so we can identify basic legal principles of criminal proceedings as constitutional principles in criminal justice .

  21. 认为行政职权法定、法律保留、法律优先、依据法律和权责统一是统一的整体,相互融合,全面诠释了依法行政的深刻内涵。

    Opinion that the executive powers of statutory , legal reserves , the law of priority , according to the law and accountability unity is a unified whole , mutual integration of a comprehensive interpretation of the profound meaning of administration by law .

  22. 在司法实务中,次承租人要求行使优先购买权的案件屡有发生,但是法律对次承租优先购买权以及行使条件等问题没有具体的规定,因此在案件处理上也有所差异。

    In judicial practice , the case that the sub-lessee require to exercise preemptive right is repeatedly occurred . However , the existing laws about the preemptive right of sub-lessee is blank , which have leaded to the discrepance judgment between the same case .

  23. 税务机关应当按照行政法治原则中的法律保留、法律优先和法律救济的要求,严格依法行政,充分尊重纳税人税收筹划的权利,以利于和纳税人之间建立起和谐稳定的税收关系。

    Tax authorities , abiding by law reservation , law priority and law relief in administrative principle of legality , should administer by law and respect the tax payer 's rights to tax plan for the purpose of establishing harmonious tax relations with them .

  24. 本条件适用于我们提供的国际运输,如本条件与我们的运价规则或者适用的法律相抵触,则该运价规则或者法律优先适用。

    These Conditions of Carriage apply to International Carriage provided by us unless they are inconsistent with our Tariffs or applicable laws in which event such Tariffs or laws shall prevail .