
  • 网络legal costs
  1. 公司可能面临高昂的罚款和法律成本,声誉受损,并受到更严格的监管审查。

    Firms face significant fines and legal costs , reputation damage , and tightened regulatory scrutiny .

  2. 另外,它们可能还会增加法律成本、浪费董事会的时间,并吓退一些公司的未来上市行动。

    What is more , they are likely to increase legal costs , waste board time and deter future companies from going public .

  3. 从制度供给与需求的关系看,中国有必要引入取得时效制度,而建立取得时效制度需考虑法律成本问题。

    It is necessary to consider the establishment of such a system in China from the perspective of the relationship between system supply and demand .

  4. 但是,有很多败诉的原告生活穷困,无力支付对方的法律成本,而在另一起诉讼中,败诉的被告要支付原告数百万元的法律费用。

    But many losing plaintiffs were too poor to pay the winners " costs , while in one case a losing defendant had to pay millions for the plaintiff 's legal fees .

  5. 今年六月,这位德州州长签署了“败诉赔付”的侵权法案,规定侵权案的败诉方要补偿胜诉方的法律成本,希望以此减少一些琐细无聊的侵权诉讼。

    In June the governor of Texas signed a " loser pays " tort law , intended to discourage slight or frivolous lawsuits by making losers pay the winners " legal costs .

  6. 要重构上市公司委托理财行为中的共有信念,需要加大执法力度,且实现一定约束下的法律成本在用于制定新的法规和执行已有法规之间的优化配置;

    In order to rebuild the " common faith ", the law should be executed stricter than before and law cost should be collocated in optimal manner between constituting new laws and administering current laws .

  7. 建立取得时效制度要考虑到法律成本的问题取得时效是民法时效制度的重要组成部分,我国民法应规定取得时效制度,以维护秩序、公正之价值,促进效率。

    It is necessary to consider the legislation cost to establish the system of acquisitive prescription . Acquisitive prescription is an important aspect of prescriptive system of civil law . Chinese civil law should establish the system of acquisitive prescription .

  8. 论文接下来探析了新时期基层治安问题的产生原因,从思想文化阵地萎缩、基层组织功能退化、犯罪社会成本下降、群众防卫能力衰减、治安法律成本堪忧诸方面作了详细剖析。

    Next , it analyzed a new era of grass-roots public security problems . Shrinking from the ideological and cultural front , grass-roots organizations functional degradation , crime , social costs , the masses defense capability decay , the cost of poor security legal aspects detailed analysis .

  9. 有人认为,执行这类法律的成本过高。

    Some argue it 's too expensive to enforce the law .

  10. 法律咨询成本的上升让许多人震惊。

    Many people are alarmed by the rising cost of legal advice .

  11. 行政程序法律的成本与效益分析

    Cost - Benefit Analysis Making of Administrative Procedure Law

  12. 接下来进入全文的重点,在上一部分的成本分析中可以看出法律实施成本与法律制度安排有着紧密的联系。

    In the legal system , there are legislation cost and implementation cost .

  13. 信用权在立法上由概括性保护、间接保护上升到明确保护、直接保护将更有利于加大景德镇陶瓷信用的保护力度,提高权利人打击侵权的积极性,降低法律惩罚成本。

    This is helpful to strengthen protection of Jingdezhen porcelain credit , raise people 's enthusiasm and decrease the cost of punishment according to law .

  14. 基于法经济学的方法,研究发现,现行农村建设用地使用权有限流转法律制度成本巨大,效率低下。

    Based on the methods of Law and Economics , this research finds that the existing rural construction land tenure system is costly and inefficient .

  15. 法律责任成本太低,是促使注册会计师敢于造假的重要和关键性因素。

    The legal liability cost is too low , is the important and key factor of impelling the certified accountant to dare to make the fake .

  16. 对法律诉讼成本进行经济分析以实现司法资源的有效配置,从而实现司法资源的良性循环。

    The economic analysis of costs involved in lawsuit is to realize the effective allocation of judiciary resources so that positive cycle of it is made possible .

  17. 罗汉被申斥去年夏天屡次迟到的一套“格鲁吉亚统治”,她的最新法律麻烦成本可她的电影角色。

    Lohan was chastised last summer for repeatedly arriving late to the set of " georgia rule ," and her latest legal troubles may cost her movie roles .

  18. 法律移植成本是衡量法律移植是否有效的尺度,而法律移植成本分析制度是以有限的法律资源,进行有效的法律移植,实现法律移植本土化的保证。

    The cost of law transplantation determines whether the transplantation is successful or not , while the cost analytical system of law transplantation is a guarantee for the effective transplantation .

  19. 我国不是一个连一点法律经济成本都付不出的穷国,但也不属于可以付出足够法律经济成本的发达国家;

    We are not a poor country that could not afford any economic cost for the law , nor are us a developed country able to afford enough economic cost for the law .

  20. 应提高责任主体的法律风险成本,进一步修订和完善《企业会计准则》,注重解决可操作性、前瞻性与可行性,完善信息披露规则。

    We should increase the legal risk cost of main part responsibility and revise and perfect the " Enterprise Accounting Norm ", emphasize the solution on operating ness , farsightedness and feasibility , consummate the rule of information disclosure .

  21. 中国跨国企业在欧洲/美国每名公司法律顾问的成本将会显著增加

    Per in-house lawyer costs in EU / US will be significantly higher

  22. 不能透露法律费用和成本,这是机密的。

    I will not talk about legal fees or cost . that 's confidential .

  23. 对法律运行的成本&经济成本和社会成本的衡量是建设社会主义法治的必要准备。

    Counting economic and social costs of legal operation is prerequisite for socialist nomocracy construction .

  24. 第三部分介绍了关于自然垄断法律规制的成本收益分析。

    The third part introduced about the nature monopoly law rules and regulations cost income analysis .

  25. 要揭示法律降低交易成本的功能,首先要解决交易成本的计量问题。

    To reveal the function of legal transaction cost reduction , the calculation problems must be resolved .

  26. 另一方面的原因是采用法律手段的成本与不确定性实在太高。

    Another explanation is that the cost and legal uncertainty associated with patent trials are simply too great .

  27. 由于法律和管理成本在近些年的大幅上涨,德意志银行一直面临来自投资者的压力。

    Deutsche Bank has faced pressure from investors as its legal and regulatory costs have risen drastically in recent years .

  28. 一是严惩腐败行为,同时提高公务员待遇,营造不必腐败的环境,主要通过提高查处腐败案件的概率、提高承担法律责任的成本和提高腐败者的精神成本来实现。

    Punish corruption severely and improve the treatment of government officials , creating an environment where officials are not willing to corrupt .

  29. 加大对科技的运用不仅会降低法律服务的成本,还会去除它身上的一些神秘色彩。

    Greater use of technology will not only make law cheaper , it will also take some of the mystery out of it .

  30. 政府作为有自己偏好和利益的理性经济人,将对是否严格执行法律规制进行成本收益分析。

    The government , being the rational economic man with its own preferences and interests , will make the cost-benefit analysis whether supervise strictly .