
  • 网络Pure Economic Loss
  1. 我国应该加强对纯粹经济损失方面的研究和立法。

    China should strengthen the pure economic loss research and legislation .

  2. 纯粹经济损失在实践中频繁发生,类型纵横交错。

    Pure economic loss frequently occur in practice , and types .

  3. 论过失引起纯粹经济损失中的责任排除规则

    On Exclusionary Rules of Liabilities in Pure Economic Loss Caused by Negligence

  4. 纯粹经济损失是一种经济利益上的无形损害。

    Pure economic loss is one kind of the economic interest loss .

  5. 第一章是关于纯粹经济损失的概述,分析了纯粹经济损失的概念、特征和分类。

    The first chapter analyses the definition , character and classification of PEL .

  6. 纯粹经济损失赔偿规则:理论、实践及立法选择

    The Compensation Rule of Pure Economic Loss : Theory , Practice and Legislative Choice

  7. 那么,究竟是依据何种根据对纯粹经济损失的责任进行排除的呢?这可以通过从经济学角度对纯粹经济损失相关问题进行分析而得到答案。

    And base on what can the obligation of pure economic loss be removed ?

  8. 纯粹经济损失理论之践行&评《山西日报》巨额赔偿案

    The application of Pure Economic Loss & on the huge damage case of Shanxi daily

  9. 本文以纯粹经济损失保护机制为主要研究对象,各国根据本国的具体情况分别形成了独特的处理机制。

    According to their specific circumstances , the countries have developed a unique processing mechanism .

  10. 纯粹经济损失的样态就是纯粹经济损失存在的主要形式。

    Like state of pure economic loss is purely economic losses are the main form .

  11. 本部分先分析纯粹经济损失的基本类型,再列举典型的纯粹经济损失。

    This part analyzed the basic types of pure economic loss and listed some classic types .

  12. 如何对纯粹经济损失进行救济,这是纯粹经济损失引发争议的另一个重要问题。

    How to compensate pure economic loss is another important problem which has generated many arguments .

  13. 纯粹经济损失是当今比较民法讨论较多的话题之一。

    Pure economic loss is one of the most controversial topics in the comparative civil law .

  14. 其次,本部分对纯粹经济损失的性质和类别进行了具体的阐述。

    Secondly , this part of the pure economic loss of the nature and category specific elaboration .

  15. 纯粹经济损失的研究首先起源于国外,无论各国是否承认这一概念,但是事实上的损害都是客观存在的,因此我国可以借鉴一些国外研究以及处理模式的优点。

    Whether the countries recognize the concept of pure economic loss , the damage is existent objectively .

  16. 在比较这几个国家救济模式的基础上,笔者总结归纳了纯粹经济损失救济的常见模式。

    Based on the comparison , the author summarized the common modes of compensation for pure economic loss .

  17. 在我国,纯粹经济损失是否应当予以保护,何种类型应当如何救济是本文需要探究的问题。

    In China , whether or what kind of pure economic loss should protect need to be explored .

  18. 不论是大陆法还是英美法,自19世纪以来都一直存在着一种对于纯粹经济损失的排除原则。

    Both in Civil law and Common law , the pure economic loss cannot be compensated since 19th century .

  19. 纯粹经济损失是国外法学界讨论非常热烈的问题之一,亦是一个难点问题。

    Pure economic loss is a very hot topic in foreign jurisprudence field , a difficult problem as well .

  20. 纯粹经济损失是非由人身或财产引起的经济上的损失。

    Pure economic loss is the loss which dose not result from the physical damage to person and property .

  21. 纯粹经济损失是比较法上为各国所积极讨论的课题。

    The pure economic loss is the topic which is actively discussing in the comparative law of the various countries .

  22. 显然,无形性只是对纯粹经济损失概念的物理描述。

    Obviously , the " invisibility " is only on the physical description of the concept of pure economic loss .

  23. 而后者主要说明纯粹经济损失不赔性特征,一般很难获得赔偿。

    While the latter mainly shows that " even " pure economic loss characteristics , general difficult to obtain compensation .

  24. 实践中的纯粹经济损失种类各异,形态多样,难以准确的划分种类。

    Real Practice in different types of pure economic loss , morphological diversity , the division is difficult to accurately type .

  25. 首先阐述了美国各州法律对于纯粹经济损失救济趋同的倾向和原因。

    At first , I describe the tendency and the cause of the convergence of state laws about pure economic loss .

  26. 第四部分,纯粹经济损失赔偿责任制度的价值分析和法律分析。

    I mainly from value analysis and the perspective of legal analysis of pure economic loss Compensation System for a series of ideas .

  27. 纯粹经济损失纯粹经济损失即不依赖于遭受利益损害的人的物的损害或者身体及健康损害而发生的经济损失。

    A pure economic loss is a financial loss which is not causally consequent upon physical injury to the Person who suffered economic loss .

  28. 在我国,对于纯粹经济损失的分析与探讨都还处于起步阶段,但相关案例逐日增多。

    In China , the analysis and discussion about pure economic loss is just at a starting stage , while relevant cases are sharply increasing .

  29. 因此,纯粹经济损失的第二种定义是将其划定为非法律所保护的利益损失。

    Pure economic loss , therefore , the second definition is to draw it for outside of the legal protection the interests of the loss .

  30. 因果关系作为控制手段之一有其局限性,一些西方国家即从损害着手,发展出了纯粹经济损失的概念。

    Causality as one of controlling method has its limitations . Western countries developed the concept of pure economic loss from the nature of damage .