
fǎ dìnɡ dān bǎo
  • legal security;legal warranty
  1. 造成此种困境的根源在于对一般优先权的认识以及优先权在法定担保物权体系中的定位。

    The hardship results from the understanding of the common priority and the priority ' location in the legal security interest system .

  2. 优先权是一项独立的实体性权利,是一项法定担保物权。

    Priority is a substantive right which has the attribute of real right guaranteed .

  3. 除所有权的法定担保外,不存在任何明示或暗示的质量保证。

    Except for the statutory warranty of title , there are no other express or implied warranties .

  4. 特别优先权具有物权担保的一般属性,属于法定担保物权。

    The special priority has the general attributes of real right , belonging to the legal real right .

  5. 依我国现行立法的规定,留置权亦为法定担保物权。

    In accordance with our country 's current legislation , lien is also the legal real right of pledge .

  6. 留置权制度作为一种法定担保物权,其适用范围完全取决于我国立法。

    The lien , as a statutory real right for security , depends entirely on the legislations to determine its application .

  7. 在我国,留置权是一种法定担保物权,属于典型的保全型担保物权。留置权制度起源于罗马法恶意抗辩及欺诈抗辩之拒绝给付权。

    Lien is regarded as a form of statutory real right for security and a typical form of preserving real right for security .

  8. 在法定担保物权方面,应当对留置权制度进行完善,同时建立优先权制度。

    A security interest in the statutory context , it should be conducted to perfect the lien system , the priority system set up simultaneously .

  9. 作为一项法定担保物权制度,优先权起源于罗马法,但各国立法对其态度各异。

    As s statutory real right for security system , priority originates from Roman law , but the legislations in most country hold different attitude toward this system .

  10. 优先权是一项古老的权利,作为一项法定担保物权,指同一财产上存在不同类型的民事权利发生竞合时,由法律直接规定特定的民事权利优先行使的权利。

    Priority is an ancient right . As a statutory security interests , it refers to the same property , there are different types of civil rights occurs when competing , directly by law for specific priority to the exercise of the rights of civil rights .

  11. 明确背书人对被背书人承担法定的担保责任,但这一担保责任可以通过双方约定进行一定程度的限制。

    The statutory guarantee responsibility for the endorsee assumed by the endorser should be expressly defined which may be subject to some limitations of the parties ' agreement .

  12. microsoft不作任何担保,并拒绝所有明示、暗示或法定的表述、担保和条件。

    Microsoft makes no warranties and excludes all representations , warranties , and conditions whether express , implied , or statutory .

  13. 法定或法院判决担保

    Legal or judicial security

  14. 而在所有的法律关系中,保荐人作为保荐对象法定信息披露的担保义务人,是其最本质的身份。

    In all legal relations , the sponsor 's most essential identity is that he / she acts as the guarantee obligator of his / her clients ' disclosure of legal information .

  15. 但是,法定物权的类型不仅包括法定担保物权,还包括法律直接规定的因事实行为而取得的所有权等。

    However , the type of legal property rights include not only statutory security interests , including the provisions of the law due to the fact that the direct acts of ownership to obtain .