
  • 网络Fast railway;s-bahn;rer
  1. 川渝间修建快速铁路的思考

    Thinking on construction of express railway line between Sichuan and Chongqing

  2. 我国发展区域城际快速铁路的相关问题研究

    Study on Some Issues of Developing Regional Intercity Express Railway in China

  3. 武广快速铁路客运专线武汉站

    Wuhan Station of Celerity Special Railway Passenger Transport Line from Wuhan to Guangzhou

  4. 京津冀地区城际快速铁路网形成要素分析

    Analysis of Forming Factor of Intercity Rapid Railway Network of Beijing , Tianjin and Hebei

  5. 发展大上海都市圈快速铁路系统巴黎阿姆斯特丹都市圈的启示

    Developing Rapid Railway System in Greater Shanghai Metropolitan Area & Experience from the Paris-Amsterdam Megalopolis

  6. 新建250km/h客货共线快速铁路主要技术参数的选择

    Choice of Main Technical Parameters for 250 km / h Railway Line for Mixed Passenger and Freight Traffic

  7. 结合秦沈快速铁路工程实际,进行了石灰粉煤灰改良土的物理力学特性试验。

    Combining the Qing-shen quick-speed railway , the physics-mechanics properties of lime-flyash-improved soil are discussed on base of lab tests .

  8. 美国的同行在地铁与快速铁路方面经验欠缺,而大多数的亚洲竞争都不知道必要的国外销售的技巧。

    American manufacturers have little experience with metros and high-speed trains , and most Asian rivals lack the necessary foreign-sales know-how .

  9. 我们被告知,充电式混合动力车、城际快速铁路和新的供水及污水处理厂,将取代日见破旧的基础设施。

    We were told about plug-in hybrids , intercity fast rail and new water and sewerage plants to replace the crumbling infrastructure .

  10. 南宁-新加坡快速铁路是南宁-新加坡经济走廊的重要基础和主通道,有助于广西扩大开放发展。

    Nanning-Singapore Express Railway is the important foundation and main tunnel of Nanning-Singapore Economic Corridor , which is helpful for Guangxi to expand the development .

  11. 如今还开通了通往法国南部和西班牙其他地区的快速铁路交通。这些改进有没有影响毕尔巴鄂?

    There is now a fast train link to the south of France and to the rest of Spain . Are there improvements affect Bilbao , principally ?

  12. 合宁铁路工程是我国第一条时速200公里的快速铁路,具有路基和桥梁控制要求标准高、技术含量高的特点。

    He Ning railway project is the first article of the rapid speed of 200 km railway , whose roadbed and bridges with control standards high and high technology .

  13. 新建贵阳至广州铁路是我国西南山区第一条高标准快速铁路,桥梁座数多。

    The newly-built Guiyang-Guangzhou Railway is the first high standard fast-speed railway in the southwestern mountainous area in China , on which a great number of bridges have been built .

  14. 秦沈客运专线是一条新型快速铁路,因而造成了由于路基压实检测标准的提高所增加的工程费用。

    Qinhuangdao-Shenyang passenger special line is a new type of fast speed railway , for which additional construction cost is incurred due to the raise of test standard of roadbed compactness .

  15. 作为我国快速铁路网的重要组成部分,同时也是首批开工建设的客运专线之一,合宁客运专线对促进泛长三角地区经济社会又好又快发展具有重要意义。

    As an important component of the rapid rail network in China and the first patch of passenger dedicated lines , Hefei-Nanjing line is important for the development of " Pan-Yangtze River Delta " region .

  16. 区域经济的发展有赖于完善的区域城际运输和城市运输系统,目前,学者们对城市运输系统的研究已形成了较为完备的理论,而区域城际运输尤其是区域城际快速铁路研究的不多。

    At present , scholars have deeply studied on urban transportation system and it has formed a set of comparatively complete theory , but little on regional intercity transportation especially on regional intercity express railway .

  17. 研究目的:在京津冀地区城际快速铁路网规划的基础上,结合城际铁路的客流特点及功能定位分析,着重分析论述这一区域形成规划的城际快速铁路网的主要要素。

    Research purposes : Based on the intercity rapid railway network plan and its characteristic of passenger flow & function of Beijing , Tianjin and Hebei , the paper analyzes the staple of its intercity rapid railway network plan .

  18. 为保证将来在德国首都柏林拥有一种吸引人的现代化城市快速铁路交通,柏林城市快速铁路有限公司计划制造1种新型换代的电动车组。

    The Berlin Urban Fast Railway Co. Ltd. plans to manufacture a new type EMU of a new generation , in order to ensure that there is an attractive modern urban fast railway traffic in Berlin , the capital of Germany in the future .

  19. 七月份的两起高铁事故让政府在快速发展铁路这件事上变了想法。

    The government has had a change of heart about rapidly expanding the high-speed rail network following a fatal crash of two high-speed trains in July .

  20. 给出了系统模型和软件实现方法,并提出利用数据库技术快速显示铁路信号图形。

    The system model and software structure is introduced . At the same time , a new rail signal graph showing means used of the database technology is put forward .

  21. 桩&网复合地基技术很适合于在天然软土地基上快速修筑铁路、公路、城市道路、长大堤坝、大面积填方类工程,应用前景广阔。

    Pile-net composite foundation is suitable to the engineering such as railway , highway , city road , long-large dam and large area fill . So it has a wide application in the future .

  22. 地质雷达是目前国内外快速检测铁路路基病害的重要方法之一,对于车载铁路路基检测雷达采集的数据,层间多次波和轨枕干扰是不可避免的。

    GPR is a rapid detection of the railway ballast at home and abroad disease is one important way , roadbed for car radar detection data collected , layer multiple and sleeper interference is inevitable .

  23. 由于铁路运输的快速发展,铁路运输安全问题就凸显出来。

    With the rapid development of railage , safety problem is extruded .

  24. 大昆明区的快速短途客运铁路

    Rapid Short - range Passenger Railway in Kunming

  25. 随着经济的快速发展,铁路大提速成了必然的趋势。

    With the rapid development of economic , railway speeding has become an inexorable trend .

  26. 随着铁路运输的快速发展,铁路安全运营得到业界更多关注。

    With the rapid development of rail transport , the safety of railway operations is getting more attention in that field .

  27. 但是高速公路快速客运与铁路、民航之间存在着激烈的竞争,特别是它与铁路之间的竞争更加激烈。

    But its development was challenged by railway and airplane passenger transportation . It has a considerable competition with railway passenger transportation .

  28. 随着铁路技术装备现代化建设的快速发展,铁路信号设备滞后的问题开始显现。

    With the rapid development of modern railway equipments , problems of the laggard railway signal facilities became more and more prominent .

  29. 目前,由于我国铁路货物运量的快速增长,铁路集装箱运输也随之发展起来。

    At present , with the rapid growth of rail freight traffic , the development of container transportation is also extremely fast .

  30. 许多专家也担心,在一味注重快速扩建高速铁路和城市轨道交通系统的过程中,存在办事不够到位的情况。

    Many experts have also voiced concern that corners have been cut in the headlong rush to expand subway and high-speed rail systems .