
mǎi fānɡ xìn dài
  • buyer's credit
  1. 允许金融机构开办人民币出口买方信贷业务。

    Allow financial institutions to perform export buyer 's credit .

  2. 企业出口买方信贷的提前收汇,应办理预收货款登记手续。

    Foreign exchange advances under the buyer 's credit to an export enterprise shall be subject to the registration administration of advances on sales .

  3. 今后3年内向非洲国家提供30亿美元的优惠贷款和20亿美元的优惠出口买方信贷。

    Provide US $ 3 billion of preferential loans and US $ 2 billion of preferential buyer 's credits to Africa in the next three years .

  4. 今后中国将继续向发展中国家提供一定规模的优惠贷款和优惠出口买方信贷融资支持。

    China will continue to extend financing support of a certain scale to developing countries in the form of concessional loans and preferential export buyer 's credit .

  5. 在每个具体的出口买方信贷项目中,借贷双方都要签订出口买方信贷协议来约定双方的权利和义务。因此,出口买方信贷协议是出口买方信贷中最重要的法律文件。

    In each specific project , the lender and the borrower will sign a buyer 's credit agreement to stipulate the rights and the obligations of each party .

  6. 中国大型商业银行也在非洲开展了多项买方信贷,支持了加纳电网、埃塞俄比亚水电站、阿尔及利亚东西高速公路等项目。

    Some of Chinas main commercial banks have also started buyers credit businesses in Africa , supporting the power grid in Ghana , hydropower stations in Ethiopia , a west-east expressway in Algeria , and other projects .

  7. 面对融资困局,房地产企业纷纷开始探求多元化的融资渠道,诸如房地产信托、私募基金、买方信贷等等,纷纷进入我国房地产市场并起了重要作用。

    Faced with financial difficulties , real estate companies have started to explore a wide range of financing channels . Such as real estate trusts , private equity funds , buyer credit , etc. , have entered the real estate market and played an important role .