
  • 网络long put;buy Puts;buy put option
  1. 随著小报纸的不景气,买断独家采访权的金额也跟著缩减了。对于买入看跌期权的人,等于期权价值减去期权金。对于卖出看跌期权的人,等于期权金减去价值。

    As the tabloid have hit on hard times , the cheque of chequebook journalism have shrink . For a long put , equal to the put value minus the premium . For a short put , equal to the premium minus the put value .

  2. 卖出期货合同和买进看涨期权的组合,叫做组合买入看跌期权。

    A combination of a short futures contract and a long call , called a synthetic long put .

  3. Facebook认股权证的投资者们正双倍买入看跌期权,很多人都下注该公司股票到12月将跌破每股22美元。

    Investors in Facebook warrants are buying twice as many puts as calls , with many betting the stock will be below $ 22 a share by December .

  4. 如果你买入看跌期权,只有市场跌的足够快你才能赢。

    When you buy a put , you win only if the market falls fast enough .

  5. 首先:既然投资者计划做空比特币,自然要买入看跌期权。所谓看跌期权是指允许投资者以预定价格卖出投资品的衍生工具合约。

    Here we go : If you are betting against bitcoins , what you want to do is buy a put option , which is a derivative contract that allows you to sell something at a set price .

  6. 买入价内看跌期权,买方因此可卖空相关股份,从而可以在熊市里无需等待股价回升而获利。

    The act of purchasing an " in the money " put option so that the buyer can capitalize on a bear market by effectively shorting a stock without waiting for an uptick .

  7. 买入伯克希尔所售看跌期权的公司,在期权到期之时可以把指数产品卖给伯克希尔。

    A put sale allows Berkshire 's counterparty or counterparties to sell the indexes to Berkshire at the option maturity dates .