
  • 网络environmental technology;environment technology
  1. 振动环境技术在直升机研制中的地位和作用PDM技术及其在直升机研制中的作用

    The position and rule of vibration environment technology in helicopter developing PDM technology and status of design and development of helicopter

  2. 数控车床虚拟制造环境技术研究

    Study on the Virtual Manufacturing Environment Technology for NC Lathe

  3. 优质稻米与环境技术条件的影响因子

    High-quality Rice and Influence Factors of the Technological Condition of Environment

  4. 通信系统软件开发环境技术研究

    A Technical Overview of Software Development Environment for Telecommunication System

  5. 本文提供一个应用环境技术解决工程实际问题的例子。

    This paper presents an example of using environmental technique to solve practical engine-ering problems .

  6. 结果表明我国环境技术效率水平存在明显的差异。

    The results show that the environmental technical efficiency level has significant difference in China .

  7. 环境技术强制的理论与实践探讨

    Environmental Technology - Forcing Theory and Practice

  8. 国际环境技术转让咨询委员会

    International Environmental Technology Transfer Advisory Board

  9. 环境技术商业化方案

    Environmental Technology Commercialization Programme

  10. 随着环境技术的发展,水质模型在环境保护工作中的应用越来越广泛。

    The application of water quality model in environmental protection becomes more and more important with the development of environmental technology .

  11. 本课题来源于海洋资源开发技术主题下资源与环境技术领域中的一项国家海洋863重大专题项目,海底管道内爬行器及其检测技术,开发研制一套用于海底输油管道内壁的缺陷检测装置。

    This research is one of the most important parts of the national 863 key project – Robot and Detection technology in seabed oil pipeline .

  12. 协作型和可视化多媒体数字办公系统是目前多媒体数字办公领域的研究热点,是多媒体通信和虚拟环境技术在多媒体数字办公系统中的重要应用。

    Nowadays , collaborative and visualization multimedia digital office system is one of the hot topics in the field of multimedia digital office . It is an important application of multimedia communication and virtual environment in multimedia digital office system .

  13. 从我国环境技术市场发育状况分析入手,探讨我国环境技术市场的运行机制及发展障碍,对技术市场主体培育提出若干意见。

    Beginning with the growth situation of our country environment - technology market , the paper probes into the environment-technology market 's operation mechanism and development obstacle , then puts forward some suggestions for planting the Subject of technology market .

  14. 如今,美国政府在能源技术、新材料、信息技术、生命科学、环境技术等主要领域支持并鼓励小企业的发展。

    Now the American government give in the energy technology , the new material , the information technology , the main domain supports and encourages the small business life science , the environment technology and so on the main domain supports and encourages the small business .

  15. 设施农业是现代化农业的一个重要组成部分,可控农业生物环境技术是设施农业的核心,该核心的关键技术是环境参数与种(养)殖对象生理参数信号的获取、传输、处理与控制。

    Facility agriculture is an important part of modern agriculture , and the controllable agricultural biology environment technology , the key technology of which is gaining , transmitting , processing and controlling the signal of environment parameter and propagation physiological-parameter , is the key of facility agriculture .

  16. Java语言环境实现技术探讨

    On the Java Language Environment Implementation

  17. 阐述了这些仿真环境与技术以及虚拟现实技术在基于Web的分布交互仿真中的应用。

    And Web-based DIS . These simulation environments and technologies are described , and virtual reality ( VR ) technology use for Web-based DIS is also described .

  18. 根据环境激励技术(NExT)的相关理论,线性结构中白噪声响应之间的相关函数与系统的脉冲响应函数具有类似的数学表达形式。

    According to the technique called the Natural Excitation Technique , the correlation functions of responses induced by white noise on linear structures have similar mathematical format as the impulse response functions .

  19. CSCW的出现为实现并行设计提供了强有力的环境和技术支持。

    The emergence of CSCW provides a strong environment and technological support for the concurrent design .

  20. 1-Wire可寻址数字仪环境监测技术

    - Wire Addressable Digital Instruments for Environmental Monitoring

  21. 在简述破坏性创新原理的基础上,讨论了LBS物流跟踪系统的市场环境、技术特点。

    Based on the introduction of disruptive innovation , LBS-LTS marketing context and technology features are discussed in the paper .

  22. 并详述NC程序的计算机分析与处理方法、数控加工可视化仿真环境建模技术以及数控加工过程可视化仿真的实现原理。

    The paper explains in details the method of NC program disposed by a computer automatically , the technique modeling of visual simulation environment of NC machining and the principle of NC machining process visual simulation .

  23. 以成都某公司CIMS应用工程为背景,介绍了一个CIMS环境下技术改造项目集成管理信息系统的设计与实现。

    The design and implementation of an integrated management information system for technical innovation project in CIMS environment based on the CIMS project of a certain corporation in Chengdu is introduced in this paper .

  24. 缺少能够将先进的计算机科学技术与现代远程教育理论充分相结合,实现良好教学效果的CSCL支持环境的技术方案;

    Thirdly , the implementation solution of CSCL application that can combine advanced computer science technology and modern tele-education theory tightly are still lack of want .

  25. 公共管理理念的发展与变化,以及现代计算机技术和互联网技术的不断发展,尤其是3G移动技术的应用,为创新纳税服务方式提供了良好的环境和技术支持。

    Development of the concept of Public Management and change , and modern computer technology and Internet technology continues to evolve , and applications of 3G mobile technology , provides a good environment and technical support for Innovative way of tax service .

  26. 企业集群及其成长环境与技术创新

    An Analysis for Enterprise Cluster and its Growing Environment and Innovation

  27. 化学品环境管理技术支持体系中的标准和技术规范

    Standards and Guidelines within Technical Supporting System for Chemical Environmental Management

  28. 卫星侦察通信环境仿真技术研究

    Study on the Technology of Communication Environment Simulation in Satellite Reconnaissance

  29. 机械制造业环境绿色技术评价体系

    The Evaluation System of Environmental Green Technology in Mechanical Manufacturing Industry

  30. 常规兵器三综合环境试验技术研究

    The Study of Three Combined Environments Test Technology on Conventional Weapon