
  • 网络globaltimes;The Global Times;global time
  1. 国有媒体《环球时报》在上周一篇社论中对年轻人领导抗议活动的危险性发出了警告。

    The state-run Global Times newspaper warned about the dangers of youth-led protests in an editorial last week .

  2. 《环球时报》也落到了骆野辉的低调到达,并描述他“有否能是汗青下最知实的佳国驻华小使”。

    " The Global Times newspaper also noted Locke 's modest arrival and described him as " possibly the most recognizable American ambassador to China in history .

  3. 《环球时报》英文版(GlobalTimes)周一在一篇社论中敦促政府处理城市管理纠纷频发的问题。

    In a Monday editorial , the state-run Global Times urged the government to address the frequency of chengguan conflicts .

  4. 《环球时报》(GlobalTimes)周二发表的社论先是支持了李波正在内地“协助调查”的说法,接着对李波的业务发起抨击。

    In an editorial published on Tuesday , the Global Times , lent support to the theory that Mr Lee was " assisting an investigation " in the mainland before launching an attack on his business .

  5. 据《环球时报》报道,今年五月Visa叫停中国银联海外结算通道,受到了中美两国媒体的广泛关注,但Visa最近却在这个问题上出奇地沉默。

    After making major headlines in China and the US with its call in May to stop using UnionPay , Visa has become strangely mum on the issue , the Global Times reported .

  6. 北京方面本周告诫特朗普不要发动贸易战争,中国官方媒体《环球时报》警告iPhone等美国产品在中国的销量可能因此受到影响。

    Beijing cautioned Mr Trump against a trade war this week , with the state-run Global Times newspaper warning of a retaliation that would see sales of US goods including iPhones cut off in China .

  7. 环球时报:为什么F-35变得这么贵呢?是因为技术门槛太高,还是财政运作问题?或者是原来的设计要求根本就不合理?

    GT : Why have the F-35s become so expensive ? Are the technical barriers too high , or was there poor financial management ? Or were the original requirements simply not reasonable ?

  8. 周一,美国叫车软件Uber也宣布了它将在国内13座城市同时发起“电子汽车日”。Uber向给《环球时报》发声明称,在当天选择使用电子汽车的顾客将会得到一定程度的折扣。

    On Monday , US car-hailing service provider Uber also announced that it would launch an " electric vehicle day " the same day in 13 domestic cities , and passengers who choose to use their electric vehicles will get a range of discounts , according to a statement Uber sent to the Global Times on Monday .

  9. 英文版《环球时报》已经在平衡两者方面进行了尝试。

    The English-language Global Times has experimented with balancing the two .

  10. 《环球时报》联系三星公司时,三星拒绝对此作出评论。

    Samsung declined to comment when contacted by the Global Times .

  11. 环球时报:中国可以从中学到什么?

    GT : What China can learn from this experience ?

  12. 《环球时报》在周四联系了两家公司,但两家公司都拒绝发表评论。

    Neither company would comment when contacted by the Global Times on Thursday .

  13. 环球时报:我们怎么做才能保证能承受新装备的开销?

    GT : What can we do to ensure the new equipment is affordable ?

  14. 我给《环球时报》的英文版以及中国日报的专栏写稿。

    I write op-eds for GT 's English edition ( and China Daily ) .

  15. 环球时报:美国是不是有一种倾向,它试图达到不切实际的安全要求?

    GT : Does the US have a tendency to pursue unrealistic security demands ?

  16. 《环球时报》国际报道特色分析与发展研究

    On International News Report of Global Times

  17. 中国《环球时报》记者陈刚也将出席活动。

    Cheng Gang , a journalist with the Global Times , is also slated to participate .

  18. 一些卖家也向《环球时报》证实,他们并没有收到这样的通知。

    Several vendors also confirmed with the Global Times that they have received no such notice .

  19. 《环球时报》拒绝置评。

    Global Times declined to comment .

  20. 然而,《环球时报》采访到的多数消费者都对这项服务表示了担忧。

    However , most customers the Global Times contacted said they have concerns about the service .

  21. 据《环球时报》英文版一篇文章,他在48000余名考生中取得了第一名。

    Li was first among over 48000 test takers , according to an article in the Global Times .

  22. 央视和《环球时报》的文章都已从各自的网站上撤下。

    Both the CCTV essay of the Global Times story have been removed from their respective organizations ' websites .

  23. 环球时报还邀请这些外国朋友谈谈他们对中国恋爱和婚姻的印象。

    The Global Times also asked these same foreigners to expound on their impression of Chinese dating and marriage .

  24. 《环球时报》的一篇社论也指出,各大学在帮助学生融入澳大利亚文化中发挥的作用甚微。

    An editorial in the Global Times also says universities have done little to help students integrate into Australian culture .

  25. 一位官员称,该法案将在年底送至议会进行表决。(来源:环球时报网)

    The proposal will be sent to parliament for approval by the end of the year , an official said .

  26. “库鲁”勇于“追求自由”的做法触动不少市民的心,冲绳不少居民强烈呼吁将“库鲁”放生,还它自由。(环球时报网)

    Kuru 's brave behaviour touched a lot of residents of Okinawa and they strongly appealed for dolphin 's freedom .

  27. 截至发稿时间,《环球时报》仍然无法联系上qq.com的母公司腾讯。

    Tencent , parent company of qq.com , could not be reached by the Global Times as of press time .

  28. 易富贤对环球时报说,计划生育造成的人口损失超过历史上任何一次战争。

    The population control campaign outweighs any war in the number of lives lost , Yi told the Global Times .

  29. 中国的一家报纸《环球时报》认为,破获这起案件奠定了“保护中国人人身安全的里程碑”。

    For global times , a Chinese newspaper , this was " a milestone for the safety of Chinese " .

  30. 一份北京的报纸《环球时报》表示不单只有铁道部“傲慢无礼”。

    The Global Times , a Beijing newspaper , said the railway ministry was not alone in its " arrogance " .